Of course, only after reaching the 8th 15th level can you pass through the mechanical cow forest and go to the next big map.

The Oasis of Elemental Spirits!

This is different from the previous large maps, which need to rely on Transmission Formation to connect.

If you want to enter the elemental spirit oasis, there is no Transmission Formation, you can only wait until the level is enough, and first confirm that you want to leave the big map of the mechanical cow forest.

Then you can rely on your own strength to go through the mechanical cow forest and head to the new map.

According to the distribution of each large map, the Oasis of Elemental Spirit is a large map bordering the mechanical cow forest.

Although Qi Le doesn't quite understand, what a magical operation is that an oasis and a forest border each other.

However, before confirming to leave the mechanical cattle forest.

Between these two large maps, there is a space barrier separating them. After confirming the choice, you can pass.

"I can finally leave this place."

Standing in the mechanical cow forest, Yue Shuangxue glanced at the towering Necromancer tower with some emotion.

Anyway, I have been climbing the tower for a few months, and I still have a lot of memories.

Although these memories are quite boring...

"Don't look, after confirming your choice, you can enter the oasis of elemental spirits."

Qi Le, standing on the border of the two big maps, said to Yue Shuangxue.

It is also because the tower of Necromancer is indeed so high that it can be seen from the edge of the mechanical cow forest.

And I can see it quite clearly.

"I see, isn't this a memory of the past."

Yue Shuangxue curl one's lip, and then passed through the space barrier in front of him.

Unlike the big map of the mechanical cow forest, which is full of technological sense and the war is full of flames, the big map of the elemental spirit oasis is closer to a pure pure land in terms of senses.

The green grass is like a green grass, the green trees are like a forest, and the lake is like a mirror.

A palm-size elemental spirit shuttles between flowers and trees, flying above the lake, playing and frolicking.

It looks peaceful and serene, like a harmless to humans and animals.

However, this is only a superficial phenomenon.

If you go to check the picture book information, you will find it.

These elemental spirits are all basic mobs of the 8th 15th level. They are just basic attributes. They are enough to kill low-level players in seconds without using skills.

Not to mention the elemental spirit oasis map, there are simply no mobs who can't do elemental magic.

"Be careful, don't be besieged."

Qi Le reminded Yue Shuangxue next to him.

It's one thing to have strong fighting skills, but it's another thing in The New World Mode.

If accidentally surrounded by so many elemental spirits, even Qi Le would be difficult to handle.

After all, the basic attributes are not there.

"I know, I don't need you to remind me, I'm a little expert in land reclamation."

Yue Shuangxue hummed back.

In terms of the time spent in The New World Mode, Yue Shuangxue really wants to stabilize Qi Le, and it is far more than that.

No way, Qi Le brushing pictures is just to increase the joy of life.

Yue Shuangxue soaked in The New World Mode just to live.

Of course, game merchants must always pay attention to game trends.

The King of the Liver King is not fun.

"Little pioneer of wasteland..."

Qi Le rubbed his chin, looking thoughtful and nodded.

Although the previous big maps, Qi Le is the first to experience it.

But before the strategy came out, entering the new map can be called wasteland, so what Yue Shuangxue said was right.

As the president of The New World Mode, the most powerful little kitty Guild.

The leader of the game merchant organization plus as everyone knows.

Yue Shuangxue's pioneering skills are indeed top-notch.

"Let you take the lead."

Qi Le is also unambiguous, anyway, he is just here to see what the new map looks like, not a pure wasteland player .

Let Yue Shuangxue enjoy this kind of fun.

"Huh? Just the two of us, can you still come out first?"

Yue Shuangxue's eyes revealed a trace of confusion.

"You are exploring the road ahead, I will give you the back of the palace, in case there is any mob behind hiding in the dark and shady."

Qi Le laughed.

In fact, whether it is Qi Le or Yue Shuangxue, it is a ruthless character who can be single-player land reclamation.

So whoever explores the way, who is behind, is actually talking about fun.

Qi Le is looking for an opportunity to show Yue Shuangxue.


Yue Shuangxue hissed at Qi Le, then walked forward with his head high.

The cute appearance of the element wizard is really hard to think of the word danger.

The cheerful and playful look makes it easy to get along with.

However, all this is just a guess.

Just after Yue Shuangxue walked a short distance, about ten steps later, those elemental elves, who were playing among the flowers and trees, and playing on the calm lake, suddenly stopped. Up.

Then they looked towards Yue Shuangxue together.

"Is this... the scope of hatred?"

"Is it so wide?"

Yue Shuangxue stopped instantly when he saw this scene.

But the elemental elves who have been caught in hatred don't care so much. The look in the intruder's eyes looking towards Yue Shuangxue has become extremely unfriendly.

"The vines entangled!"

"The stakes stab!"

"The rattan whip!"

Haven't waited for Yue Shuangxue reacted, and a lot of elemental magic moved towards her and threw it over.

These elemental spirits, which look petite and cute, don't have a show mercy when they start. They all want to face their enemies, and they are very fierce.

The sky full of vines shrouded directly moved towards Yue Shuangxue, aggressive and fierce.

Moreover, the ground under the feet also began to vibrate obviously, which should be caused by the wooden stakes and thorns under the ground.

There is simply nowhere to hide in this sky full of elemental magic.

"No way."

Yue Shuangxue quickly set up all his defensive skills.

Then after taking his life to endure the first wave of damage, he found that he was still alive, and quickly ran back from the gap of these elemental magics obediently and honestly.

"This big map is indeed a bit dangerous."

Yue Shuangxue, who was lucky enough to get his life back, said with lingering fears.

The battle strength in The New World Mode has nothing to do with the cultivation realm where the player is in the outside world.

The level is not high enough, the basic attribute is not strong enough, and it is surrounded by mobs with higher rank.

That's basically waiting to get alive and rebirth.

After all, this is not a simple mowing stream joy fighting game, but a real game developed by the system on the basis of the battle strength improvement training room to improve the battle strength. One way.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2161: Little Wastelander)...

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