The voice of the audience was heard by Jiang Chen.

"Hey? How do you know that I am also a king?"

In a word, the audience held their breath.

The host, Ollie, speaks in Chinese.

"Jun... Jiang Chen..."

"Audience friends, I would like to introduce it to you in a fair manner. The first round of this promotion will be kicked off by two king-level beastmasters!"

"Look, everyone, there are already two beauties standing next to Jiang Chen.. Huh? Humanoid beast?"

Two Alengs descended in the air, and the chants of heaven and the demon whispered.

Two shadows hovering around Jiang Chen, their bodies draped in battle armor, emitting strong energy fluctuations, like a comet emitting black and white radiation.

The audience all looked sideways.

Jiang Chen chuckled, his white teeth flashed with a gleam.

A Leng instantly understood, crossed his hands into a gesture like the sun, and placed it on his full chest.

The light flowing in the golden armor on his chest suddenly burst out with a dazzling light.

"Holy Light! Demon Realm!"

The Holy Light of All Paths will descend in the air.

For ordinary people, this is a sacred blessing, and makes people feel like spring breeze.

But for the rotting corpses in the field, the light is torture.

The light swept across, burning the body like a flame, not only painful, but also fatal!



The living corpse made a terrifying sound, its body was cut apart by light, and its flesh melted.

Under the influence of the evil spirit, the dark bones took two steps under the pressure, and finally spread into a pile of broken bones and disappeared in the black energy.

The audience was stunned.

"This! This is the power of angels! The power of God!"

"Look! The miracle has come!"

The audience exclaimed one after another, and Vinci heard him.

"What! What did you say!"

The audience did not listen to his words.

As a result, he shouted more and more frantically.

"You idiots! Have you forgotten the true colors of those priests!"

"They are as bad as the land of no owner! Are you still advocating gods?"

But the nature of human beings is to respect the gods, so how can they give up the fear of gods because of the incomplete man's words?

Vinci was completely desperate.

At this moment, he understood that the Nordic League allowed to drive away the clergy, just wanting to use the devil Belial on him.

The ordinary people follow him only because they are afraid of his strength and can protect the selfish lives of the people.

His Fincher is still the same Fincher, as humble as when he was cut off, and as humiliating as when he was abused.

People respected his ideas on the surface, but still dismissed him in their hearts, and even called him a mother of yin and yang behind his back.

The misfortune and pain he suffered, the command reduced to people's jokes.

His heroic feats will only be taken for granted!

Vinci's heart gradually collapsed.

I don't know if he was disturbed by the Demon King, or because his heart was already dilapidated.


The black giant snake shook its wings, and the wind was strong.

A fierce coercion spread in an instant, and all the audience closed their mouths, not dare to say another word.

Vinci was still on the verge of madness.

"Hahaha! Shut up! Shut all your hypocritical and hateful mouths!!"

"You snobs! When I don't understand?"

"When do you value me? When are you willing to seek justice for me?"

Jiang Chen saw Vinci's madness.

Holy Aleng asked.

"Master, he seems to have transferred his anger to ordinary people. Should we stop him?"

Demon A Leng also said.

"Yes~ Let the Demon King bewitched again, he will definitely sacrifice himself and summon another ancient demon to the world!"

Jiang Chen hesitated to speak, but shook his head helplessly.

"It's too late. Look at the big snake on his body, his appearance has completely changed!"

I saw the evil spirit surged.

The black magic mist instantly poured into Vinci Lei's weak and thin body, turning him into pitch black.

Vinci's body has been taken over by the Despicable Lord!

His legs suddenly rose up and thickened, and a thick and long tail whip was wrapped around.


The wings on the back spread out, and the devil's emblem is engraved in the fleshy membrane.


When Vinci opened his eyes again, a terrifying light broke out in his eyes.

In the light, the six-pointed star array that represents the evil of death shone out.

The evil breath that made the back chill instantly spread.

Not only did Jiang Chen feel that, from afar, everyone on the court began to tremble.

They are afraid of the evil of the devil!

Hahaha! !

The roar of men and women instantly rushed into everyone's mind.

The audience hugged their heads, howled in pain, and some even cried loudly.

"Master Jiang Chen! Help us!"

"Lord Angel, please use your divine power!"

With the shrill roar, scarlet blood burst out from the audience's mouth and nose.

The more miserable people's howls, the more arrogant Vinci laughed.

At that moment, Finch's appearance evoked Jiang Chen's memory.

He couldn't help thinking of himself, being driven into a dead end by the four emperors of Kyoto on that nameless street in Kyoto.

The surrounding people, those who count on Jiang Chen's protection, those who have been protected by Jiang Chen.

Those who seemed kind and harmless all made noisy and annoying comments at the moment Jiang Chen was suppressed.

At this moment, Jiang Chen overlapped himself with Finch.

He wondered if he wanted to stop Vinci from running away and save the tens of thousands of people in this arena.


Vinci screamed again.

With fierce eyes, the coercion pointed at Jiang Chen.

"Hoho! Angels!!!"

"Today, let you see how much dross these self-proclaimed holy angels are hiding!"

"Take your armor! Take it off for me! Hahaha!"

Only this word awakened Jiang Chen instantly.

Vinci's figure instantly became ugly.

"A Leng! The Demon Lord suppresses the domain!"

The devil suppressed.

After absorbing the energy of the ancient demon, Aleng has the ability to suppress all the demon angels in the world!

All demons lose their power in the blood pressure.

Even Demon King Belial is no exception.


The devil A Leng gave a chuckle.

"Belier! Don't kneel down yet!"


a bolt from the blue!

The sound was rolling like thunder.

The audience thought that Jiang Chen would save them, but unexpectedly, Jiang Chen's beast exploded with a stronger evil force than the despicable Lord!

The demon Aleng laughed sharply.

"Belier! Come on!"

"Aren't you yelling for my armor!"

Look at Vinci who is possessed by the Despicable Lord.

His legs trembled and his tail twisted in pain.

Can imagine what kind of suffering he endured.

But Jiang Chen must suppress him.

Jiang Chen's whole body is transformed into a dragon when the sea is surging.

The power of the elements gathers, wrapping up the power of spirit like a bullet.

"Finch! Wake up!"

Sounds like a bell!

A translucent light wave burst out of Jiang Chen's mouth instantly!

The vast spiritual power is compressed in the power of the elements.


The air kept oscillating, and the light of the elements twisted like clouds.

Vinci is inevitable!


The mental cannonball exploded.

The devil's power on Vinci was hit, and it melted like oil, flying away!

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