God of Shuratan

Chapter 2341: Surrender or die!

"Yes, my lord!"

The strong tiger head respectfully and authentically, he quickly set off to the 39th area, and with him all the strong from the mid-level team.

Eight hundred people!

As the strongest force in the Qingyan Region, although the Tianhu Gang where the tiger head belongs does not have a senior team, it has six intermediate teams!

And there are many low-level teams!

The strong tiger head is respected as the Decepticon Tianzun, an elder of the Tianhu Gang, and the captain of an intermediate team!

The mid-level team has one hundred to one thousand personnel. His strength is very strong. The entire team can have eight hundred people, which makes him a very strong mid-level team!

Moreover, the strength of every member of this team is not weak.

The basic combat power is over 10,000.

And at least there are two powerful treasures, many of them have three powerful treasures, and their combat power is much stronger than ordinary powerful ones of the same level.

"Master Tyrant, why are you here."

"If you have anything, just tell me."

When the Decepticon Tianzun arrived at Area 39, he immediately gathered a dozen or so mid-level teams here.

"There is an abnormal situation in your 39th area. Block the entire 39th area, understand?"

"If the other party walks with me obediently, nothing will happen to you. If the other party is not obedient, find the other party!"

Decepticon Tianzun said coldly.

"Yes Yes!"

The rest of the strong nodded again and again. On the Qingyan Domain, they couldn't offend the Tianhu Gang, but the Tianhu Gang would not easily deal with them.

It can be done secretly. If it is too much on the surface, it will force many forces to deal with the Tianhu Gang. This is not appropriate!

Immediately, a dozen mid-level teams in the 39th district contacted many bronze teams!

Some of those bronze teams are their subordinate forces, while the others are not, but they will be more or less face-off!

In a short period of time, many forces in the 39th district took action.

Pieces of nets spread across the 39th district!

"Captain, that guy is really lucky. He actually alarmed the Tianhu Gang. There are so many benefits to join the Tianhu Gang."

"This should be what the other party thinks."

"Make some movement, and then attract the Tianhu Gang to recruit, a very practical strategy, but unfortunately our strength is not enough, the Tianhu Gang will not want it at all."

A strong man in a small team talked about it.

Qin Yang happened to be not far from them!

"The person they are talking about, isn't it me?"

Qin Yang muttered in his heart.

Without acting rashly, Qin Yang continued to hide and listen to them. After a few minutes, he confirmed that they were talking about himself.

"It shocked the Tianhu Gang so quickly, the control of the Tianhu Gang is really strong!"

Qin Yang frowned secretly.

Thirty or so people have already joined his team. Of course he knows what kind of power the Tianhu Gang is. On the Qingyan Domain, the Tianhu Gang is the most powerful force.

There are six mid-level teams and fifty low-level teams!

The total number of strong players in the intermediate team is about four thousand.

For fifty or so low-level teams, it is about four thousand!

It’s just that these powerful subordinates have reached 8,000. They are not directly subordinate to the Tianhu Gang, but the Tianhu Gang can also mobilize some powerhouses that are estimated to exceed 100,000. The Tianhu Gang in Qingyan Region is definitely The most powerful earth snake!

The Tianhu Gang now has no advanced tokens. If you get the advanced tokens, the Tianhu Gang will soon have a high-level team, and the influence will be even stronger!

"Unnamed strong in area 39, Tianhu help invites you to join!"

"Please go to the No. 1 Trading Tower here in Area 39!"

Qin Yang was staring at one of the strong men suddenly loudly, his voice spreading far away.

In other places, there are also strong people who have been summoned. They also shouted that many strong people have done this, which is enough to ensure that the entire 39th area is covered!

In this case, if he does not go to Trading Tower No. 1, he will not join the Tianhu Gang.

Or to show his identity, to show that he has a great background, if this is the case, the Tianhu Gang will probably ignore him again.

Or, you can only choose to fight against the Tianhu Gang!

"The Tianhu Gang is not a good force. Joining the Tianhu Gang will definitely have no good fruit."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.

He is not ignorant of the Tianhu Gang now. The Tianhu Gang is fierce externally, which is nothing, but it is also a high-pressure rule internally!

The leader Pang Tianhu is not a generous person!

"Tell the Tianhu Gang to trouble. I don't want to join the Tianhu Gang, but I don't intend to be an enemy of the Tianhu Gang. I will leave soon."

Qin Yang's voice resounded in the mind of the strong man who was shouting not far away.

The face of the strong man suddenly changed.

The person the Tianhu Gang was looking for was actually near them!

"Daoist, in fact, it is better for you to join the Tianhu Gang. If you refuse, I'm afraid that there is no good fruit to eat, you may wish to consider it."

The strong man Qin Yang contacted sent a message to Qin Yang, and at the same time he quickly passed the news to the other strong men.

"Don't think about it."

"I have no plans to join any forces. I hope the Tianhu Gang will understand."

Qin Yang reported.

Although the Tianhu Gang is the most powerful force in the entire Qingyan Region, he has not yet dealt with the strong of the Tianhu Gang, and he does not want to provoke the Tianhu Gang for the time being.

The news soon reached the ears of the Decepticon Tianzun.

The Decepticon Tianzun frowned. Normally, there is a strong person making a little movement on the Qingyan Domain. If the opponent does not join, the Tianhu Gang does not necessarily kill the opponent.

But recently the Tianhu Gang is planning to annex a relatively strong force, which is very important to the Tianhu Gang. He understands the meaning of the helper Pang Tianhu, and kills chickens and monkeys!

If Qin Yang agrees, the Tianhu Gang will have one more general.

The strong who can make a lot of movement in a short period of time are definitely not weak.

If they don't agree, the Tianhu Gang will show off its edge.

"Summoning to the other party, the other party has only two choices, surrender to our Tianhu Gang, or die!"

Venerable Tyrant preached coldly.

At the same time, he led the team to Qin Yang's side quickly, and he sent orders to many forces to block them with all their strength.

"Friends, might as well tell you, Lord Tyrant came here in person, and Lord Tyrant meant that if you don't surrender, you will die!"

"You should surrender, fellow Taoist!"

The strong man Qin Yang contacted received the news, and he sent it to Qin Yang.

"Surrender or die, hum!"

The cold light flickered in Qin Yang's eyes.

If he is a general strong, he will choose to surrender, after all, the strength of the Tianhu Gang is really strong.

But if you are used to being the boss, how can you get used to being a brother in Tianhu League?

If Pang Tianhu asked him to kneel, he had to kneel down, which he couldn't bear!

Besides, he has treasures like Prison Sky, if Pang Tianhu knows, Pang Tianhu will definitely take his life every minute!

"You have to leave quickly!"

It was naturally impossible to join the Tianhu Gang, and there was no strength to fight against the Tianhu Gang, and Qin Yang quickly escaped.

It didn't take long for Qin Yang to encircle the rest of the powerful men who had been besieged and killed.

These powerhouses spread out and formed giant nets. If Qin Yang was weaker, he would be easily spotted by the giant nets.


Qin Yang suppressed his breath with all his strength, his 60,000-point defense was not a joke, and the group of strong men who came around did not find his trace.

In just five minutes, Qin Yang encountered several layers of encirclement, and there were a lot of forces to act!

As long as you find him, you can definitely get a lot of benefits from the Tianhu Gang!

"Good guy, if my defense is not so strong, I'm afraid I may not be able to escape such searches."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.

For some strong people, Qin Yang could feel that they even used taboo techniques. Under such circumstances, some strong people's search ability was greatly enhanced!

"Venerable Tyrant, the other party contacted me."

"But we didn't find each other."

In just a few minutes, Venerable Tyrant had arrived at the spot where Qin Yang had just been, and he found the strong team that Qin Yang had contacted.

"I don't know how to praise, look for it right away, and find the opponent to this seat."

Venerable Tyrant said coldly. He said that the 800 or so strong men under his hand act immediately, and they dispersed, looking for any clues.

As long as they are found, Qin Yang will definitely die!

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