God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1016: Titan inheritance, fusion!

In Jiang Chen's eyes, there was a murderous look.

Chuanmu Group is sinister and cruel, and its sins should be punishable!

"He Fatty, you bury them in the soil after brushing your teeth!"

Fatty He wiped his face and replied.

A few minutes later, six dead heads were buried in the backyard of the hotel.

Jiang Chen sat on the wicker chair transformed into a purple emperor vine, with the demon knife Cunzheng who carried the Shangguan kitten in his hand.

"I'm giving you one last chance, what exactly is Chuanmu's plan for!"

Jiang Chen's words caused several Chuanmu players who were in endless pain to collapse more and more.

It took a long time for someone to say in a crushing voice.

"Kill me, please."

Jiang Chen looked at them with disgust.

"It's easy to kill you, but I don't want you to die so easily."

"Chuanmu Group does not hesitate to pay the price of selling the motherland, but also to blow up all Blue Star's star Beast Master. It is definitely not as simple as trying to lead the strongest Beast Master."

"You have more sinister intentions."

"But it doesn't matter if you don't say it, anyway, you are already the people who entered the soil."

As Jiang Chen said, he took a can of sugar water from Li Xiaofu.

Holding a knife in his hand, he gently slashed the arms of several Chuanmu players.

Then, evenly pour sugar water into the wound.

Within ten minutes, a colony of ants came up.

Under the temptation of sugar water, the ants will enter the skin with the wound.

The six Chuanmu players will die in extreme pain.

The ants began to carry the skin and flesh of these guys.

The wound is itchy and painful.

The six could not see anything, and they had no hands to scratch.

Finally, the captain yelled for collapse.

"We really don't know anything!"

Jiang Chen put away the demon knife.

"I never thought you would know that if you harm me, this kind of death is considered light!"

"Shishi, Xiao Cong, let's pack our things and leave, just leave them here and feed the ants!"

While talking, Jiang Chen and the others returned to the room, and each gestured and saluted.

The crazy roar of the six Kawaki finally stopped after two hours.

The mud pressed the chest cavity, unable to breathe, and howled loudly.

They may not die of pain, but exhausted from shouting.

Everyone in Chang'an turned around and left regardless of the life or death of the waste.

But I didn't expect it, the matter was not over yet.

Just as Jiang Chen opened the door, thirty-two shurikens danced wildly across Jiang Chen's face.

Like ordinary people, these shurikens are dead.

But Jiang Chen is no ordinary person.


A piece of dragon scale suddenly drilled out of the skin and grew on the cheekbones.

The shuriken and the dragon scale metal interlaced and flew directly.

Jiang Chen waved his hand, and everyone in Changan stopped.

Looking up, the whole street was already clear.

In the woods in the distance, countless murderous eyes shot towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's eyes turned into a dragon shape, and the power of his spirit suddenly exploded.


A strong, transparent impact shot straight into the woods.


A ninja fell to the ground.

The face of the ninja wears a mask of ghosts and dragons.


Fatty He said slightly surprised.

Jiang Chen knew Anbu.

This is the spy organization of the island country, just like the KGB of the bear country and the MI6 of the eagle country.

Jianmu is responsible for some shady activities such as assassinations, massacres, or wiretapping.

Jiang Chen could guess the intention of these people with his heel.

Kill yourself and regain the Titan inheritance that the prize goes to your own hands.



Smoke exploded.

A young man wearing a ninja armor and a ghost mask walked out of the blind spot.

"Jiang Chen! Quickly follow us back for trial!"

Jiang Chen smiled on the spot.

"Huh? On trial?"

"Who gave you the courage to interrogate me? Liang Jingru?"

"Wait for Xiaoxiao, I'm afraid that you still don't know. There are still six dead heads buried in the courtyard behind Lao Tzu!"

The black-clothed ninja boy looked at Jiang Chen, gritted his teeth and said.

"Jiang Chen! You are suspected of killing the good people of the island country. You are very guilty. You will be tried quickly and return to the Titan Legacy!"

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.


"I won't pay it back, what can you do?"

The black-clothed boy bowed slightly.

"Then kill you!"

As soon as the voice fell, a dozen ninja figures suddenly jumped up in the woods.

The swaying magic patterns burst on the armor of these ninjas.


An astonishing power burst out of the armor.

And this power has become an impact, attacking Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen was very calm.

He flipped his hand and took out a dark piece of nail.

The curse mark on the piece of armor wriggles, it is the inheritance of the Titan!

Jiang Chen stood proudly, holding the Titan inheritance close to his arm without any fluctuations.

"Titan inheritance, fusion!"

Zheng! !


The twisted inscription burst into the sky, and the endless pressure suddenly fell.

The tyrannical aura suddenly caused a dozen ninjas to suddenly stagnate.


Jiang Chen sneered!

I saw outside his body, the power of the Titan has been ignited!

The dark flames are burning, but Jiang Chen's arm muscles are constantly expanding!

Every time the muscles bulge, there is a violent air current that swept across.

It was like a thunder on the flat ground.

At this time, the armored ninja has rushed closer.

Jiang Chen didn't even change his posture, and suddenly stretched out his big hand!


With a punch, the armor pierced through.


The ninja suddenly spewed out a big mouthful of blood, seeing that he was dead!

But the islanders have this kind of culture of never giving up.

The rest of the ninjas did not fear at all, and continued to rush towards Jiang Chen.

The armor attacked from all angles, preparing to attack Jiang Chen from behind before Jiang Chen could withdraw his hands.

Unexpectedly, a fierce energy flame burst out from behind Jiang Chen.

In the flames, a Titan suddenly opened his eyes.

For a time, it was like stars rippling in the sea.

Roar! !

The Titan phantom suddenly roared.

The five curse seals on Jiang Chen flowed wildly.


A strong shock wave suddenly blasted towards the sneaking ninja.

The impact first shattered the outer armor of these ninjas, and the armor fragments severely pierced the human body.

And Titan Power can rub against the air, emitting a terrifying and fatal high temperature.

The human body is instantly carbonized.

The ninjas hit by the Titans all turned into a pile of coke, and they smashed to the ground with a chirp.

At this time, the black-clothed boy leader had already panicked.

But the death education he received made him unable to retreat.

All he can do now is go all out.

Either Jiang Chen died in his hands, or he died in Jiang Chen's hands.

I saw the power of the elemental horror burst out of his hands.

"Psychicism! Ten Thousand Bone Warriors!"


The smoke exploded.

A tall giant bone statue stands on the street.

There were countless bones scattered on the bone statue, like a shogunate.

In the tall body, there is a terrorist explosive power.

In the hollow eyes, white dead souls are constantly drilling and drilling, and strange evil spirit inscriptions surround the body.

Jiang Chen became interested, and in front of him was a giant monster beast made of bones!

The horrible pressure of palpitations slowly dissipated, and a natural bone katana was pinned to his waist.

Under the armor, the long hair made up of finger joints wafted wantonly.

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