God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1018: ASEAN independence!

Shangguan Yunhe hated Jiang Chen.

His ambition is not a day or two.

In order to achieve his own goals, Shangguan Yunhe would not let go of his daughter.

Now, because of Jiang Chen's surprise, Shangguan Yunhe had to advance his plan untimely.

That is, rebellion against Yanhuang!

At this moment, Yanhuang Dongyu News Broadcast Station.

Shangguan Yunhe stood serious in front of the camera.

"Due to Zong Zheng's cowardice and incompetence, and the inaction of the five regions of Yan and Huang, we can't catch up with the international trend of Blue Star and will always be behind with other alliances.

"For this, I did a special study and thought of various possibilities."

"But because of Jiang Chen, a rebellious thief, I cannot be mentioned on the table in my plan!"

"I am dedicated to Yan Huang, and my family is an established family that has stood for hundreds of years."

"I have my sense of responsibility and mission. I feel that facing such a situation, I must do something!"

"Now I declare that the Eastern Region is independent!"

"I have a clear line with Yanhuang, and established the ASEAN name! Since then, the two rules!"

After the news was broadcast, Quan Yanhuang immediately calmed down from the hustle and bustle of celebration.

In silence, with panic.

The panic of the common people.

The gates of various cities in the Eastern Region have been closed.

At the moment Shangguan Yunhe made his rebellious remarks, the entire Yanhuang Eastern Region was already out of control.

All of a sudden, rumors and rumors about a war quickly invaded all corners of the world.

Yanhuang News directly exploded.

The entire Blue Star news exploded.

Unexpected things happen, and people are always caught off guard.

Zong Zheng's quick organizers advised, but Shangguan Yunhe's wolf ambition would never give up easily just because of Zong Zheng's good words or two.

The Yanhuang media began to condemn endlessly.

Facing a lot of verbal criticism, Shangguan Yunhe didn't care and rushed to make a banner overnight.

At this time, ASEAN was publicly registered in the International Federation, known as ASEAN.

The leader is known as the Holy Lord, and Shangguan Yunhe temporarily assumes the post.

The entire eastern region was blocked, and the pass turned its guns toward the compatriots.

Military, three marshals, ten generals.

It also released news that the Eastern Region had more than 200,000 soldiers and horses.

The moment this registration letter was submitted to the International Federation, Blue Star shocked!

At this time, Zong Zheng's phone number was almost blown up.

He has no time to care about others now.

The Eastern Region suddenly turned its guns and killed nearly 30,000 defenders on the border before declaring independence.

The entire Eastern Region is like an iron barrel now, and it is definitely not a way to force it in.

Zong Zheng scratched his forehead, and in desperation, sent troops east!

Whenever things can turn for the better, you will never send troops rashly if you are honest.

At this moment, Zong Zheng's reason for sending troops was still that he was afraid that Shangguan Yunhe, a madman, would go mad again and sweep the northeast.

Jiang Chen is not in the Northern Territory. If there are no soldiers at the northeast border, he will be invaded by Shangguan Yunhe!

The situation became more and more tense.

The registration form submitted by Shangguan Yunhe in the international community was actually reviewed by the International Federation and entered the voting stage of the council!

This review is nothing short of a farce!

The reason for Shangguan Yunhe's independence is simply beyond scrutiny.

It is a joke that the International Federation passed the ASEAN registration application form without the participation of the Yanhuang Alliance.

The sudden opening of the vote also caught Zong Zheng caught off guard.

Unsurprisingly, the first to stand up for ASEAN independence is the Alliance of Islands!

In the live video, the leader of the Alliance of Islands Tamiya Manzo raised his hands and feet in favor of ASEAN's independence, and quickly signed the documents, which immediately recognized the legitimacy of ASEAN's existence.

At this time, in order to accelerate the progress, ASEAN began to actively connect with the major alliances!

Nothing else, just to canvass for oneself.

And Shangguan Yunhe also advertised that people don't stand firmly.

First, the first one contacted the Trump Alliance, and the second one was the Eagle Nations Alliance.

Not only did he lick his belt and kneel down four times in a row, he also promised that if he voted through the ballot and supported ASEAN on behalf of the All League and recognized the legitimacy of ASEAN, he agreed to the Trump alliance to install an anti-missile system in the eastern territories.

Allow Eagle Nation to sell large cigarettes in the Eastern Region.

Promise to set up 500G network base stations for the Pyramid Alliance for free.

He immediately donated a large sum of money to the Island Nations Alliance. The reason is that there are frequent earthquakes in the island country. Maybe it should sink under the water someday. It should spend more.

The island country immediately gave feedback and strongly supported the independence of the Eastern Region.

The Bribery Committee has been upright, but no one has come out to stop it!

This is the nature of the world. Regardless of dynasties, there are only benefits.

As long as the interests are large enough, laws, morals, culture, and history do not exist!

Another example is the Pyramid League, where his top talent was killed by Yanhuang himself, so he hopes that Yanhuang will fall.

Other leagues are also happy to watch the show.

After all, Jiang Chen's appearance in the Blue Star Beastmaster Competition is too dazzling!

Many people are envious and jealous!

The Trump Alliance and the Eagle Alliance had originally thought that once Jiang Chen returned to China, Yan Huang would definitely become a hegemonic power.

However, the Eastern Region suddenly declared independence.

This time, the two league leaders were really happy.

And once the ASEAN was recognized as legal, Trump's anti-missile device was directly stopped at Yanhuang's door!

The dirty smoke business of the Eagle Alliance will also directly enter the Yanhuang hinterland.

Why not do this kind of first-class good thing?

People's eyes are sharp.

Shangguan Yunhe used all means for his independence and was simply shameless.

For a moment, Shangguan Yunhe's head was immediately buckled as a traitor.

Seeing that the major leagues are about to pass the results of illegally interfering in the ballots, Zong Zheng had a dialogue to reverse the situation at the moment of danger!

On the ocean-going ship, Jiang Chen was making fish sashimi for everyone.

He still regrets that he has not eaten the first sashimi in the island country. After all, such a small island country will sink someday, and the sashimi will become a cultural heritage.

But Jiang Chen's eating method at this time is completely different from that of the islanders.

Jiang Chen is eaten with vinegar.

The crystal clear grouper is spread on the wooden pallet, dipped in balsamic vinegar and mustard.

After a bite, the taste is smooth and the meat is tender.

The vinegar is appetizing, the sour taste relieves greasiness, and the yellow mustard is extremely fragrant, which removes the fishy smell of fish.

Fresh, fragrant and tender, with endless aftertaste!

Just as Jiang Chen everyone was enjoying the delicious food on earth, a phone call came in.

"Crack? Your lord, are you ready to warmly welcome me back home?"

At this time, the ocean-going ship was approaching Yanhuang land, so there was a communication signal.

But Jiang Chen hasn't seen the news yet.

Just listening to Zongzheng's words is full of eagerness!

"Jiang Chen! The big event is not good!"

As soon as this remark came out, Jiang Chen was stunned.

"What's the matter, Master Zong Zheng!"

Zong Zheng immediately told Jiang Chen all the sudden emergencies that had occurred within 12 hours.

"I am now very worried that the international community will follow suit and support the Eastern Region!"

"Go on like this! The Eastern Region is really legally independent!"

After listening to Jiang Chen, his eyes rolled and he chuckles on the spot.

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