If it weren’t for being picked up by the Immortal United, how could Divine Realm fail in the encounter?

There is still a difference between Great Influence taking the quality route and Great Influence taking the quantity route.

But nothing happens.

In fact, tall and thin man had this hunch in his mind when he hunted feather snakes before.

The movement caused by the feather snake is really too big.

The entire demonic beast hunting ground was alarmed, how could it not be noticed by the Immortal Union?

It’s just that tall and thin man didn’t expect that the people of the Immortal Union would come in such a timely manner, and that’s why it became like this.

After the situation has gradually fallen to the wind, there were no casualties when hunting feather snakes before, but now when fighting with the Immortal Union, they have begun to appear.

This is absolutely unacceptable for Divine Realm, where almost no newcomers have joined.

There is one saying that people who are united with immortality exchange their lives for their lives, and one for ten is a loss.

The people of Divine Realm are dead in the true sense.

However, the members of the Immortal Union can continuously increase.

For the Immortal Union, as long as there are newcomers to join, it is difficult to hurt the roots, no matter what it is.

So it can't go on like this.

"Concentrate on defense, rescue will come soon, everyone takes life-saving as the first priority!"

The tall and thin man soon issued a new order.

The immortal union comes prepared, so they will definitely not be allowed to leave.

If you continue to break through the siege, it will only increase the casualties. It is better to stick to the spot and preserve your vitality.

The cooperation between the senior gold prospectors of Divine Realm has been tempered through the test of time and countless dangers.

Once you make up your mind and stick to it to the end, there will be no weak spot.

Even if the immortal coalition is allowed to attack, it is impossible to be breached in a short time.

Even if they are almost exhausted.

"I just thought of sticking to the spot now. Don’t you think it’s too late?"

The bald man coldly smiled, knowing that Divine Realm has chosen to stick at this moment, which means it’s already There is no extra power to break through, and he can only defend as much as possible and delay his own death.

But if the postponed period of death is delayed, isn't it a period of death?

It's just a little bit of the time of death!

The tall and thin man is silent.

The executive power of the people of Divine Realm is vividly and thoroughly reflected in this brief moment.

It is said to stick to the spot, then in the next instant, the basic Defensive Array type has been completed.

Then began to cooperate to resist the enemy's attack.

This approach can indeed reduce casualties to the greatest extent, but it also gives up hope of fleeing.

Instead, I put my last hope on the reinforcements.

"Don't you want to answer?"

"It's really interesting, what you think in your heart, it should be when the reinforcements will arrive!"

The bald man sees it. , I couldn't help but sneered and said.

Immortal United and Divine Realm have been dealing with each other for so long, how can it be unclear about the other party's methods.

Whenever something goes wrong, I call for reinforcements, but Divine Realm's usual method is the same.

And there is no way to stop it, it is really troublesome.

Because of the connection between Law Power, Immortal Union can't study it.

After all, it is not the same power system. This is more serious than interlacing, and of course there is no way to stop it.

Therefore, for this situation, the Immortal Union usually adopts another response method.

That is to take advantage of quantity!

Compared with Divine Realm, Immortal Union is a bit weaker, but the number of members is far superior!

This time, naturally there will be no exception.

So after saying this, the bald man paused, then opened his arms and continued.

"Since we all know that you are going to call for reinforcements, are you not prepared at all?"

"Let’s take a look!"

"At When I found you, the members of the Immortal Alliance were already moving closer to this place!"

"I hope you will be able to support your reinforcements in the next offensive!"

Before the bald man's voice fell, in the eyes of the tall and thin man, he could already see the black crowd in the distance.

It is like a wave suddenly emerging from the horizon, beating towards the demonic beast hunting ground.

The tall and thin man knows, that is the immortal union man!

"Damn it!"

This is of course expected.

There have been more battles between Divine Realm and the Immortal Union than imagined.

When both sides see each other's tricks, they naturally understand the other side, so many times, they can guess what the other side wants to do.

But sometimes, even if you can guess what the other party wants to do, it does not mean that this situation can be avoided.

It's like now, because of hunting feather serpents and being blocked by the immortal union.

The way to avoid it is to give up this feather snake.

That is, at first will not come here.

But is this possible?

Give up hunting this feather snake today, and give up hunting other demonic beasts tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, I won’t fight for those heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Is Divine Realm hiding in the dark and waiting for death in order to avoid these situations?

Of course it is impossible!

So, even if there is a battle, the things that should be done must be done.

It’s just that when you really encounter these things, even if you have predicted it, you will definitely be upset.

But it was just a curse.

On the surface, tall and thin man's mood did not show any fluctuations.

The more dangerous you are, the less you can lose one's head out of fear. That will only make the enemy feel that there is an opportunity.

"A group of clay chickens and pottery dogs, no matter how many they are, what use is it?"

"Do you think that as long as you have an advantage in numbers, Is it the final winner?"

"Then you immortal union, didn't you win long ago!"

These few words are already expressing irony.

If we only talk about the number of members and the size of the forces, the Immortal Union is much larger than Divine Realm.

However, in the course of so many years of confrontation, Immortal Union will always be the one who loses more and loses less.

Now being picked up by tall and thin man again, the bald man's face is naturally unsightly.

Because this is so similar to the current situation.

"What's the use if you only try to benefit from your tongue?"

"Rather than saying this, you might as well find a way to survive."

The bald man is snered.

In a short while, the follow-up pursuit of the Immortal Union has arrived.

Then immediately joined the offensive array and began to attack the holding positions formed by the senior gold prospectors of Divine Realm.

Like a heaven overflowing giant wave, with wave after wave of offensive, constantly impacting the enemy's position.

As long as you rush out of a weak spot, you can quickly dissolve the enemy's persistence!

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