The matter discussed with system, that's probably it.

So Qi Le didn't think much about it, and thought it was more realistic to sleep.

However, as soon as Qi Le closed his eyes, he remembered an important thing.

That is the trial crystal produced by the auxiliary function of the trial room.

After the Store Manager level was upgraded previously, the auxiliary functions of the trial room were also upgraded along with it.

The production capacity of the trial room has become 10 Brave Rank trial crystals every day, and one Professional Rank trial crystal is produced.

One Grandmaster Rank trial crystal is produced every week, and one Heroic Rank trial crystal is produced every two months.

It's been such a long time now.

There should have been a lot of trial crystals accumulated.

It's time to put it on the shelves.

Qi Le thought of this, and when he was not drowsy, he got up and went to the trial room.

The trial crystals produced by the auxiliary function are all randomly stacked in a corner of the trial room.

This way of stacking.

If someone else sees it, you might scold Qi Le as a wasterel.

"It looks like there are a lot of them."

Qi Le squatted in the corner of the trial room, counting the piles of trial crystals.

The trial room is the place where Qi Le has the most tragic memories.

Every time you enter Trial Space to challenge a trial mission, it is the beginning of a nightmare.

However, at this moment, the trial room finally brought Qi Le a little fond memory.

Huge piles of trial crystals.

That is a bigger hill made of Spirit Crystal.

Seven Grandmaster Rank trial crystals, 50 Professional Rank trial crystals, and 500 Brave Rank trial crystals.

If you wait another week.

There may be a Heroic Rank trial crystal.

But Qi Le is too lazy to wait.

More than 500 trial crystals, put on the shelf, there is no problem at all.

Although in terms of quality, it may not work well.

After all, Brave Rank trial crystals are not rare.

But in terms of quantity, it is completely the scale that a large trading company can only appear.

Brave Rank Trials crystals, even if they are not rare.

But after all, it is necessary to hunt Variation Beast of Brave Rank to get it.

Not like Spirit Crystal, you can dig it out directly.

As a saying goes well, if you are lucky enough to mine a Spirit Crystal vein, you can spend a few lifetimes without worry.

And in the past few lifetimes, you can also splurge at will.

After all, the power that can hold a Spirit Crystal vein is not simple in itself.

As for the Heroic Rank trial crystal, Qi Le feels that it is still not waiting.

This kind of thing that can only be produced in two months, must be advertised and promoted in order to sell a high price.

Auction is the best choice.

"Yes, it's the auction."

Qi Le nodded in agreement, and praised his idea.

However, soon there was a voice that shattered Qi Le's illusions.

system: "Host, this system must remind you that since your Store Manager level is still insufficient, the pricing of the trial crystal is still based on the previous pricing."

system : "In order to prevent the host from forgetting, this system has decided to help you review it again."

Brave Rank Trial Crystal: 500 Spirit Crystals.

Professional Rank trial crystal: five thousand Spirit Crystals.

Grandmaster Rank Trial Crystal: 50,000 Spirit Crystals.

Heroic Rank Trial Crystal: 500,000 Spirit Crystals.

"Oh, how did I forget about this."

Qi Le was taken aback, and then suddenly remembered the matter.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 892: That Pile of Trial Crystals)...

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