This World, but there is no bean paste this thing.

However, as a standard magician rank like the Queen of Ice, the requirements for spirit strength are still quite high.

That's why Nalan Qinqi decided to ask about the taste of bean paste.

"The bean paste dumplings are sweet, very sweet."

Qi Le turned his head and glanced at Nalan Qinqi, then spoke slowly.

For sweet rice dumplings, Qi Le is not to be seen.

Because of Qi Le’s standard salty rice dumpling pie, I have always felt that sweet rice dumplings are simply...

Hmm... I can’t tell what it is.

Anyway, Qi Le, sweet rice dumplings, is not eaten.

"It's sweet, that's very good."

Nalan Qinqi was hearing this with a smile, obviously he likes sweets.

As soon as this sentence came out, Qi Le felt a little bad.

This is the beginning of the controversy between the sweet and salty rice dumpling pie.

"Qi Store Manager, it seems that you don't like red bean dumplings too much."

Lan Ye and the others followed Nalan Qinqi.

Seeing the look in Qi Le's eyes, he said with a smile.

"Your statement is not accurate, because to be precise, I don't like all the sweet rice dumplings."

Qi Le spreads his hands and has no interest in him taboo.

Zongzi is made of glutinous rice.

After the glutinous rice is steamed, it becomes rice.

When eating, instead of eating meat, I add sugar instead. Isn’t that a child’s way of eating?

Of course, when Qi Le said this sentence, he put a little emphasis on the word "I".

After all, the contention between sweet and salty represents one's own taste.

It is really stupid to belittle the tastes you don’t like when you promote the tastes you like.

So, here, Qi Le does not mean to belittle the sweet rice dumplings.

"I also like meat dumplings, Big Brother, it seems that you like the same as Zi'er."

Lan Zi'er pulls Qi Le The corner of the clothes, said happily.

"Of course, the salty rice dumplings are delicious."

Qi Le laughed, reaching out and rubbing Lan Zi'er's hair.

Lan Zi'er just smiled "gē gē gē" and didn't stop Qi Le's movements.

"Big Brother, can I eat rice dumplings?"

Xing Lian suddenly emerged from Lan Zi'er's eyebrows.

After a while, Xing Lian's breath has become stronger again.

It's just restricted by Lan Zi'er's realm, so he has been accumulating strength and cannot be promoted.

"I'm afraid it won't work."

Qi Le looked at Xing Lian's soul, and said it after a long time.

Drinks are pure energy condensates, Xing Lian can drink naturally.

But snacks are not pure energy condensates. Xing Lian is just a soul body, so it can’t be absorbed.


Xing Lian responded a little unhappy.

The many inconveniences of the soul and body, before you get used to it, you will inevitably be depressed.

"However, there is one more thing you may need."

Looking at Xing Lian's low expression, Qi Le suddenly said.

"What is it?"

Xing Lian's dragon tail flicked lightly and asked softly.

"Grandmaster Rank trial crystal."

Qi Le answered aloud.

Although Xing Lian is a soul body, with the improvement of realm, there is still a chance to reconsolidate the fleshy body.

It's just that Qi Le doesn't know where this opportunity is.

But for the Grandmaster Rank to test the crystal, Lan Zi'er definitely needs it.

I have been stuck in Professional Rank for so long.

Presumably Lan Zi'er is not in a hurry, Xing Lian is in a hurry.

"Grandmaster Rank trial crystal? Qi Store Manager, you have Grandmaster Rank trial crystal here!"

Neither Xing Lian nor Lan Zi'er have responded yet, but Lan Ye Speak out first.

The surprise in the tone exhibit one's feelings in one's speech.

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