When the people of the eternal Divine Realm and the people of the immortal union collide, a big battle is inevitable.

But at this moment, the senior gold digger of Divine Realm has no intention of fighting.

Because when hunting feather snakes, there is no danger.

But the consumption of power is real.

If the people who are now united with the immortal begin to fight, from the very beginning, they are at a disadvantage.

This matter, the senior gold prospector of Divine Realm knows this.

The senior gold prospectors of the Immortal Union also know this in their hearts.

That's why I was so joking.


"I just think it's bad luck to meet you!"

Facing the immortal union of the previous generations of enemies, the senior of Divine Realm Gold prospectors, even if they know that they and the others are not doing well right now, they will never bow their heads in an imposing manner.

But at this time, it was a coincidence.

I didn't come early, I couldn't play, but I just ran over when I and the others just hunted down the feather snake.

If you come here earlier, the senior gold diggers of Divine Realm will find a way to let the feathered snakes include the immortal union within the attack range, so as to consume their power.

And this method is extremely effective.

After all, he prefers melee physical training. When facing the feather snake, he is already at a disadvantage.

It would be even better if you come here later.

Maybe the veteran gold digger of Divine Realm has left the demonic beast hunting ground with the feathered snake.

But it happened to be in the middle of the time.

It is the time when the senior gold prospectors of Divine Realm consume the most and have not left.

At this time, if you fight with the senior gold diggers of the Immortal Union, defeat is almost a certainty.

Moreover, the feathered snake, which was finally hunted, just gave up, and it was really unwilling.

And, the most critical point is.

Even if they want to go, those guys of the Immortal Union, are they willing to let them go?

The answer is of course—impossible!

Therefore, the senior gold prospectors of Divine Realm have never thought of being soft. At worst is just a fight to the death.

Even if you are going to die here today, you have to drag it back!

Just tell the truth.

In the eyes of the senior gold diggers of Divine Realm, I still suffered a big loss when I exchanged my own life for the lives of these guys.

Isn’t there no way now, or who would like to make this kind of decision?

"Aiya, how can you say bad luck? It should be fate."

At this time, among the senior gold prospectors of the Immortal Union, come out A bald man, mystifying said.

Judging from the position of him and others, he should be the leader of this group of senior gold prospectors.

The body of the bald man has many lines composed of scales.

But the area covered is not much, it seems to be a mixed race.

Such situations are not uncommon, although bloodlines between different races may produce segregation.

But there can be mixed situations, and they also happen from time to time.

It's just that this kind of change is good or bad, and there is no way to predict it.

However, now it's simply not time to care about this kind of thing, and the battle is just around the corner. How can there be that many thinking about these things with care?

When I saw the Immortal United, the leader came out. On the Divine Realm side, I couldn't show weakness.

So a tall and thin man walked out.

It was the man who commanded the battle when hunting feather snakes before.

Unlike the mixed blood light head, this tall and thin man is a serious Human Race.

"If you don't believe it yourself, don't say it."

"And, instead of this kind of meaningless mockery, it's better to tell yours directly. Purpose."

The tall and thin man didn't take the words of his bald head, but put the topic on the right track.

What topics can Divine Realm and Immortal Union have in common?

When they met, it was either in battle or after the battle, the loser left the field.

I can say two more words, both in mystifying ridicule, such as present at this time.

The veteran gold digger of Divine Realm in Divine Realm happened to be bumped into by the people of the Immortal United after a difficult battle.

Then you can't make a mockery?

After all, victory at this time is already destined.

In normal times, the people of Divine Realm and the people of the Immortal Union collided, and the Immortal Union still wins more and loses less.

Because Divine Realm is taking the elite route, and it's still an elite route that the general Great Influence can't follow.

I was forced to be helpless and had to brace oneself to go down.

Although Immortal Union also has this idea.

But when the pressure is not in place, I don’t have the ability to execute without thinking.

So under normal circumstances, if it is an encounter, it is usually the immortal coalition being crushed and beaten.

But this time, I happened to encounter the weak state of the people of Divine Realm after the battle. How could I not take the opportunity well?

"Our purpose?"

"A good question, talking to smart people is comfortable."

The tone of the bald man is still so mystifying, but The hostility in the eyes can't be faked.

It's just trash talking before the war.

"Let's do it."

After a pause, the bald man continued.

"You leave the feather snake, and then kneel down to beg for mercy, how about I let you go?"

Having said that, the bald man opened his arms, showing A "how can I be so kind" expression.

As if he was really willing to let him go.

However, the tall and thin man is clear in his heart, this guy is just humiliating them when he makes such a request.

Under the feud, there has never been a chance for peace talks, and there has never been such a precedent.

Speaking of this kind of words is only because of the arrogance that's all that the winner is holding.

"It's funny, it's really boring if you can say this kind of thing."

"You know I won't agree to this kind of request, and you know that there will be impossible When this happens, I have to say it."

"Is it because I broke my brain before coming here?"

The return of tall and thin man vagueness.

Since the other party is willing to talk nonsense with him here, he is also willing to accompany him.

The longer time delays, the more senior gold prospectors on the Divine Realm side will recover, which is a good thing.

But obviously, the bald man is not really mindless.

To mock such things, just say a few words.

Everyone is so familiar, and the time for enmity has been so long. It is useless to talk too much.

It's better to kill these guys early, and then take the feather snake back.

Speaking of which, today is really lucky.

It can not only frustrate the spirit of Divine Realm, but also harvest a feathered snake that can burst into blood. It is a bountiful harvest.

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