I missed the Protector skill book from the last event, so forget it.

Anyway, only magician ranks can be used.

I missed the avatar from the last event, so forget it.

In general, there is no mortal danger anyway.

But the rice dumplings at this time can't be missed anymore.

Improving basic attributes is every cultivator...No, it is something everyone can use.

Even for an ordinary person, eating two zongzi to improve the basic attributes is a good thing.

The physique is taller, and the body is strong.

For an ordinary person, it is no less than indirect life extension.

Ying Kuang asked if the rice dumplings could be taken out of the shop before, also with this thought.

The Ying family is so big, not everyone has a cultivation aptitude.

For those close to him, Ying Kuang will not be stingy with these two rice dumplings.

So, after the Dragon Boat Festival officially opened.

In The New World Mode, all copies are full of players.

The wild monsters that usually haunt the wild were also cleaned up by the "enthusiastic" players.

Even the difficult maps of the shadow asssin entrance, there are constantly players rushing in, attracting the shadow assassin to come out and kill.

However, most of the time, it will be quickly sent back to life by the shadow assassin.

But this does not hinder the enthusiasm of these guys.

Anyway, Level 45 is empty experience bar.

Nothing can be dropped.

As long as you can kill a few shadow assassins before going to the resurrection point, and get one or two copies of the materials for making rice dumplings, you won’t lose money.

If you can explode zongye and glutinous rice, it will be more bloody.

After all, the purpose of the Dragon Boat Festival is to send benefits.

Therefore, the explosion rate of the materials for making zongzi is still much higher than the explosion rate of the items in the previous two activities.

Seven kinds of materials: rice dumplings, glutinous rice, fresh meat, chestnuts, shellfish, seafood, bean paste, grass, trees and grey water.

In fact, it is mainly zongye and glutinous rice.

Any one of the following five materials, plus rice dumpling leaves and glutinous rice, can make a zongzi from the chef on the Dragon Boat Festival.

However, if you want to synthesize rice dumplings to exchange cards, you must have ten rice dumplings of the same flavor.

So, except for zongye and glutinous rice.

There are still a lot of other five materials in the public channel of the trading system.

Warrior class and Knight class, I want fresh meat dumplings and chestnut dumplings.

Assassin ranks and archer ranks, these agile and attacking ranks, I want seafood dumplings.

The magician ranks want red bean dumplings.

The gray water dumplings are a flavor that all ranks want.

It can increase the martial skill or magic proficiency of the eater to a small extent, and its value is undoubtedly higher than the basic attribute by half.

"Sure enough, it is good to make the players less motivated."

Qi Le stood on the edge of the battle strength training room area, and did not sit in the deck.

Because the zongzi thing is really not a rare thing for Qi Le.

The system is provided for free, you can eat as much as you want.

Except that you can’t give it to others for free, it’s no problem for Qi Le to eat one and lose one.

So, let this deck be given to customers in need.

"Big Brother, can I eat rice dumplings today."

Lan Zi'er opened the store door, ran behind Qi Le, and pulled Qi Le's clothes corner , Asked excitedly.

The soft and waxy voice is a bit like red bean dumplings, which is as sweet as glutinous rice dumplings.

"Qi Le, what's the taste of red bean dumplings?"

Nalan Qinqi followed and asked.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 898: Enthusiastic players)...

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