After Yue Shuangxue changed back to the Devouring Civet body, he didn't have any extra thoughts, so he ran towards the corpse of the giant dragon.

Now this piece of Ruins of Dragon is really a cafeteria for Yue Shuangxue.

Food intake this thing, for Devouring Civet, it is unlimited.

There is no such thing as being unable to eat.

The only difference is whether you feel full when you eat.

After you have a feeling of fullness, Yue Shuangxue will have no appetite, but there is no problem if you continue to eat.

It's just that when you have no appetite, there is really no need to torture yourself with food.

But apart from other things, in terms of eating speed, if Devouring Civet is really serious, it really is not comparable to any race.

A big mouth, like a black hole, pulls in everything that needs to be swallowed.

Simply did not chew this step.

The corpses of dozens of giant dragons are like dozens of huge hills.

In front of Yue Shuangxue, it took only half an hour to swallow it all.

Or to use Yue Shuangxue's words, it is all eaten.

Although Qi Le is not quite clear, why, as a Devouring Civet, Yue Shuangxue still likes to use the word "eat" so much.

But these are all minutiae, there is no need to care too much.

What's more noteworthy, should be Yue Shuangxue's imposing manner, which is constantly increasing in the process of devouring the corpse of the giant dragon.

The cultivation realm, which had stayed in the Heroic Rank peak realm for a long time, soon became loose.

Then, where water flows, a canal is formed, it is generally promoted to powerhouse realm.

And it continues to improve.

I have to say that the innate talent of Devouring Civet is really strong, just relying on swallowing, can continue to become stronger, it is really enviable.

The corpses of these dozens of giant dragons are enough for Yue Shuangxue to climb up a not short distance after stabilizing the powerhouse-level realm, and even approach the powerhouse-level peak realm. It is not impossible.

At this point, we have to talk about the magic of the Devouring Civet race.

The Heaven and Earth luck needed in powerhouse realm, simply don’t need Heaven and Earth’s will to give it, instead rely on its own innate talent to snatch it.

The process of becoming stronger is much simpler than other races.

"Qi Le, Qi Le, I have finished eating!"

"See you, I, I have eaten them all!"

At Qi Le While feeling emotional, Yue Shuangxue, who had swallowed all the giant dragon's corpses, changed back to the appearance of a cat's ear loli, with his head held high and came to Qi Le with a proud face.

The hand gestures to the empty Ruins of Dragon, but there is an expression of praise inadvertently on his face.

After all, it’s just a little loli, and will not hide his emotions at all.

"I see, I see, I know you are the best, right?"

Qi Le replied helplessly, and stretched out his hand to rub Yue Shuangxue's Head.

However, the emotion in my heart is more envy.

Devouring Civet deserves to be the only species between Heaven and Earth. The innate talent is beyond imagination.

No, it may be more reliable to say that it is outrageous.

These dozens of giant dragon corpses were swallowed, and the cultivation realm came to the powerhouse High Rank as a matter of course, without any transition in between.

There is no need for powerhouse-level trial crystals.

The process went smoothly. Compared with Qi Le's original suffering in Trial Space, I don't know how much easier it was.

And the degree of ease can be compared with Yue Shuangxue, perhaps only Yue Xi'er.

As a Store Manager, I have to endure eight lifetimes of suffering if I want to pass a Trial Space.

And it is literally "eight lifetimes", and even more...

But my little kitty, no matter how envy, it is also my own, so in addition to envy Besides, Qi Le is more happy.

The corpse of the giant dragon in Ruins of Dragon can be used as waste... No, treasure can be regarded as dead.

At least at the last moment, made some contributions.

"Since everything is finished, go back to the store and take you to the new map."

Qi Le waved his hand and opened Space Gate.

Whether Yue Shuangxue has grasped the power of its sudden skyrocketing is not a particular concern.

This is because of Devouring Civet's innate talent and aptitude, his own strength suddenly skyrocketed, which is often the case.

So simply don’t worry about this issue.

Yue Shuangxue is much more proficient in this kind of thing than Qi Le.

"New map?"

"Are you talking about the new map in The New World Mode! That's really good!"

Yue Shuangxue Hearing this, I suddenly became excited.

You must know that Yue Shuangxue, in the eyes of the players in The New World Mode, is the king of the liver, and there is no water at all.

Able to catch a copy and brush half a month.

Or after months of crazy climbing in the tower of Necromancer, there has been no impatience in the slightest.

It has already proved the level of Yue Shuangxue Liver King.

But such a King of the Liver King can be excited when he hears the new map.

One can imagine the attractiveness of the new map.

"Don't be too excited. The new map has not yet been opened to the outside world. We are just stepping forward to open up wasteland."

Qi Le sees Yue Shuangxue's excitement and bears it. Can't help but remind one sentence.

Reclamation of wasteland can be encountered in any situation.

It is impossible to say that it is not dangerous.

Who knows what weird things will be in the oasis of elemental spirits.

According to system, this is a new map developed with reference to the attack mode of the Ocean Dragon King.

In case there is an unmatched hidden boss hidden inside.

"Reclamation? Good!"

Yue Shuangxue became happier when he heard that it was land reclamation.

As a game merchant close to a profession, seizing the opportunity in intelligence is often a prelude to making a fortune.

And land reclamation is the best way to collect game intelligence first, there is no one.

How can I say that the internal test quota is valuable?

But there is one thing to say, even Qi Le doesn't know what's inside the newly opened big map of the Oasis of the Spirit of the Elements.

I hope that the process of land reclamation will not be too difficult.


Back to the store.

Yue Shuangxue used to do things like overnight.

So in this early morning, in order to open up wasteland, Qi Le and Yue Shuangxue again prepared overnight.

Sit the deck, The New World Mode opens, click to enter.

Although Qi Le hasn't been in The New World Mode for a while, his level has steadily reached the restricted level of the Necromancer's tower copy-8 15th level.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2160: The so-called talent)...

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