However, the weak forces have been destroyed.

But this powerhouse, who had clearly seen through the tricks of a strong Great Influence, did not leave after being questioned. Instead, he chose to fight with the weaker forces to the end.

Even the destruction of this weak force is a foregone conclusion.

Nor does it change its ambitions.

In the end, this powerhouse did not give in, but died for his own power with Battle Qi self-destruct.

Later, in order to commemorate the loyalty of this powerhouse, the day of his death in battle was designated as the Dragon Boat Festival.

"And Zongzi is a unique food for the Dragon Boat Festival."

Qi Le talked about the origin of this magical revision of the Dragon Boat Festival.

And also added the details of Battle Qi and magic, which made everyone heard as if drunk and stupefied.

"This powerhouse is indeed a loyal man. He knows certain death situation but can regard death as home. I can't wait."

Gu Pingchuan could not help but sigh after hearing this legend. .

I said before.

For Heroic Rank powerhouse, "Keep the green hills here, and don't worry about not having firewood" is what most people think.

As long as you survive, you have a chance to make a comeback.

However, as Qi Le said that powerhouse, you can be a person who sees death as home.

Especially Heroic Rank powerhouse, it is too few.

Other people also look respectful.

Even if they know that this may be just a legend, it does not prevent them from admiring this kind of loyal man.

"It turns out that this is the case. No wonder Qi Store Manager will hold the Dragon Boat Festival."

"Maybe it is a tribute to such loyal people."

"Qi Store Manager is also a role model in powerhouse, and a role model among cultivation people. For this kind of loyal and righteous person who regards death as home, he should also hold the feeling of sympathy and sympathy."

Everyone began to guess. Qi Le's intention to hold the Dragon Boat Festival.

In the end, even Qi Le himself became such a person of noble character and integrity.

"If Desolate Origin Empire can have such a loyal person, why not worry about Desolate Origin Empire unhappy."

Ling Ao looked at the standing sign of the Dragon Boat Festival.

The silhouette above as the background, the lonely and lonely back, should be the powerhouse that regards death as home.

That huge wave is the unmatched power of that strong Great Influence.

Such a spirit of death.

This kind of laughter is against the will of life and death.

It is really convincing, and I have to admire it.

"By the way, these rice dumplings, like medicine pill, have special effects and can permanently increase some basic attributes."

Qi Le reached out and knocked on the standing card.

Then he said the news that was not on the stand.

The special effects of the five flavors of zongzi will be displayed in the detailed content after the Dragon Boat Festival starts tomorrow.

After all, I just went to eat rice dumplings purely for delicious food.

That is not very attractive.

In the event content, it is quite difficult to collect all the task materials and then collect a zongzi exchange card.

Without any attractive item, how can you fully mobilize the players' vitality?

"Oh! When does the Dragon Boat Festival start?"

Ling Ao hearing this, immediately stopped sighing and asked aloud.

Before coming to the store, Ling Ao is not only for obtaining the Protector skill book, but also for medicine pill that can permanently increase the attribute.

It's a pity that the number of customers in the Qi Le shop is increasing day by day.

It is very difficult for Ling Ao to snap up the medicine pill, which is already scarce in quantity.

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