"Of course something is going on. I heard Xi'er say that you guys ran to Ruins of Dragon and duel with the giant dragon of Dragon Race."

Yue Shuangxue's eyes flickered, as if he was really verifying it.

"Yes, is there any problem."

Qi Le nodded, affirmed what Yue Shuangxue said.

If it is not during the daytime, Yue Shuangxue would stay at the store in City of Life.

Maybe she will come over and get a kick in this battle.

"In Ruins of Dragon, there must be the remains of giant dragons who died in battle."

After Yue Shuangxue got a positive answer, his expression immediately changed. Excited, asked excitedly.

In the Human Race, the clansman who died in the battle will be collected after the war and used to erect monuments.

But Dragon Race is different from Human Race.

Giant dragon will not deliberately collect clansman's corpse back, and there is no tradition of erecting monuments and mounds.

Unless it is an extremely significant contribution to the Dragon Race, or clansman of great significance, giant dragons will erect monuments for sacrifice.

For example, the giant dragon holy king...

So Yue Shuangxue said this, Qi Le immediately guessed the meaning of this cat ear loli.

"Little Xue, you don't want to..."

"Yes, Qi Le, can you take me to Ruins of Dragon? Anyway, those giant dragon corpses are left It's also a waste over there, it's better to let me swallow it."

Yue Shuangxue stated his purpose without concealment.

As a Devouring Civet, Yue Shuangxue never hides his greed.

The giant dragon's corpse is full of treasures up and down, otherwise the Ruins of Dragon is too far away, and the customers in the store don't care about these high-end forging materials.

After all, the forge of Donghuang, how should I put it... understand it all.

So after the daytime battle, the corpses of the Human Race clansman were brought back, but the corpses of those giant dragons are still in the Ruins of Dragon.

"I knew it."

Qi Le covered his forehead with an expression that he had expected.

Although a long time ago, I heard that Devouring Civet will take giant dragons as food.

But Qi Le never thought that when Devouring Civet swallowed the giant dragon, it seemed that there was simply no distinction between life and death.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems to be the same.

Anyway, the powerful giant dragon is the terrifying dragon body and the majestic qi and blood. Whether it is life or death, it is only the existence of the dragon soul.

However, Devouring Civet devours heavenly material, earthly treasure, various treasures, and does not eat the soul.

So if there is a dragon soul, it simply has no effect.

"How about, Qi Le, it's okay."

Yue Shuangxue said excitedly.

"Although I feel a sense of sorry for Ranchi, depending on his character, I shouldn't care about it..."

"No, to be precise, yes I don't care about it."

After Qi Le said this, he suddenly remembered that Lanqi used the corpse of a giant dragon and dragon soul to forge his exclusive weapon.

In comparison, it may be swallowed by Yue Shuangxue, but it is a better choice.

At least you don't need to be repeatedly whiplash.

"Come with me, I will take you to Ruins of Dragon."

Since the clansman of Dragon Race doesn't care, Qi Le has nothing to say.

Open Space Gate directly, and together with Yue Shuangxue, come to Ruins of Dragon again.

Although Ruins of Dragon at this moment is shrouded in night, it has little impact on Qi Le and Yue Shuangxue.

The Ruins of Dragon, which has been raged by the flood, is still a bit wet, can be seen everywhere. There are traces of being washed away. In some low-lying places, a lot of water has accumulated, forming small ponds.

In such a scene, the body of the giant dragon is particularly conspicuous.

After all, these dragon bodies that fell on the ground are really too big.

At a glance, there are at least dozens of giant dragons, which have been left in Ruins of Dragon forever.

And the loss of Human Race, it is estimated that the difference is not far, or slightly more.

No way, the clansman of Human Race wants to compete with the giant dragon in individual strength, but it is still a bit worse. It is born like this and it is difficult to change.

However, in such a big battle, thousands of people went to war, and only a few dozen people were killed in the battle, which is quite good.

Only a few percent of the death rate, placed in other battles, is estimated to make the commander laugh to death.

"Wow, there are really a lot of giant dragon corpses!"

"Qi Le, these, and those... can I eat them?"

As soon as Yue Shuangxue came to Ruins of Dragon, his eyes began to shine, and his face was full of longing expressions.

But he still followed Qi Le obediently, pulling Qi Le's clothes corner with one hand, and gestured back and forth on the corpses of these giant dragons with the other.

It's like a hungry little child who came to the cafeteria with an adult, but didn't dare to take things with his hands.

"Can you finish it?"

Qi Le raised his eyebrows and gave Yue Shuangxue a little surprised.

There are dozens of giant dragons in the Ruins of Dragon. The smallest one has a dragon body as long as several hundred meters.

Shrouded in the night, like hills lying there.

Yue Shuangxue wants to eat it all, are you really afraid to hold it?

"Of course, there is only so much food here. You look down on me too much."

Yue Shuangxue hearing this, suddenly raised a small face with a proud look Speaking of.

But... Having a stomach like a bottomless pit is not something to be proud of.

"If you can do it, you can eat it all, I don't need it anyway."

Qi Le spread his hands, and then signaled Yue Shuangxue to act quickly.

Don’t linger until dawn and it’s not done yet.


Yue Shuangxue responded cheerfully, and then took a deep breath.

In an instant, the size of this cat ear loli standing next to Qi Le began to grow rapidly, showing the true appearance of Devouring Civet for the first time.

The huge size is not inferior to the giant dragon at all.

The vigorous figure exploded with an extremely terrifying aura, like an ancient ominous beast who wants to choose people and eat.

The eyes revealed in the pair of vertical pupils are extremely cruel and cruel.

Devouring Civet, has existed in the world since the Ancient Times.

of common origins, there will always only be one, which is one of the most terrifying ominous beasts between Heaven and Earth.

When staying in the store before, it might seem harmless to humans and animals, but when the power of Devouring Civet really broke out, it was definitely the power of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

"It turns out that Devouring Civet's body is so big!"

However, what surprised Qi Le was another aspect.

Cats are creatures, the bigger they are, the more fierce they are.

Big cats are far less cute than kittens.

Especially the Devouring Civet, which is like a moving mountain, does not conform to Qi Le's aesthetics.

"Little Xue is still cute when he stays in the store."

"No, it's much cute!"

After watching it for a long time, Qi Le only thought of it silently in his heart.

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