If I was selected by Immortal Artifact, but accidentally missed it, there is no place to regret it.

So Qi Le is not worried that the Armor of the Fiery Sun will not be sold, but simply curious.

After all, Immortal Artifact is such a good thing that people are rushing to ask for it.

"Hey, isn't it the shop here?"

Qi Le looked back and found the shelf where the Armor of the Sun was placed, and no customers had strolled beside it.

It looks quite deserted.

Thinking about it this way, it should be the shop on the City of Life side. A suitable candidate has appeared.

This can be considered projection is one of the benefits of listing.

No matter where there is a qualified person in the store, Qi Le can find out in time.

"Xi'er, I will go to the store over there and take care of something."

"Okay, Qi Le big brother goodbye."

Yue Xi'er, who was standing behind the counter, said with a smile.

When Qi Le hurried to the City of Life side, when he came down from the second floor, he saw a few people around the shelves at a glance. The one standing in the front was Serater.

"Qi Store Manager, you just came here, this armor, when I enter the store, it seems to be calling me."

"So I want to ask , What skills does this armor have, and what is the price?"

Serater glanced up suddenly, just in time to see Qi Le, walked over immediately, and said aloud.

Immortal Artifact's choice of master can be regarded as a marketing tool.

Otherwise, Serratel might not have noticed this place.

"It turned out to be you, Sailater, you came so early today."

Qi Le understood it in his heart when he saw it.

Although clansman of the beast ear tribe doesn't like to use weapons very much, but for armor, he still won't refuse.

As long as it is not too bulky and will affect the movement of the armor, the clansman of the animal ears will selectively wear some.

After all, clansman of the animal ear tribe is not better than giant dragon.

Although their fighting instincts are strong, their physique is not that strong.

In terms of endurance, the clansman of the beast ears is still a bit far behind compared to the giant dragon.

So Serratel is still very interested in this armor.

Although the shape and color of the Armor of the Scorching Sun is a bit more public.

But there is no doubt that it is a light armor.

The exquisite shape can release the wearer's mobility to the maximum and ensure that it does not hinder the movement.

"This armor is called the Armor of the Scorching Sun ..."

Since Serratel was chosen by the Armor of the Scorching Sun, he did the same to the Armor of the Scorching Sun. Interested, then Qi Le will of course have to introduce it in detail.

But in this way, Serratel's luck is really good.

It didn't take long for the Skybreaking Fist to arrive, and I was able to get another piece of epic armor-Armor of the Fiery Sun.

Appropriate weapons and armors are ready in one go.

For many powerhouse-level abilities, this is something that can be met but not sought.

Because there are not many weapons and armors at this level.

In the final analysis, it is because the forging level is too low, and there is no material but no good weapons can be made.

But this is no way. Even Dwarf Race has broken the inheritance of forging skills. What can be left of other races.

You know, among the many gods, there is also a forging god.

However, in the northern mountain range, or in the eastern famine, there is nothing.

"The armor of the blazing sun, as long as the rays of light survive, the physical strength is infinite..."

"The blazing sun...eternal...armored..."

Serater muttered what Qi Le had said, fixedly looking at the Armor of the Scorching Sun on the shelf.

These three skills are simply too suitable for Serratel.

Whether it is the burning effect attached to the blazing sun skill, the infinite stamina possessed by the eternal skill, or the automatic defense possessed by the armor skill.

For Serratel, it is the best help in the battle.

It can be said that with the defensive power of the Sun Armor, and the automatic defense of the armor skills after the defensive counterattack.

Then Serratl can be more open to attack during the battle.

Close combat is originally composed of three basic parts: offense, defense, and evasion.

The reason for the complexity is just that from these three basic parts, a variety of moves are derived out.

This is the so-called fighting technique.

And when the defense in these three basic parts is enhanced, the focus of the battle will naturally shift more to the offense.

This can increase battle strength by as much as 30%.

And more importantly, Serratel no longer has to worry about physical problems.

Although the powerful physical strength of the powerhouse class is close to infinity, physical exhaustion is rarely seen.

However, when fighting against enemies of the same cultivation realm, that's not the case.

Extremely huge consumption will make it too late to recover physical strength.

After all, even if it is a powerhouse-level power, it is impossible to have endless energy in the body.

This kind of thing, even if it is Heaven and Earth, dare not say so.

So the role of the Armor of the Scorching Sun is brought into play.

"Qi Store Manager, how do you sell the Armor of the Scorching Sun ?"

Sailater did not hesitate. Although his eyes were still on the Armor of the Scorching Sun, his mouth was Asked firmly.

This tone is completely inevitable.

But... this is not an auction house. Who would say this to you...

"Two million Spirit Crystals, no price."

Qi Le answered aloud without even thinking about it.

Spirit Crystal, although for Qi Le, it is already a string of numbers.

But for the system, it is a source of energy.

Those Spirit Crystals swallowed by the system are all transformed into energy, and then used to make a variety of goods, or used to secondarily transform into power.

And the main function of these powers is to lend Qi Le this host...

So after learning about this, Qi Le felt that he should save more Some Spirit Crystals are out.

Even if it is necessary, it can be used by the system.

Heaven and Earth air luck is not precious to the system. It can be produced in large quantities with the energy transformed from Spirit Crystal.

Therefore, the power of the highest realm that Qi Le can borrow is the power of the powerhouse-level peak realm.

However, the demand for the strength of Faith required by the Conferring King Level is too large.

Coupled with the strength of Faith, it is also something that the system cannot produce.

Therefore, Qi Le currently has no access to the power of the king class.

It is not that there is not enough strength of Faith, mainly because the power of this level is indeed too expensive.

If you borrow it once, you may have to let the countless strength of Faith go to waste. It really hurts very much.

With this understanding, Qi Le can also understand why the system is so greedy for money.

After all, or for becomes stronger.

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