The countless Spirit Crystals flow continuously into the hands of the system, and then they are divided into a small part and turned into various products for feedback. .

The rest is the system upgrade and the parts needed for Qi Le, the host to become stronger.

So Qi Le doesn't know how many Spirit Crystals he still has.

But Qi Le knows one thing, that is, the shop still has to go on, and anyone who prevents him from opening a shop is an enemy.

"Two million Spirit Crystals can buy such a piece of armor. It's not expensive, not expensive at all."

Serater's eyes still did not leave the sun. Zhi Jia, when he took out the Membership Card, he didn't even blink his eyes.

The dignified beast spirit master of the beast ear tribe, trifling two million Spirit Crystals is really nothing.

If you can use another two million Spirit Crystals, you can increase your battle strength by more than 30%. It is estimated that Serratel can cast tens of millions of Spirit Crystals without blinking.

Until he piled up his battle strength to top the entire northern mountain range.

"Remember to drop blood on the Armor of the Scorching Sun , and then the Armor of the Scorching Sun will belong to you."

Qi Le swiped away from the Membership Card of Sailater After two million Spirit Crystals, he reminded me.

"Don't worry, Qi Store Manager, I won't forget this kind of thing."

Serater has seen this kind of blood recognizing Master several times. .

So when it's my turn to do it, I don't feel the slightest unfamiliar feeling. I bit my fingertips in one bite.

Then a drop of condense was mixed with the blood essence of Soul Aura and dropped on the armour of the sun.

Suddenly, the golden light masterpiece of the armour of the sun.

The whole shop has become a golden ocean.

All the customers in the store were stunned, not knowing what happened.

I only feel that this sudden golden light pierces my eyes and tears flow.

"Sairatel, hurry up and put away the armor of flames."

Qi Le was very prescient, covering his eyes, and said aloud.

"Qi Store Manager, you said earlier, this golden light was suddenly illuminated, making my eyes almost blind."

Sairatel's voice also followed. Came out.

Obviously, the golden light of the Sun Armor is an indiscriminate attack...

From this point of view, perhaps Serratel’s attack method can be an extra Up.

The golden light radiated from the Armor of the Scorching Sun, if it is unexpected, it should have a very good effect.

Even if it is just a moment of stunner, in the battle between the powerhouse-class powers, it is enough to tell the winner.

That said, Serratul has made another profit?


Qi Le glanced at Serater.

After Qi Le's reminder, Serratel has converged the golden light emitted by the Armor of the Sun.

Then, Qi Le discovered that Serater's expression seemed very pleasant.

I think I should have realized the wonderful usage of this golden light.

If I knew it, I should add 100,000 more Spirit Crystals.

Anyway, Serratel wouldn't care about these 100,000 Spirit Crystals, and set the price a little bit higher, but it seemed high.

After all, there is a saying that you can’t buy the right ones, just buy the expensive ones.

"With this, Ranchi shouldn't be my opponent anymore."

After Seratl put the blood-drenched Sun Armor into his body , As if thinking of something, suddenly muttered to himself quite excitedly.

Although the relationship between Serratel and Ranchi is very good, they have not done much to learn from each other.

Only after Ranchi got the devil's Colosseum, he completely quit the practice.

Because... I can't afford to lose.

For Ranchi's opponent, as long as Ranchi is not dragged into the devil's Colosseum, if you lose, you will lose.

After all, the prerequisite for the skill of Eternal Fall to Darkness is to fight in the Colosseum.

If it is an outside battle, the Devil’s Colosseum will be ignored.

But for Ranchi, being undefeated is a hard and fast rule.

The devil's Colosseum doesn't care where you lose.

As long as you lose, get ready to be Devouring Soul.

So Lan Genius would not do such a loss.

All discussions will be rejected.

Of course, the discussion in The New World Mode is an exception.

Because the devil's Colosseum can't control the battle strength improvement training room.

However, if you really competed in The New World Mode, wouldn't it be against Cerater's original intention.

There is no way to test the new weapons and new armors I got.

However, Qi Le happened to hear Sailater’s self-talk, and while tangled in his heart, he also had to kindly remind him: "If you compare to the comprehensive battle strength, you may really not belong to Lanqi. Opponent."


Serater looked towards Qi Le with a bewildered face, and a look of dissatisfaction appeared on his face.

It's a pity that Qi Le sees this matter more clearly than anyone else.

The Armor of the Scorching Sun is indeed powerful, and it is a must in restoring physical strength and defensive counterattack.

However, restoring stamina does not mean increasing the upper limit of stamina. The 30% of the power drawn by the devil’s invitation letter skill cannot be recovered by the Armor of the Sun.

This is the collision between Immortal Artifact and Demonic Artifact.

However, the Demon's Colosseum is completely biased towards the Demonic Artifact of single combat.

In the improvement of comprehensive battle strength, of course, it has to overcome the comprehensive defense Immortal Artifact of the Armor of the Sun.

even more how the power of the helmet of the destruction of the world, that is not blown out.

So if Serratul and Ranchi really fight.

Qi Le can't predict the process.

But what the result is, Qi Le can clearly tell that Lanqi must have won.

" Okay , don't be convinced, the positioning of the two of you is different."

Qi Le patted Sailater on the shoulder and gave a comforting voice .

Lanci's fighting style has long since become a death if you don't win. It belongs to the type of extremely explosive, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

And Serater's fighting style is a continuous offensive output, which can always consume the enemy to death.

This is good at continuous combat, but lacks an explosive fighting style. It was originally restrained by explosive enemies.

Now I have to take the initiative to get together, isn't it okay to look for something?

"What Qi Store Manager said... seems to make sense."

Ceratl pondered Qi Le's words to himself.

"It's good if you know it, don't be too horny. You have your own strengths. It doesn't explain much that you are strong in singles."

Qi Le sees Sailater started If you think about it, you know that he probably figured it out.

Once the old opponent unfathomable mystery surpassed himself, not being depressed is impossible.

But insisting on using one's own shortcomings to touch the strengths of others is indeed not a sensible act.

But this matter is not clear.

You must know that the higher the cultivation realm, the more likely it is to be horny.

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