system: "Hosting your proposal, it sounds like it has several points of truth."

system: "However, holiday benefits are the distribution of benefits, and advance promotion does not seem to be What good is it?"

"When did this guy become so smart."

Qi Le was asked by the system for a while.

But this is indeed the truth.

Just like the Dragon Boat Festival event this time, it is not a krypton gold event, but a welfare event for the distribution of zongzi.

And there is no level restriction, no map restriction.

The only difficulty is that the zongzi exchange card is more difficult to exchange.

But this kind of small problem, how can it be difficult to get Qi Le.

"Increase passenger flow, do you understand, passenger flow!"

"The store's passenger flow has moved forward, and the store's turnover has not moved forward. This The promotion of welfare activities is to increase passenger flow."

Qi Le flicked it very seriously.

Actually, it's not a fool.

Passenger flow is a very important indicator of increasing turnover.

It's just that, for Qi Le's shops, the current passenger flow is a bit too much.

Unless the battle strength increases the number of decks in the training room area, it can be increased.

Just then.

system: "Host, I feel you are thinking about something very constructive."


"I just thought What's up?"

Qi Le suddenly looked confused when he heard these words.

system: "This system has decided to accept the host’s suggestion. The battle strength increases the number of decks in the training room by 3,000."


Qi Le looked dull after hearing system's decision.

This is really unintentional positive outcomes.

I wanted to know in advance what the holiday welfare goals were, but in a blink of an eye, I got the three thousand decks of the battle strength improvement training room.

Now there are a total of 8,000 decks in the entire store.

Fortunately, all the customers who come to the store are self-service. The function of the counter is to activate the Membership Card.

Whatever snacks, packaging bags and glass bottles after drinking beverages, they are all thrown away by the customer.

Several places in the store have set up trash bins with unlimited capacity.

These packaging bags, glass bottles, etc., I don’t know what the system will recycle for.

Otherwise, a full eight thousand decks.

Even if you hire ten more Store Assistants, I'm afraid I will be too busy.

system: "Host, the three thousand decks have been added. Regarding holiday welfare issues, this system does not accept your proposal."

"So... well. " Qi Le found himself seem to keep up with the idea of the system.

However, now that you have received a benefit, you should just accept it.

The issue of holiday welfare can only be discussed next time.

And system clearly does not accept this proposal.

Then this question is worth pondering.

However, Qi Le has never done this kind of brain waste.

Anyway, I don’t get any benefit if I want to understand it.

Let the system fly into a rage out of humiliation by taking this matter again. Since then, the two have cut off their kindness and parted ways.

Of course, this is just for fun.

After all, system and Qi Le have been sincerely cooperating for so long, so they can be considered emotional.

"By the way, I remember, try the crystal!"

After discussing this with system, Qi Le just closed his eyes and remembered something important things.

That is the trial crystal produced by the auxiliary function of the trial room.

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