God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1215: Old man fishing

After verifying the incident.

Yinyue and Wang Peiying hurriedly rushed over from the crowd, and at a glance they saw the wronged Tang Yiyi.

Yinyue continued to apologize in accordance with human etiquette, thinking that she did not take care of Tang Yiyi.

Jiang Chen waved his hand on the surface, but immediately asked Yinyue through his mental power.

"Is there anything abnormal before Tang Yiyi was lost."

Yinyue spread her hands, her slender wolf claws swinging again and again.

"There is nothing unusual, but there are a lot of people watching us around."

Jiang Chen was suddenly puzzled.

"Watching you? Why?"

Yinyue smiled bitterly.

"I am a monster, and Yiyi is a foreigner."

"I also heard that they said something about the Nordic Union. I don't know if it matters."

Jiang Chen held his arms and pinched his chin, recalling Yinyue's words in his heart.

At this time, Tang Shishi Li Xiaofu and others have completed the process.

Sexual gambling is about to be sentenced.

Although he was not in the mood for pornography, gambling, drugs, Jiang Chen still paid attention to the result of the sentence.

There is a perfect evidence to support the people in Chang'an, that pornographic gambling and drugs were directly sentenced to a dungeon of the Tianwu commander and will never be released.

Jiang Chen heard the result very calmly, as if he had expected it a long time ago.

Li Xiaofu was very excited.

"Finally done! Guotai Min'an!"

Wang Sicong said haha.

"Now, we can retire!"

Although Jiang Chen laughed with the brothers on the surface, there was an ominous premonition in his heart.

Everyone in Chang'an was very happy.

Jiang Chen decided not to disturb the mood of a few people, and took everyone to find a Kyoto Grand Hotel to celebrate.

"This is the Kyoto Grand Hotel, a famous and time-honored brand."

Have you heard of cross talk, steamed lamb, steamed bear's paw, steamed deer tail, roasted duck, roasted chicken, roasted goose, braised pig, braised duck, sauced chicken, bacon, songhua tripe, dried meat, sausage! "

"These are the chef's specialty dishes!"

Jiang Chen was absolutely generous to Li Xiaofu and others.

Now there is a newcomer Tang Yiyi.

Although Jiang Chen still has some doubts, but now that Yan Huang is unified, Jiang Chen feels very comfortable.

So Jiang Chen ordered forty-five major dishes in one go, ready to enjoy it once.

Soon, all kinds of dishes are on the table

At the dinner table, Li Xiaofu feasted, while constantly belittling pornographic gambling drugs and Chuanmu.

"If it weren't for the **** Chuanmu Group, I might have taken the postgraduate entrance exam now!"

Wang Sicong also drank some wine and said disgustingly.

"Yeah! How many people's future lives have been lost by this **** Chuanmu! Should have been driven away long ago!"

Jiang Chenggang wanted to participate in the conversation between the brothers, but with a glance in his eyes, he suddenly realized that Tang Yiyi's expression was unnatural.

He kept an eye on his mind, observed carefully, and finally found a little doorway.

When everyone mentioned the war and Chuanmu, Tang Yiyi's big eyes were suddenly dull.

Jiang Chen wanted to immediately suppress Tang Yiyi's memory through mental power.

But split he gave up again.

War, Chuanmu.

These two words are almost the most disgusting words of the people of Yan and Huang. There are not a few people who are moved by these two words.

Jiang Chen could not use this as evidence and felt that Tang Yiyi had a problem.

Waiting patiently until everyone was full, Jiang Chen took everyone to take a bath and sang K, played billiards, and played arcade.

Everyone tossed until very late before returning to their residence-Xuanyuanshuang's house.

Shangguan Kitty made a decisive decision and slept with Xuanyuan Xueer on a bed.

Wang Sicong, Ye Lanyi and Li Xiaofu, Shangguan Fanxing, are naturally assigned one by one.

But Jiang Chen and Tang Shishi had to sleep separately today.

"Ai Concubine, you accompany Yiyi!"

Jiang Chen said.

"I found out at the dinner table today that when we were talking about the war, her mood fluctuated significantly. I think it was because she was injured too badly. You'd better accompany her."

When I heard Tang poetry, my heart felt soft, and he immediately agreed.

Jiang Chen went back to the room alone.

It's still the familiar room, or the courtyard where everyone eats barbecue.

It was here that Shangguan Kitty was assassinated many times.

It was also here that everyone in Chang'an united as one and conspired against the domain-level forces for the first time.

In the past, Jiang Chen sighed, and had many regrets and gains.

Now, Jiang Chen wants to look forward to the future, but finds that the future is far away.

Put Tang Shishi next to Tang Yiyi, Jiang Chen can sleep peacefully now.

After all, no matter how soft Tang Shishi's heart is, the strength is not covered, it is very easy to hold a little girl.

Jiang Chen sat on the bed cross-legged and closed his eyes to rest.

In the middle of the night, everything is silent.

But within Kyoto, the two figures in two corners began to push Jiang Chen into a state where it was impossible to recover!

The first figure, the chief guard who quietly walked into the container under the night-Brother Yong.

With a wretched face, he quickly opened the door of the container.


Unexpectedly, there is something else in a humble container!

Inside the gate, the lights are bright!

The coveted chips are staggered, the table turns, and the dice keeps rolling.

A lot of smoke gushes out from the men's mouth.

The women kissed the colorful banknotes printed with Yanhuang Land with their red lips like flames, and danced with the steel pipes.

This turned out to be an underground casino!

If you look closely, you will find that every gambler who comes here is a mission with a face in Kyoto.

The chips in their hands are also different from what they normally play.

Several golden chips with the number 1 written on them are placed in the dealer's area.

This 1 does not mean a dollar, but. . One billion!

The terrifying number on the poker table is actually just a bargaining chip the size of a coaster.

But everyone here doesn't care.

Because the people here are worth more than a trillion!

The table represents one hundred million chips. For gamblers here, ten million can be put out at any time!

Brother Yong jumped past the fun crowd and entered the luxurious container room.

The rooms here are connected by various containers, like a maze.

If you are not familiar with breaking into this place, you will definitely lose your way to despair.

Judging from the appearance of Brother Yong, he is already familiar with the road.

A chief guard knows everything about a multi-billionaire casino. This is where the trickery lies.

I saw that Brother Yong turned left and right, stepped on the cashmere carpet, and through the diamond-encrusted walls. Finally, he arrived at his destination.

An unattractive container space.

A hole was opened in the ground.

An old man was holding a fishing rod and was standing by the hole. He was fishing.

The skin of the aging eyes are tight, and they are closing their eyes to rest, as if they are already dead.

Really strange!

When Brother Yong arrived, he was already quite familiar with the status quo of the old man.

"Master Beast King!"

Brother Yong said.

The old man slowly raised his head.

"Oh! It's A Yong!"

"What? You found me here suddenly. Did you cause trouble outside?"

The old man asked, the A Yong in his mouth naturally refers to the Yong brother in the guard.

Although A Yong's urgency has been heard, his words are still lazy, completely different from A Yong's urgency.

"Master Beast King! You can be the master for me!"

"I entered the police and was killed and almost threatened with my life!"

It turns out that this old man fishing is A Yong's backstage!

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