God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1253: Thank you so much!

Early the next morning.

Yanhuang, Kyoto.


Pu Renyong knocked **** the table, gritted his teeth and looked at the news of the hero qualifying match.

Jiang Chen is shortlisted, and the final battle begins.

The news explained in detail how Jiang Chen used one to be a hundred, and even emptied the entire ring with one move, forcing the Nordic queen to beg for mercy and had to abandon the match.

"Jiang Chen! Damn!"

"It's still alive! Still alive!"

As he spoke, two cold sweats fell from his forehead.

Pu Renyong fancied that Jiang Chen could die just now, but he didn't expect Jiang Chen to be still alive. He was still alive.

Not only is he angry, but he is more afraid!

As long as Jiang Chen doesn't look like it, he will retaliate, he Pu Renyong promises to finish playing!

Seeing that his master was so nervous, the guard around him couldn't help but ask.

"Boss, didn't Jiang Chen be solved by you last time?"

"If he isn't dead, just **** him once!"

Pu Renyong immediately said anxiously.

"You know what a shit! In the last issue, I designed to attract the Beast Emperor to make a move, but Jiang Chen's fighting spirit broke out and shocked the street people, and finally attracted the Four Emperors to take action!"

"Even so, Jiang Chen is still alive!"

At this point, Pu Renyong's words were already trembling.

"No! I must have my own support!"

Pu Renyong forcibly calmed down for a few seconds, and saw the final battle news mentioned in the news corner.

"The prize is the Eye of Chaos?"

"Come on! Prepare a car and enter the palace!"

At the same time, Northern Europe.

Except for Jiang Chen, the three major arenas fought hard until late at night.

Five hundred people were killed or injured, leaving 18 finalists.

The prison guard Finch of the Soul Eater that Jiang Chen has seen, and the Phoenix Phoenix are on the list.

After the battle between the two weirdos yesterday, the battle power of the arena has risen to nearly 1.5 million.

This kind of strength is also the top combat power in the All Heroes Contest!

Jiang Chen pays attention to his opponent, and naturally his opponent also pays attention to Jiang Chen.

The players preparing for the battle talked about it.

"There are only 24 people who can enter the Twelve Star Palace Challenge. Jiang Chen and the others occupy six places. Is this still a fight?"

"We still have a chance to fight one by one."

"As soon as the result of the draw was announced, it was just a few happy and sad!"

"What I care more about is Jiang Chen, who unexpectedly broke out halfway, but with the name of 100,000 combat power, everyone thought it was a weak chicken!"

"His strength has not been revealed until now. The organizing committee only adjusted his combat strength to 1.5 million. What is his strength, we don't know until now!"

Sitting in the auditorium, Jiang Chen calmly looked at the combat crew's watch, and didn't mind the dozens of eyes around him staring at him.

Click! Click! Click!

There was the sound of boots hitting the ground.

Jiang Chen looked up and saw that it was Phoenix who walked to Jiang Chen in a big stride.

"Jiang Chen, you are here, the battle quota has been arranged, do you want to take a look with me?"

Jiang Chen smiled.

"Congratulations, because big brother has stood out."

Because Phoenix laughed heartily.

"Hahaha, nowhere! Compared to brother Jiang Chen, I was at best escaping in danger!"

"My five brothers in the band died and injured one, and none of the others were promoted. It can be said that they lost more than half of them!"

Jiang Chen frowned.

"Big brother, sorrow!"

"I have some medical skills. When this game is over, if I have time, I can definitely cure your musicians."

As Phoenix did not refuse, he saluted.

"Okay, thank you so much!"

"However, I am not the worst. How many groups have been lost in this preliminary match, it is still unknown!"

Jiang Chen frowned.

"So I don't quite understand why the Nordic people waste their lives in such games?"

Because Phoenix looked directly at Jiang Chen, his eyes flashed with a dazzling light.

He took a breath and said.

"Northern Europe, the birthplace of the Viking myth."

"The people here are fighting against the sea, against glaciers, ancient giants, and thousands of years of ice and snow."

"Every Nordic person has a belligerent instinct, and every Nordic person respects the etiquette of a warrior. Similarly, every Nordic person has personal heroism in his heart."

Jiang Chen nodded.

"Yes, I understand."

"In Yanhuang, we have an old saying that one general will succeed in everything."

"Obviously, the heroes of Northern Europe don't care about how many dead souls they have sacrificed."

In Phoenix nodded.

"Yes, I am also a Nordic."

Because Phoenix said very clearly, in order to fight for his fame and fortune, he and his soldiers have already died.

It is precisely because of this that hundreds of new heroes have entered the melting pot of the arena.

Promoting is like steelmaking. Thousand tons of rough stones are thrown into a furnace, and the final steel extracted and burnt may be less than one-tenth of the original weight.

Jiang Chen instantly understood the reason why the way of heroism was so popular in Northern Europe, and he also understood a little doubt in his heart.

"Well, Brother Phoenix, I respect you."

Because Phoenix smiled bitterly and said.

"Don't, this is not the time to talk about this."

"For a while, my opponent has already been decided."

Because Phoenix came up with a list of matches.

Jiang Chen saw that the opposite of his name was his lover Tang Shishi.

"I'm going..." Jiang Chen couldn't help sighing.

In Phoenix shook his head.

"Forget it, let's leave it alone."

"Jiang Chen, you are the first one, see you at the end."

Jiang Chen saw that he was going to be the first to appear.

He is also familiar with his opponent.

"Guardian of Soul Eater..."

As soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, Finch's name resounded through the audience!

It turned out that the information of the two was posted on the public screen of the arena.

On the left is Jiang Chen, and on the right of VS is the Warden of Soul Eater Vinci.

The referee and the host have begun to explain.

"The top twelve contest begins now!"

"Let's take a look at the first group of players, the new hero from Yanhuang, Jiang Chen!"

"Finch, the soul-eater, the warden of the prisons of northern gangs and war criminals!"

"Please come to the ring!"

Following the referee's guidance, Jiang Chen and Finch came to the ring and looked at each other.

Vinci spoke first.

"Jiang Chen! See you again!"

His voice is very nice, not as cold and cruel as the warden.

Jiang Chen has no affection for Niang Pao, but now he can only respond politely.

"Yes, congratulations to the warden for being promoted."

Jiang Chen's obvious perfunctory drew boos from the audience.

"Yanhuang people are really rude!"

When the host saw that the audience was so excited, he quickly responded.

"Uh, let's take a look at the comparison of the players' combat power."

"The two sides in this battle are matched by the system, and based on the combat mode and combat effectiveness, the opponents with comparable strength are selected.

"Jiang Chen's test combat power is 1.5 million, and Soul Eater's warden's test combat power is 2.2 million. There is not much difference between the two!"

As soon as he said this, Jiang Chen's mouth twitched, and a black line on his forehead.

Li Xiaofu simply bluntly said diss.

"My grandmother is a leg, your family manager is not worth 700,000 yuan?"

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