"Where are they? Did the Dragon Boat Festival start... Qi Store Manager, then I will go there first."

Gu Pingchuan took the mineral water to walk When I came over, I saw that the other three people had disappeared.

Then I thought about it and I understood.

Many customers are attracted by the Dragon Boat Festival.

If you wait a little longer, you might not find the place.

In the Qi Le shop, no one will specifically reserve a place for others.

It has always been adhering to the principle of first-come, first-served.

There is also a first-come, first-served principle.

"World Announcement: The Dragon Boat Festival event, officially opened, lasts for seven days. During the event, players can collect materials for making zongzi, which can be used to make zongzi, exchange for zongzi exchange cards, and detailed attributes of zongzi. Click here to learn more about the Dragon Boat Festival event details."

"World Announcement: The Dragon Boat Festival event is officially opened and lasts for seven days. During the event, players can collect materials for making zongzi, which can be used to make zongzi and exchange for zongzi. To redeem the card, the detailed attributes of the zongzi can be found by clicking on the Dragon Boat Festival event details."

"World Announcement: The Dragon Boat Festival event, officially opened, lasts for seven days..."

As Qi Le said that the eight thousand decks in the battle strength improvement training room are all filled.

In The New World Mode, a world announcement was also released.

After learning about the special effects of various flavors of zongzi from the event details, these customers attracted by the legend of the Dragon Boat Festival burst out with great enthusiasm.

Those medicine pills that permanently promote the attribute are all limited in the number of use.

The fine-grade medicine pill is limited to three pills in a lifetime.

A rare medicine pill, one is limited to one in a lifetime.

Eating more is invalid.

This makes most customers feel sorry for it.

However, there is no limit to the number of rice dumplings that can be exchanged for the Dragon Boat Festival this time.

And the effect is not much worse than that of an excellent medicine pill.

At most, the effect of two zongzi is the best medicine efficacy of an excellent medicine pill.

Although the effect of zongzi, with the increase in the number of food, it will gradually weaken.

But at least it still works.

Unlike medicine pill, you can only eat as many pills as you can eat.

So in The New World Mode, it suddenly became lively.

In the details page of the Dragon Boat Festival event, the attributes of zongzi were also screenshots and uploaded to the public screen of the Guild communication system.

This suddenly made those who have not yet come to the store crazy.

In the three major academies, a large number of students who asked for leave suddenly emerged.

The reason is also all kinds of strange things.

What my own big yellow dog has a dystocia? Last night, when I went to the upper bunk to go to bed, I fell a leg. I ate the leftovers from last night this morning. I felt weak with diarrhea.

It is a headache for the mentors of Academy.

What does your big yellow dog have to do with dystocia? Will you deliver the baby?

Going back to the upper berth and falling asleep? Can the cultivator fall from the upper bunk and fall? I can't wait to break your leg directly!

There are also leftovers from last night. Is the meal in the Academy cafeteria not good?

In short, the instructors do not approve, nor do they do not approve.

Because these students did not wait for a response after leaving the false note, they went straight to Cloudmist City.

Even if they don’t approve, they probably won’t come back.

The Dragon Boat Festival is held once a year.

No, it is still unknown whether there will be a Dragon Boat Festival next year.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 897: Those who ask for leave)...

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