God of Shuratan

Chapter 2340: Build a team!

"Friends of Taoism, you have two choices. The first is to join my team obediently and do things for me in the future. Your benefits are indispensable. Second, you seize the time to find top pharmacists, otherwise you won't last long."

Qin Yang's voice sounded deep in the soul of the strong magic vine.

"Want to force us to join your team, delusional!"

The strong magic vine roared.

The rest of the strong knew this situation and cursed.

Qin Yang said indifferently: "Everyone, you suppressed the toxin, but the toxin still has a strong effect, and the effect will continue to increase! It will be poisoned and die in at most half a month, let's figure it out!"

"My team token, you join my team, it is much safer than you hiding here!"

The strong magic vine sneered: "To join your team, you have to fight against the rest of the strong, what's the safety?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "If you don't join our team, I will follow you, and then I will notify the rest of the strong to find you. If you win the low-level team, I will notify the intermediate-level strong!"


The magic vine powerhouse was furious one by one.

They could not find Qin Yang.

Qin Yang's strength is stronger than them. Even if they want to get rid of it, they are afraid that it will not be possible to get rid of Qin Yang. Qin Yang may really follow them and inform the rest of the strong. If this happens, they will undoubtedly die.

"You can also choose to be scattered. You have a dozen of them. I can only track one of you. You can abandon your boss."

Qin Yang reminded with a smile.

"It is impossible for us to give up the boss!"

"Asshole thing, there is a kind of you to stand up and fight us upright!"

The strong screamed.

Qin Yang smiled faintly, and stood up to fight them, he was not crazy.

A dozen or so, although Qin Yang felt that he might not lose, there was no need to take such a risk!

"Choose, or surrender to me, or you now go to the other alchemists to help, and I will have fun with you on the way, or you can only abandon your boss, and you will disband!"

"Give you ten breaths time to consider."

Qin Yang said with a smile.

The ten breath time passed quickly, and the strong magic vines kept communicating and discussing secretly, but they didn't think of a good way.

They are not happy to disband.

They come from the same world, and the strength behind the strong magic vines is quite strong, and they are also caring for them.

"We promise you."

The magic vine powerhouse was helpless and unreliable, and was targeted by a powerful powerhouse like Qin Yang, and he was poisoned, they had no choice.

Even if you go to a pharmacist, it's actually not that easy.

There are not many powerful alchemists here!

Here is to kill each other, the combat power of pharmacists is often not so strong, the proportion of pharmacists in the external Tianzun level is not high, the strong inside, the proportion of pharmacists is even lower!

Powerful alchemists often join powerful teams.

They can get a lot of care.

But it is hard to say whether it will survive in the end.

For people like the strong magic vines and others, if they find a powerful alchemist, they may be sending food and seeking their own death!

"Wise choice."

"Don't worry, I am still very good to my own people, and I have no habit of deliberately cheating my own people!"

Qin Yang said with a smile.

"How to use the team token? And if I use this low-level team token, I can replace it with a better team token in the future, right?"

The magic vine powerhouse said: "You can recognize the master by dripping blood. If you get an intermediate team token in the future, after dripping blood is used, now this team token is automatically de-recognized, and it is useless and can no longer be used. "

"How to use the team token, you will know after you drop your blood to recognize the master!"

Qin Yang immediately dripped his blood on the bronze team token.

In the blink of an eye, he recognized the Lord's completion, a lot of information poured into Qin Yang's mind, and he knew how to use it.

"You dripped blood on it."

Qin Yang asked the team's token to reach the magic vine powerhouse, and they branded their soul aura on it one by one.

Qin Yang could feel that they had joined the team and he was the captain.

"Hello everyone."

Qin Yang appeared, he arrived at the Demon Teng powerhouse with a smile, and the Demon Teng powerhouse looked at Qin Yang coldly and was still very upset, but they did not attack Qin Yang. Doing so would be wiped out by heaven and earth!

"Everyone, your attitude is not correct enough."

"You have to know one thing, I am your captain now, your new boss, understand?"

"If you attack me, you will be wiped out by heaven and earth, but as your captain, there is no problem if I kill you."

"Also, if I die, even if I am killed by the other strong men, you will all be affected."

Qin Yang smiled.

The advantage of the captain is great.

The reason for this is that some powerful world masters deliberately came out, and their people have a greater probability of becoming team captains!

"team leader!"

The strong magic vine turned into a tall and thin man, and the captain of Qin Yang was a human. It would be better for him to appear in a human form!

"team leader!"

The other ten or so strong men saw that their boss said so, and one by one became a human salute.

Qin Yang nodded in satisfaction, at least these guys have surrendered on the surface, and sincerely surrendered, it takes time!

"Report your names."

Qin Yang said.

They immediately reported their names. Qin Yang felt his brain hurt. Their names were all a long list.

In their world, characters with long names are great!

"Okay, I don’t even bother to remember your names. The team’s name is determined to be the Promise Team. The internal members have four levels: Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang, the highest level, and the weakest Yellow. , Xuan Yi to Xuan Shi!"

Qin Yang waved his hand.

The Demon Teng powerhouse said: "Captain, I'm only a ground level, they are only a mysterious level, there is no one at the sky level?"

Qin Yang said quietly, "Is your strength worthy of the heavenly rank? When will you be able to beat me in a team of two, even if you are at the heavenly rank!"

"Take this pill."

Qin Yang threw the Detoxification Pill to the Devil Vine Power, and he ate it quickly, and the poison quickly dissipated.

"Captain, when I recover some, we will challenge you!"

They think that the strength is not bad, they don't think that both of them can beat Qin Yang!

Qin Yang nodded slightly: "You can challenge at any time, but if the challenge fails, you will be obedient at that time. If you are not obedient, don't blame me for arranging you to die!"

"it is good!"

The ground nodded, and the other strong nodded.

All have joined Qin Yang's team, if Qin Yang's strength is much stronger than them, then they have nothing to say!

Good allegiance will make life easier, and maybe there will be many benefits.

"You go to my space treasure first, our team has to add people!"

Qin Yang said.

After speaking, he waved his hand, and they all disappeared.

"The bronze team can have ten to one hundred people. The specific number of players it can have is related to the strength of the captain. With my strength, the team will definitely have a hundred people!"

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.

Soon Qin Yang continued to search, and when he met those with average strength, he would kill him directly, and when he met those with good strength, he would pull the opponent into the team!

Formed a team, and once they joined, Qin Yang moved a lot more easily, even if he encountered the enemy's hidden strength, he could often handle it.

-Hidden teams are often not very strong.

A powerful team of cats waits in one place, and the efficiency is too low!

In the blink of an eye, five days later, Qin Yang had already killed 30 or so strong men, and 20 or so had been drawn into the team.

The team already has about thirty people.

And every basic combat power is over ten thousand, such a team is already considered good among the bronze teams.


The Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison is huge, with a total of 100 domains.

Qin Yang is now in the Blue Flame Region, which is relatively small among the 100 regions. Only about half a million strong people have entered this time. Half of them have died, with only more than 200,000 left. .

But in the past, many strong people have survived. Actually, there are about a million strong people here.

All the strong are all Tianzun level.

There are no characters below Tianzun!

Although there are many strong people here, there will be no female strong people in the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison, and the rules of heaven and earth do not allow it!

——Even if it is allowed, it is estimated that there are no strong people who want to have children here. How can children survive when they are born?

It's difficult to get out, and the lack of strength can't survive the freezing season.

Having a baby will also reduce the strength of the woman.

"My lord, there is news from below that there is an abnormal situation on the 39th district side, and some strong people are abnormally missing and dead."

In the lofty hall, there are strong salutes respectfully.

This powerful man who is saluting has a tiger-headed human body, about four meters in height, and the aura emanating from him is very tyrannical. General powerhouses at the highest level do not have his aura. If they enter, they will be Eight or nine can not beat this strong.

Such a strong man is definitely a big-time figure, but he will look very respectful.

Because the aura of the strong sitting on the throne of the main hall is stronger, and the status and status are much higher.

"what is the problem?"

The strong above the throne is indifferent and authentic. He controls a powerful intermediate team, and there are others who also control the intermediate team. On the Qingyan domain, this strong is the top big boss, and here is his territory. !

"My lord, according to the investigation, it is possible that a powerful newcomer has appeared! It is possible that a team has been formed!"

The strong tiger said solemnly.

The strong man above the treasury frowned: "A newcomer? You take someone over and contact the opponent. If the opponent is strong enough, pull the opponent to join the team in this seat, or deal with him!"

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