So after listening to the tall and thin man, the bald man also smiled.

"Since you don't want to cherish the opportunity I give, then no wonder we are vicious and merciless."

"Feather snake, we want it."

"Yours Fate, we too!"

At this point, the bald man raised his arms.

The veteran gold prospectors of the immortal union behind him, one by one, also shows the ominous light, with hideous faces.

"If you have this ability, just try it!"

The tall and thin man is not afraid, coldly snorted, said.

But being hard on the surface does not mean that he will really choose to resist these guys under such unfavorable conditions.

There is definitely no escape. Those guys of the Immortal Union are also impossible to let them escape.

But there is always no problem calling for reinforcements.

The senior gold prospectors of Divine Realm have spent a lot of time in the infinite battlefield, and there are more things to research.

Calling reinforcements remotely is just one of the little tricks that's all.

This is also one of the ways by Divine Realm to ensure the safety of many members.

In the absence of newcomers, any member of Divine Realm is the most precious asset.

So when something is not right, the signal for help has actually been sent out.

It’s just that reinforcements arrive, and it will take some time.

Therefore, the current task of the senior gold prospectors present at Divine Realm is to survive this period of time and wait until the reinforcements arrive.

The immediate crisis will naturally be solved.

"You put it that way, we naturally deference is no substitute for obedience!"

"brothers, kill--!"

Bald head The man no longer wasted time either, he suddenly shouted, and then rushed forward first.

The number of battles between Immortal United and Divine Realm is too much, and the rich experience has told them.

When fighting the senior gold prospectors of Divine Realm, don't be kite-flyed.

Most of the time, Law Power is suitable for long-range attacks.

This is not good news for those who prefer melee combat.

So getting close first is the right choice.

Of course tall and thin man will not use his own shortcomings to touch the enemy's strengths.

Although Law Power has a wide range of uses, there are also many of them used to strengthen the body.

But compared with this kind of body refinement that specializes in body refinement, it is still far behind.

So if you can pull and beat, naturally you have to pull and beat.

Pull your position first, and that's what you should do.

Other senior gold prospectors are no exception. Everyone has extremely rich combat experience, and no one will make such low-level mistakes.

Even if you try your best, you will not expose your weak spot.

So, although the war started, although the momentum was huge.

But there are very few real casualties.

Everyone is an old opponent, and we all know where the opponent's strengths and weaknesses are. How can it be so easy to make mistakes.

It was the mighty momentum that spread out, shocking the demonic beast hunting grounds, the senior gold diggers of other forces couldn't help being shiver coldly.

When I learned that Divine Realm and Immortal United were fighting again, I chose to leave this place quickly and stay away.

Because in this area, the relationship between Divine Realm and Immortal Union is no secret.

The forces of large and small know that these two Great Influences have become enemies for generations.

Once they meet, they must fight.

So there is nothing strange.

In addition, whether it is Divine Realm or Immortal Union, this area is a great influence.

Naturally, it is also impossible. Who would dare to intervene in the battle between them, let alone pick up the bargain.

Maybe sandpiper and clam war together, fishermen can indeed benefit.

But two tigers are fighting, and a mouse is not qualified to pick up the injured tiger.

Maybe when he stepped forward to pick up the bargain, he happened to be spotted by the tiger, and then he was eaten by one bite.

So every time you encounter the senior gold prospectors of Divine Realm and the Immortal Alliance, the senior gold prospectors of other forces will always choose to stay away from the place of right and wrong, and wait until they are finished. .

This time is no exception.

Don’t worry at all, the battle will be interrupted.

However, as time goes by, the Divine Realm side of the Divine Realm has not unexpectedly fallen behind.

After all, when hunting feather snakes, they consume too much power, and it is difficult to recover in a short time.

In a hurry, I have to go to war with the veteran gold prospectors of the immortal union, how can I not fall under the wind?

Don’t look at when hunting feather snakes, prepare early and anticipate the enemy’s first opportunity, so that the senior gold diggers of Divine Realm have achieved zero casualties.

But when faced with a feathered snake that can burst into blood, there are too many things to pay attention to.

Not to mention the physical energy consumed.

Under extreme concentration, the spirit strength consumed is also a point that needs to be paid attention to.

For all these reasons, in this battle, Divine Realm's disadvantages have become more and more obvious.

The Law Power in the body can't keep up.

On the surface, it looks like a senior gold prospector who is on the side of the immortal coalition and is covered in injuries is more miserable.

But in fact, most of the wounds that seem to be horrible to see are superficial wounds and will not affect battle strength at all.

A few deep wounds, even if it leaves Law Power, erodes the wounds and prevents healing.

If you want to be life-threatening, it is impossible.

On the Divine Realm side, when Law Power is empty and stamina is exhausted, it basically declares that the time of death is approaching.

To make an image metaphor, the mage and the warrior are fighting.

At first, it was the mage who was fighting wild monsters. He used half of the blue, and then encountered the fighters who came to steal the wild monsters.

So the wizard turned around and started fighting with the warrior. Flying a kite consumed half of the warrior's blood.

But this amount of blood is still a safe blood line for soldiers.

However, the mage is no longer blue.

So, a half-blooded warrior or an empty blue mage, who is more powerful?

The answer is obviously obvious at a glance.

Although this analogy is not absolute, it may not be completely accurate.

But now this situation is really not much worse, the mage is about to be empty, and the fighter is of course very excited.

"You are still slippery as always."

"Unfortunately this time, you are sure to lose!"

During the battle, the bald man felt his opponent The weakening of the attack range immediately understood it in my heart.

This is a sign of exhaustion!

You must know that Divine Realm, which takes the elite route, most of the time, is fighting against immortality.

This time, it's their turn to exhale!

"There is no result yet. Don't be too happy too soon!"

The tall and thin man is coldly snorted, he said in a cold tone.

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