God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1214: Brother Yong

At this time, Brother Yong was forced to the cusp of the storm.

He said so many awe-inspiring things just now, that is, expecting Jiang Chen to be like a worldly person, be soft, compromise, and give some guards some benefits, but in the end it won't stop.

But Jiang Chen is not worldly at all.

He didn't follow Brother Yong's script at all.

"Check if you want, I'm leaving without checking!"

Jiang Chen put a word here, and immediately urged Brother Yong.

"Come on! Check it out!"

He jumped angrily, but no one moved.

That's Jiang Chen! Who dares to check!

As the domain owner, Jiang Chen is related to both Yan and Huang, not to mention the major forces, just to mention the two names of Tianwushuai and Xingsu Palace, the Blue Star was shocked!

Brother Yong is not a fool either. He dared to do this, and he was naturally backstage.

Brother Yong felt that since it was a conflict between two old guns, he had to fight for face.

In the confrontation, he felt that Jiang Chen slightly beat him.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, it is Jiang Chen who is going to be investigated now, and everyone around him is waiting to watch Brother Yong's good show.

At this time, several guards under Brother Yong came forward to persuade him.

"Brother! Don't forget it!"

"Yeah! It's just one identity, it's over if you give each other a face!"

When Brother Yong heard this, he let the beaten give Jiang Chen a face. Is it worth it?

"Check! Did you hear that!"

He glared at several guards.

The subordinates naturally rushed to check the information like a dog.

Brother Yong put on an arrogant look, and looked at each other with Jiang Chen.

It's not that he is stronger than Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen didn't care at all and didn't release coercion.

He picked up the phone and dialed directly to Zong Zheng.

"Master Zongzheng, I picked up an orphan, and now let her be registered in the Tang family!"

When Zong Zheng heard that Jiang Chen actually asked him for help, this was a great opportunity.

He knew that Jiang Chen valued love and righteousness, and that he valued a lot of affection.

If Jiang Chen owes favor to Jiang Chen because of an identity information, Zong Zheng has made a lot of money!

"Okay! I'll let someone do it now!"

Jiang Chen spoke bluntly and said immediately.

"Hurry up, the kid will be checked."

"I'm sending you the information, please trouble Master Zongzheng!"

Zongzheng promised.

But on the other side, the guards brought by Brother Yong had already checked.

Several people walked up holding the screen menacingly.

"Brother Yong, there is no information about her at all! She is not from Yanhuang!"

As soon as this statement was made, the crowd watching the theater around him immediately became excited.

What a big melon!

Jiang Chen's scandal!

In an instant, countless lights shot at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was surprised by the efficiency of the soldiers, and regretted that he hadn't acted early.

It seems that these guards are faster than the leader.

But Jiang Chen didn't feel idle in his heart, and immediately thought of a countermeasure.

"The identity of the little girl has just been registered, please try refreshing it again."

Several guards laughed.

"What are you kidding? Just registered?"

"How old is she, just registered!"

Jiang Chen responded impatiently.

"She is an orphan, and she doesn't even have a birth certificate. Take your head to register?"

Several guards immediately laughed at Jiang Chen.

"Hahaha! Funny! How dare to accept the orphanage without identity?"

"Are you afraid that there is no common sense? Even if the orphanage accepts unidentified orphans, they will not be registered?"

Jiang Chen's eyes widened, and his dragon eyes shone with golden light, immediately radiating endless pressure.

While the sword was at a stretch, Brother Yong smiled and waved his hand.

"Okay! Then refresh!"

A few soldiers were blindfolded, but saw Brother Yong winking quietly.

Helplessly, the guards began to recheck the information.

Just about to do it, Brother Yong quietly stepped forward, looking conspiracy.

"Don't worry, you guys, I have someone above me!"

"For a while, regardless of whether the girl has identity information, I will find someone to delete it!"

After talking, Brother Yong smiled.

The surrounding subordinates joined in and flattered.

"Niubi! Brother Yong Niubi!"

The guards didn't know, Jiang Chen heard all of their conversations clearly.

But Jiang Chen was not worried at all.

He had called Wei Yueyan long ago, and Tang Yiyi's physical identity card was delivered immediately.

However, he is still a bit different. A guard in Kyoto has such a large background, and he can modify his identity at any time!

No wonder you were so arrogant with yourself just now!

Sure enough, several guards grind and chirp for more than ten minutes, and finally yell in excitement.

"That's it! Brother Yong, all deleted!"

Brother Yong turned around with a big mouth.

"Speak down! Silly!"

Although he looked angry, there was a successful smile on his face.

"Haha! Is there no information?"

After getting an affirmative response, Brother Yong turned his head and faced Jiang Chen in an arrogant manner.

"Jiang Chen, there is no information, please give me an explanation!"

Jiang Chen was naturally disgusted and looked at Brother Yong with contempt.

It's really shameful that the head of the guard of the dignified judicial office is actually a rogue.

Seeing Jiang Chen's appearance, Brother Yong felt that Jiang Chen didn't want to be kind anymore.

"Come here! Get me up!" Brother Yong shouted.

The subordinates were instantly silly.

"Huh? What did you say, brother? Catch Jiang Chen?"

Brother Yong turned around again, and went down again.

"Are you sick! Can you catch Jiang Chen?"

"Catch that woman!"

After speaking, he pointed to Tang Yiyi.

Several guards surrounded Tang Yiyi with a treacherous smile.

"Girl Flower! Come back to work with us!"

Jiang Chen was immediately furious and was about to make a move.

But I saw a thunder in the sky.

A cold light flashed, and a bronze swallow dart quickly broke through the air, pierced the palms of the guards and nailed to the ground.


Several guards didn't react until the sound came out.

"Wow! It hurts!"

"Who is it! Who attacked!"

"Oh! My five girls! Five girls!"

With the wailing of several soldiers, Wei Yueyan Qianying slowly descended from the eaves.

call! call!

She was panting, obviously running in a hurry.

However, Wei Yueyan didn't even give herself time to rest.

"Here you!" Holding Tang Yiyi's identity card in her hand, she handed it to Jiang Chen.

The people around are stupid.

"That is... Lord Palace? Am I dreaming?"

"The Lord Palace Master manages everything every day, and even helped Jiang Chen to send his ID card?"

Looking at Jiang Chen again, a grateful smile immediately spread out on his face.

"Hehehe! Thank you sister! Thank you! Thank you very much!"

"Yiyi! Come over and thank you auntie! Thank you sister!"

Tang Yiyi blinked her big teary eyes and leaned in to bow to Wei Yueyan.

Wei Yueyan smiled.

"This is Xiao Yiyi! It's so beautiful!"

After speaking, he gave Jiang Chen a deep look.

Jiang Chen's residence identity card strode forward at this time.

"Come! Take a look!"

As he said, he put the ID card in front of Brother Yong.

Brother Yong was shaking all over.

This is just a fart, Wei Yueyan has run out, what is the point of not checking her identity?

Some people laughed out of the crowd watching the theater around.

"Hahahaha! This **** dare to investigate Jiang Chen!"

"Being arrogant and domineering because of a bit of a position, it's educated and deserves it!"

Listening to the harsh words, Brother Yong only felt a puff of blood from his neck splashed into his head, buzzing.

"Shut up! Trivial untouchables, what are you watching here!"

In turn, Brother Yong implicated the anger on Jiang Chen again.

"Tell you Jiang Chen, no matter what means you use, there is a problem with this woman's identity!"

"If you don't catch it today, I will catch it tomorrow! Let me wait and see!"

After that, he took a pair of guards and left angrily.

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