God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1017: Huangquan National Wilderness Skeleton

Third more

Jiang Chen glanced at it, and the huge skeleton general data had already appeared in front of him.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Huangquan National Wilderness Skeleton

【Monster Level】: Level 61 (Overlord Level)

[Monster quality]: perfect quality

[Monster Attribute]: Fighting System/Devil System

[Monster State]: War Intent

[Character of Monster Beast]: Legend has it that the male **** Izanagi, when he went to Huangquan to recover the goddess Izanami, saw Izanami’s body eaten by maggots, and was terrified.

Before escaping, Huang Quanguo sent the wild skeletons to the sun to pursue Izanagi. Izanagi took off the wooden comb from the ears and temples, pulled out a tooth, and the comb teeth turned into rapidly growing bamboo shoots, which grew in the bones of the wild skeletons. Left the wild skeleton in the sun

[Weaknesses of Monster Beasts]: Holy Light System

[Evolution route]: There are 3 evolution routes...

"It turned out to be a monster in the myth, but the myth of your island country is nothing more than a matter of men and women!"

Hearing Jiang Chen's vicious words to Huang Skull, the black-clothed young man suddenly exploded, directly revealing his true strength.

"Skull! The Royal Beast possesses!"

The boy burst into a loud shout, and a sudden flash of light flashed in his eyes, and the whole person turned into a stream of light and pierced into the huge body of the Huangquan Desolate Skeleton!

In the stunned eyes of everyone, Huangquan Guohuang Skeleton spouted endless evil spirits.

Roar! !

Roaring in his mouth, the fishy wind skipped the battlefield.


Huangquan National Wilderness Skeleton pulled out the huge bone knife in his hand.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen immediately drew out his pheasant sword and karma fire, standing proudly, without fear in his eyes.

It was too late and then soon, the huge body of Huangquan National Wilderness Skeleton had been cut off.

Among the bones, countless Huangquan souls ooze from the bones, crying and howling!

Cang! !

Two bone swords are staggered.

The muscles on Jiang Chen's arm exploded with amazing strength.

The huge bone sword of Huangquan National Wilderness Skeleton actually paused for a while, but the next moment, Jiang Chen's legs suddenly fell short.


Jiang Chen's knee slammed into the mud and bricks, and a large crack suddenly appeared under his feet.


Huangquan National Wilderness Skeleton let out a oozing laugh.

Jiang Chen was suppressed, Tang Shishi immediately exploded, and he rushed to help.

But seeing that the Titan behind Jiang Chen seemed to be spiritual, he turned around and waved his hand to Tang Shishi, beckoning her not to come forward.

I saw the two Titan curse imprints on Jiang Chen's arm burst out of unexpected light, stabbing people's eyes.

The terrifying power of the Titan slowly merged with Jiang Chen's body.

When I looked at Jiang Chen again, the Titan's phantom had completely wrapped Jiang Chen.

The huge black phantom and the wild skeleton stood on the opposite side.

Countless buildings dwarfed by the two giant figures.

Jiang Chen stood floating on the chest of Titan Void, his eyes full of power and sharpness.

The dark phantom shadow outlined the muscle lines of the Titan, and between the curse marks wriggling, the endless coercion rolled away.

With Jiang Chen's gesture, the huge bone sword of Huangquan Wild Skeleton was easily lifted by the Titan phantom.

All the dark parts are covered.

"This! Is this still human power!"

"Why does a Titan inheritance bring such tyrannical power!"

"He won't be the one who has the inheritance of Titans!"

Just as the Anbu was surprised, Jiang Chen had already chopped off the huge bone blade in the hand of Huangquan Wild Skeleton, and stabbed Huangquan Wild Skeleton's chest fiercely!


A huge gap was inserted into the chest of Huangquan National Wilderness Skeleton.

The two bone claws of Huangquan National Wild Skeleton also desperately tried to pull out the giant sword from his chest.

But Jiang Chen suddenly exerted strength in his hand, and the bone giant sword slanted to the side fiercely!


The skeleton of Huangquan National Wilderness Skeleton suddenly shattered!

The war between huge monsters brought huge cyclones.

The loud sound shocked everyone's sight, and two terrifying giant figures appeared on the media screen.

The people of the island countries are crazy.

"Look! Ultraman is fighting the little monster!"

"Is this making a movie!"

"too strong!"

Huangquan National Wilderness Skeleton's body crooked and fell into the house feebly.

The surrounding area has been smashed into ruins.

Anbu's plan to quietly kill Jiang Chen failed.

And the Titan Curse Seal has also been integrated by Jiang Chen.

It's not that the dark part is not strong enough.

But the strength of Jiang Chen's five spells combined into one is stronger.

One hit to victory, Jiang Chen really reached the point of a humanoid monster!

At this time, Huangquan National Wilderness Skeleton's chest, a huge bone sword inserted obliquely, and the endless aura of Huangquan began to diffuse into the air uncontrollably.

A master's trick, even if it is just one trick, is enough to be fatal.


The skeleton of Huangquan’s wild skeleton shattered.

The bones collapsed suddenly.

The young boy in Anbe was cut through by the huge skeleton.

And those Anbu who would rather be jade fragments took advantage of the misty air at this time, and turned around and fled.

Regardless of their captain's death under Jiang Chen's sword.

Jiang Chen scratched his head.

"This island country's jade fragmentation consciousness is nothing more than that!"

"It's finished!"

Jiang Chen lifted the state of the explosion of the curse seal and reunited with everyone in Chang'an.

The surrounding ruins had buried Anbu's corpses, and the crowd moved away after being beaten and killed.

It didn't take long for Jiang Chen to leave before Tamiya Manzo arrived late.

When he saw the dead young man's body, he couldn't help but collapsed.

Even Anbu couldn't help Jiang Chen. His own ancient void whale turned into Tie Hanhan, and no one in the island country could shake Jiang Chen.

Tamiya Manzo was shocked and terrified, angry and hated, but could do nothing.

At this time, no one dared to stop Jiang Chen, and they were already on their way home.

This news was sent back to Yanhuang, and for a while, the entire league was full of lights!

Zong Zheng personally ordered a commendation meeting for Jiang Chen.

All Yanhuang, from the people to the top, all spontaneously called for Jiang Chen's aid.

The Northern Territory, the Central Territory, and the Southern Territory all welcomed Jiang Chen's return as a hero.

But in the whole Yanhuang, there is only one place where there is no festive atmosphere.

It was as if Jiang Chen's return of honor did not attract attention at all, but it made people feel depressed.

This is the Shangguan's family who has troubled Jiang Chen repeatedly!

Once, under the influence of Chuanmu and Ji Youban, they continued to assassinate Jiang Chen and Shangguan Kitty.

Just a few days ago, Jiang Chen was on his way to the island country to participate in a world competition. Shangguan's family also got in the way, ruining the Jiang Chen airship and almost killing the innocent captain and crew on the airship!

When Jiang Chen went to the island country, Chuanmu of the island country patted his chest and packed the ticket and said that Jiang Chen would definitely die in Hokkaido.

Now Jiang Chen is full of glory and returns to his hometown.

Shangguan's family is directly afraid!

Jiang Chen took the championship!

When he comes back, he must be a high-ranking official, the people's aspirations, and the power!

When the time comes, Jiang Chen will come to a new hatred and settle the old hatred together, then won't he belch directly at the Shangguan family?

For a time, all the senior officials of the Shangguan family gathered together to discuss the matter.

At the party, the Shangguan family was helpless in the face of this passive situation.

But Shangguan Yunhe is not an ordinary character.

He doesn't like being passive, so he will turn passive into active!

"Everyone! I have a proposal!"

At the noisy family council, Shangguan Yunhe gritted his teeth and said.

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