It’s just that the number of customers in the Qi Le store is increasing day by day.

It is very difficult for Ling Ao to snap up those medicine pills that are already scarce in quantity and can permanently increase the attributes.

Therefore, Ling Ao usually eats more snacks and drinks.

And now, there is a rice dumpling that is similar to the pill efficacy that can permanently increase the attribute, Ling Ao will naturally be excited.

In fact, several other people also want to ask this question.

It’s just not as fast as Ling Ao.

So after Ling Ao asked, others followed Qi Le.

"Start tomorrow."

Qi Le answered.

As long as someone asks, the purpose of this propaganda will be achieved.

In the case of Guild's communication system, these news will soon spread among Guilds.

As for those who don’t have a Membership Card, it’s out of Qi Le’s consideration.

After all, the Dragon Boat Festival activity is originally an activity to give benefits to customers.

It's not a krypton gold event.

Qi Le made a special promotion, because the Dragon Boat Festival has its own commemorative significance.

As for how many people can know, that is another matter.

And the next thing is not beyond Qi Le's expectation.

The Guild communication system was quickly filled with news about the Dragon Boat Festival activities.

It also includes the legend Qi Le said.

The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival of the Magic Revamp.

The loyalty of this nameless powerhouse moved a group of customers very much.

The spirit of seeing death at home has also made many students still in the Academy excited.

Let Desolate Origin Empire select them and send them to Cloudmist City to train the elites overwhelmed by emotions.

This kind of behavior is rather die than submit for the power to which you belong.

It is exactly what they admire for those in the army.

So, before the Dragon Boat Festival activities started, the public screen of the entire Guild communication system was full of news about this matter.

"This is what I want to see. If the publicity is ineffective, how can it be called publicity."

In the evening, Qi Le took the Membership Card and refreshed Guild's communication Information in the system.

The Dragon Boat Festival activities can have a day of fermentation time, which is enough.

In fact, the main reason is that when system talked about this, it was a little too late.

You know, the world before Qi Le lived.

Any big event, at least half a week in advance to start the promotion.

If this event can particularly stimulate sales, it must be promoted ten days in advance half a month.

"System, how about we discuss something?"

Qi Le said suddenly while lying on the bed.

system: "What's the matter? If the host can make reasonable suggestions, this system will consider it as appropriate."

This speed is almost a second.

From this point of view, sometimes the system does not speak, simply pretending to be dead on purpose.

"It's this holiday benefit, and there will definitely be there later."

"So, can you tell me this kind of thing at least three days in advance, or I How to promote."

Qi Le proposed very seriously.

But then there was a moment of silence.

The system does not have a second response. It is either pretending to be dead or thinking.

If there is no more movement, then you are pretending to be dead. This kind of behavior is better, it is called refusal.

If you say it is not good, just ignore it.

Fortunately, Qi Le didn't wait a few minutes before the system made a sound.

system: "The proposal of the host seems to have several points of truth."

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 890: Promotion time)...

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