God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1216: Mystery man

At the moment, A Yong repeated his experience with Jiang Chen.

Of course, the plot has changed under his careful choreography.

"Then Jiang Chen can't help but do evil!"

"He abducted a girl three or four years younger than himself, and said it was his younger sister. The ghost knows what he has done that is not as good as a beast!"

"As the captain of justice, I can't die without saving."

"But Jiang Chen was domineering and tough, and he beat me and a few brothers!"

"Then I somehow colluded with those running dog scum in the Astral Palace and gave the kidnapped girl a fake identity!"

A Yong is here to express his humor, describing Jiang Chen as a bully who does no evil.

The beast emperor has always maintained a fishing posture, but there is also anger flowing in his eyes.

"Really!" The Beast Emperor shouted, his eyebrows and beards stood up.

Obviously the story arranged by A Yong is not light.

A Yong took a look, and quickly fan the flames!

"Isn't it? Lord Beast King! That girl is not simple, she is a foreigner, and her ancestors must have invaded Yanhuang!"

"Since I have no identity, I am either an outside spy or a political prisoner smuggling."

"I held on to the body that was broken up by Jiang Chen to arrest the foreign woman, and also mentioned your name."

"Who knows that Jiang Chen said that he is not afraid of the Four Emperors of Kyoto at all!"

"Uncle Baishou! For the sake of my dad's dedication to you, you have to call the shots for me!"

The last pair of family cards, let A Yong's acting skills sublimate.

The Beast King blew his beard and stared.

"For so many years, Lao Yu, as the Four Emperors, is in charge of all the gray commercial areas in Yanhuang, and even the little **** who claims to be the Poison Emperor has to bear with him. I didn't expect another Jiang Chen to come out!"

"What's wrong with the younger generations now, everyone is so rampant, it won't work if you don't take care of them."

"You follow me, I will hold the Four Emperors' Meeting tonight, and I will make Jiang Chen look good!"

at the same time.

Under the bright moon, the brick wall in the Tianwu Pavilion dungeon was gently pried open.

A dark shadow slipped into the dungeon.

Almost immediately, the sound of pornography, gambling and drugs came from the dungeon.

"You are finally here!" he said to the shadow corner.

In the shadow of the corner, a strange voice came out, neither male nor female.

"It's just me, you are not worthy of our dispatch together!"

"The organization has given you enough assistance. Even the summoning demon circle is given to you. You still failed!"

"I think, according to the rules of my hometown, you might have to apologize with death!"

"How? Do you want me to be your wrong person?"

Huang Gambling trembling behind his back, his remnant body shivered constantly.

It can be seen that he was very nervous when he died.

But a few seconds later, he seemed to have given up resistance and suddenly relaxed.

"Forget it, die early and give birth early, your apologizing method is too abnormal, I'll do it myself!"

Just listen to the response from the person in the shadow corner.

"Yeah! That's a pity! It's an honor to let me be the wrong person!"

The voice just fell.


The coldness suddenly appeared.

A strange blade of pitch black flashed in the air without making any sound.


A human head fell to the ground, and plasma washed up on the ceiling.

It was cut with a sharp knife, and Huang Gambling hadn't closed his eyes.

"what a shame!"

Said the landed head.

The moonlight is still as bright as before, and the night in Kyoto continues quietly, as if nothing happened.

In an instant, the sky was bright.

Jiang Chen everyone gathered on Xuanyuan Mansion.

Shangguan kitten and Xuanyuan Xueer bid farewell.

Li Xiaofu smiled, obviously he had a good rest last night.

But Jiang Chen's attention has always been on Tang Shishi and Tang Yiyi.

When two beautiful women walked out of the boudoir with sleepy eyes, Jiang Chen's brain went blank.

"Bandit! What are you looking at!" Tang Shishi gave a soft voice.

Jiang Chen recovered immediately and touched his nose.

Xin said that she had known that Tang Yiyi was so cute, and she slept with Shishi yesterday.

Yesterday is past, and everyone faces the future.

Several people packed their bags and prepared to go back to Kyoto University to take a look.

The elites of Heisehui are now scattered all over Yanhuang and most of them are still working under the hands of the people in Chang'an, and they can all be alone.

Many of them have joined the pioneer organization, which is something Jiang Chen is gratified.

Several people went out on the street for a few minutes.

Suddenly, a large number of ambushes sprang up all over the street, surrounding the people in Chang'an.

Jiang Chenxin said, where is this?

But I saw that the person headed by Jiang Chen still knew him!

The expression on Jiang Chen's face immediately turned into a sneer.

"Yeah! Isn't this Mr. Yong who loves to check documents!"

"What's wrong! Ready to check it once a day?"

A Yong carried his hands behind his back, with an awesome look.

"You fart!"

"As the captain of the guard, this master is only a private visit in a micro service to be sympathetic to the people!"

"Checking your credentials can only represent this adult who is working hard and dedicated to serving the people!"

"Today I will tell you that I am under the command of the Four Emperors, the Chief Guard of Changping!"

Jiang Chen scratched his head at hearing.

He has been in Yanhuang for so long, and he has never heard of the names of the Four Emperors!

Not to mention the four emperors.

But looking at the dressing of the soldiers around, it is definitely not an extra or some liar.

Hand-held killers are calm and not nervous, these are genuine soldiers!

Jiang Chen frowned.

"Don't talk about the useless ones, even if you are in charge of some soldiers and military power, you must have evidence to surround me and arrest me!"

Ah Yong laughed.

"Evidence? I have the four emperors guarantee that you don't need evidence at all to kill you, kill you if you want!"

"It's you Jiang Chen! Assassin repeats pornography, gambling, and drugs, now intending to escape?"

"My lord is here, don't confess guilt quickly!"

Jiang Chen's eyelids twitched.

"Huang gambling is poisoned? What a joke, I personally put him in the dungeon!"

A Yong said with a smile.

"Haha! Pretend! Jiang Chen, follow me!"

"At one o'clock this morning, Huang Gambling and Poison died in the cell, his head was cut off with a sharp blade, and all the alarms and defense devices in the Tianwu Dungeon were not punished."

"I checked the information of everyone in Jingdong, and I was able to enter the Tianwu Dungeon without a sound to kill the king-level masters, and still not trigger all the alarms. The only master who left calmly is you! Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen did have a history of robbery, but the executor at the time was the Nightmare Emperor.

Moreover, the Nightmare Emperor was not silent, and it could even be said that he entered the cell with fanfare to grab people.

Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, are you kidding me? Convict this? Are you floating or I can't hold the knife?"

A Yong's face changed, and a sneer of mockery suddenly appeared.

"Oh? Master Jiang Chen wants proof, then I will give it to you!"

"Look at this coat, how do you explain it!"

After that, A Yong opened a witness bag, which was in a black trench coat that was dirty at first sight.

Jiang Chen recognized this dress at a glance.

That was the only piece of clothing that covered the girl when he rescued Tang Yiyi.

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