God of Shuratan

Chapter 2342: A long-range attack is coming!

The eight hundred strong, each one is quite powerful, and some of them have special means, much better than the strong at the same level in tracing people.

"Captain, calm down, that guy doesn't know how to lift up, and soon he has to kneel in front of you, begging."

A coquettish woman next to Venerable Tyrant said softly.


Venerable Tyrant nodded.

There have been such things more than once before, and there are other strong men who don’t want to join the Tianhu Gang, but they ended up miserably!

There are many strong people in Tianhu, and it can mobilize many other strong people to help, it is difficult to avoid chasing and killing!

"Captain, take a break, I think that guy will be caught back at most an hour!"

"Huh, I don't know good and bad things, let him know how good this seat is!"

Venerable Tyrant's eyes flickered fiercely.

In front of Pang Tianhu, Lord Tyrant was very respectful. Pang Tianhu was stronger and had an amazing background.

But in front of the rest of the people, Lord Tyrant's temper is not very good!

"Captain, you calm down."

The woman's body leaned to the side of Venerable Decepticon, and Venerable Decepticon laughed and hugged her directly, and a barrier appeared around her.


The cold light flickered in Qin Yang's eyes, and the Tianhu Gang was really domineering.

He made it very clear that he didn't want to be an enemy of the Tianhu Gang, and he said that he would leave soon, and he was hunted down with fanfare.

Qin Yang wanted to kill the strong man of the Tianhu Gang.

But Qin Yang still held back!

The strong guys of the Tianhu Gang definitely keep in touch with each other to ensure that if there is a problem, someone will pass by immediately. As long as he kills one person, it is estimated that he will reveal his current position in a few seconds.

Then the strong one who is close is estimated to directly break through the space and come!

The stronger ones who are farther away will definitely come over within a minute!

Those who entered this area were all powerhouses at the Tianzun level, and those from the Tianhu Gang were all elites. To look down on the enemy was definitely an act of seeking death.

In a situation like Qin Yang, it was already very good to be able to escape.

Converging his breath and hiding his figure, Qin Yang fled as fast as he could. If he flees slowly, there will definitely be more powerful people around. Even the Tianhu Gang will send powerful people over, and he hides in place It is definitely not a wise choice!

On the way to escape, layer upon layer of blockades, many barriers, many prohibitions, traps, etc., if Qin Yang was only strong in combat power, he would never escape, but Qin Yang was not only strong, but also extremely powerful in his formation. !

Enchantment, prohibition or something, as long as it is not particularly powerful, Qin Yang can pass through it silently, and it is difficult for traps to reach Qin Yang!

In half an hour, Qin Yang had already escaped relatively far, but he had not left the 39th area!

"How's it going?"

The Decepticon Tianzun fought a battle with that coquettish woman, and when the battle ended, he sent a message and asked.

"Captain, something is wrong, we haven't found a clue yet."

"The opponent's strength may be higher than we estimated!"

A confidant of the Decepticon Tianzun immediately responded.

"No clue yet?"

"Hmph, I was thinking about catching the opponent alive, nothing more, I don't want to give the opponent a chance, the five groups are ready to kill the opponent directly!"

Decepticon Tianzun coldly spread the message.

His team is divided into nine groups. The fifth group is all strong men who are good at curses. They can curse Qin Yang without seeing Qin Yang.

Some strong people here are missing and dying. They can act causally in this regard!

"Yes, my lord!"

The order was immediately issued to five groups of strong men, and dozens of five groups of strong men who were good at cursing gathered within half a minute!

In a short time, they formed a powerful battle formation.

There are dozens of strong people missing or dead, they don't know all of them, but they know a small part of them!

And know their soul breath.

The soul breath of one of the strong men immediately entered into a huge black crystal in the center of the battle formation. If this strong man is dead and Qin Yang kills him, he must have a causal connection with him. They can attack Qin remotely through causal contact. Yang!

From a distance, Qin Yang felt heart palpitations!

"Something's wrong!"

Qin Yang hid in his own space treasure in an instant. The thirty or so strong in his team are now in a formation. The formation is arranged by Qin Yang. They cannot see each other, but they can provide a strong defense for the formation. power.


On their side of the Decepticon Heavenly Sovereign, terrifying voices rang from the heavens and the earth, like countless evil ghosts roaring.

The long-range curse was activated, and the curse power quickly disappeared.

These cursing powers came directly to Qin Yang's side by avoiding the causal connection.

With Qin Yang's current strength, after he killed someone, he still couldn't cut the causal connection.

The formation formed by Qin Yang and the others turned into a sea of ​​blood, and the sea of ​​blood was raging, constantly rushing towards the formation formed by Qin Yang and the others.

"This is cursing power?"

"What a strong curse, is the Tianhu Gang acting?"

The rest of the players were shocked.

Qin Yang was also frightened. If he hadn't been more sensitive to danger and was prepared, he would die immediately if the curse came over!

"Everyone, your guess is good, this should be the action of the Tianhu Gang!"

"But it's impossible for the Tianhu Gang to curse me like this!"

"Everyone defends well. If I die, you will all be injured, and you have joined my team. With the style of the Tianhu Gang, I don't think you can survive!"

"In addition, if anyone wants me to die, I will definitely take him with me before I die!"

Qin Yang's icy voice sounded in the minds of the other thirty or so team members. They had to be beaten and beaten, and there would be no problem with the formation!

On the side of the Decepticon Heavenly Sovereign, fifty or so strong men who are good at curses are outputting their power with all their strength, so that long-range attacks consume a lot of them.

But according to their estimation, ten seconds should be enough to kill the target!

But ten seconds later, the curse power was still being consumed rapidly, and the target should still be there.

After half a minute, the curse power is still consumed at a rapid rate!

Some strong faces are already a bit ugly. Through causal attacks, they themselves will suffer the backlash of causality. There is no problem in short time, and the problem is very serious when time is long!

"Not dead yet?"

Decepticon Tianzun frowned.

"My lord, the opponent is likely to have a team token. It should have recruited a lot of people to form a team. At this moment, they are fully defending."

The strong man who controls the curse array.

The Decepticon Tianzun narrowed his eyes. If the opponent is a rookie and gets the team token so quickly, the opponent's strength should be very powerful. If such a character succeeds in the solicitation, it is best. If it is unsuccessful and has already targeted the opponent, it is absolutely necessary Kill!

"Use the forbidden technique, the other party is just a mob, you are the elite of the Tianhu Gang!"

Decepticon Tianzun said solemnly.

Dozens of strong men immediately used the forbidden technique as soon as they gritted their teeth, and immediately they output more, and the sea of ​​blood on Qin Yang's side was even more fierce.

But because Qin Yang is far away, the formation he has set up is also strong, allowing the rest of the people to exert their strength better, so although the curse power is a lot scarier, but in Qin Yang let Bodhi clone, let Xiaojing and the others contribute too After that, I barely managed it!

In the formation that Qin Yang arranged, the other strong men naturally found Xiaojing, Swallowing Sky, and Bodhi clones at this time. They were extremely shocked. Qin Yang's strength was already extremely powerful, and they actually hid these!

"Everyone, everyone stays steady, we just consume some strength, they have to bear the backlash of cause and effect!"

"If someone makes a ghost, this seat will not survive, and this seat will explode, and so do they."

Qin Yang pointed at Xiao Jing and the others. He and Xiao Jing and the others are very strong. If they blew themselves together, everyone here would not want to live!

"Captain rest assured, we will never make a fool of myself."

"Yes, Captain, the Tianhu Gang is not a good thing. We will definitely not have good fruits when we fall into the hands of the Tianhu Gang."

"Captain, whoever dares to mess around, the rest of us can't spare him."

Many powerhouses began to speak. Now they knew that they had no choice but to fight Qin Yang to the end!

When these strong men speak, they are also a warning to individual strong men who might want to make a ghost!

Qin Yang nodded slightly: "Everyone, you have also seen some of the strength of this seat. This seat is strong, and the formations, alchemy, and runes are also quite powerful. We are not far away from the enemy, and the chance of death is not high, and the enemy has arrived. When he is backlashed by causality, he cannot continue causal attacks for a certain period of time."

"When there is another strong from the Sirius Gang, we have already left the 39th district, the sky is big and the earth is big, they can't find us!"

The rest of the strong are relieved a lot.

On the side of Venerable Tyrant, the faces of the strong attackers turned pale.

Karma backlash is already powerful. After they use the forbidden technique, the cause and effect backlash is even stronger, and it has made them extremely uncomfortable in just ten seconds.


Twenty seconds later, one of the strong men spit out a mouthful of blood, and he was already hit hard by the causal backlash!

Venerable Tyrant Tiger had a dark face, he didn't immediately order to stop, maybe the opponent has already reached the limit right now!

The curse attack continued for another ten seconds.

Several strong men have spurted blood one after another.

"My lord, you can't continue. If you continue, they will have major problems. It is estimated that they will not be able to recover for a long time."

"grown ups--"

Two confidants next to Venerable Tyrant persuaded.


Venerable Tyrant was unwilling to say, his words fell, and those strong men who had cast a curse attack immediately stopped.

"Puff!" "Puff!"

Relaxing, many of them still sprayed blood, they just endured the injury.

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