If you have thoroughly studied the horn tip , it is probably a good thing.

If you haven't thoroughly researched it, it is estimated that you will end up depressed.

After all, to condense to the high throne, it also needs a path that belongs to itself to gather these strengths of faith.

In this way, the requirements for will are very high.

There is no unwavering will, and it is simply impossible to reach that realm.

And even if it is condense to the High Throne, but there is a crack in the mood, it will also cause a crack in the High Throne.

Even because of the broken Dao Heart, the Supreme Throne instantly collapsed.

So Serratel’s dedication to fighting is also a good thing.

Enter the Tao by war.

But if you have to find Ranchi to practice, it seems a bit...

Mainly because Ranchi can’t lose, and Serratel refuses to admit defeat, it’s not just a bargain. .

But for things like battle strength, you don’t have to use heads-up to illustrate the problem.

You can use their respective records for comparison.

"I probably want to understand, but I'll talk about it later, Qi Store Manager."

"Now I just want to test the defensive of the Armor of the Sun Power, see how strong the bottom can be."

Serater’s militant character cannot be changed, but the object of the battle can be changed.

The foundation of entering the Tao with war lies in the obsession with battle, not the obsession with an opponent.

Otherwise, you won't enter the Taoist way through war.

It is based on hatred.

So Seratl, who got the Armor of the Sun, hurriedly left the shop.

If you just simply test the defensive power of the Armor of the Sun, then there is no need to go to Ranchi specifically, you can find Shana or Tiana.

Anyway, the Qiongqi pet card in Tiana's hand, the battle strength that can be exerted is not low.

Coupled with the blessing of various auxiliary magics cast by Tiana, it is completely possible to fight Seratl.

But if you can win, that's another matter.

"In this way, Immortal Artifact's conditions for choosing the master are not very harsh."

"I haven't even reacted yet, the Armor of the Sun has already found a suitable candidate. Now."

Qi Le looked at the back of Serater walking out of the store, and thought about this question secretly.

But looking back, there is actually nothing worth thinking about.

Because they are talented people who can achieve the powerhouse-level realm. Good Fortune people are recognized by Immortal Artifact, which is actually not a big deal.

Youdao is a talented person chooses a patron of integrity.

So compared to those mediocre people, as a spiritual Immortal Artifact, even if you choose your own master, you will choose a person with a bright future.

At this point, Demonic Artifact is much better than Immortal Artifact.

At least in terms of usage restrictions, Demonic Artifact is much less.

As long as you are willing to pay the price, you can get Demonic Artifact.

The only shortcoming is the price, which may be too heavy for life.

However, this has nothing to do with Qi Le.

Anyway, Immortal Artifact and Demonic Artifact are for others to use, and Qi Le can't be used.


Just as Qi Le was about to sit down and look at the store, another item on the shelf made a slight buzzing noise.

Looking up, it is the scroll of the Spirit of Night rank inheritance.

"No way, why did I find a qualified person so quickly this time? I just sat down."

Qi Le stood up helplessly and went to the second floor again Go.

The shops on both sides are so rushing, it is really a bit too busy.

What kind of qualified people can't appear in the same store? You have to take turns from both sides.

"Qi Le big brother, is the matter finished?"

Yue Xi'er saw Qi Le who had not been away for a long time, and hurriedly walked down from the second floor. Can't help but ask aloud.

"The processing over there is over, this time it is here."

Qi Le waved his hand and answered casually.

Something like Immortal Artifact, Demonic Artifact, or rank inheritance scrolls, Qi Le hasn’t been able to sell them to Yue Xi'er.

To be precise, if there is only one item, Qi Le is required to be present.

Otherwise, there is no way to price, let alone introduce the function of the product.

"Big Brother, good morning."

"Good morning, Zi'er, didn't expect your breakthrough so fast."

As soon as Qi Le came to the hall, Lan Zi'er, who was squatting next to the shelf, ran over and pounced on Qi Le.

Cultivation realm, impressively already at the powerhouse level.

As Qi Le guessed, for the Heroic Rank Peak cultivator like Lan Zi'er and Xing Lian, who were prepared for a long time and lacked an opportunity, breakthrough is like eating and drinking water. simple.

Although it is still not as good as Yue Xi'er, it only takes a cutscene to break through.

But it is definitely not difficult.

One night is enough.

"Of course, Zi'er is very difficult to deal with."

Lan Zi'er smiled at Qi Le and said, the expression on his face It seems to be asking for praise.

"Yes, Zi'er is the best."

Qi Le is also happy to satisfy this little loli's small wish.

Then he looked up and looked towards the shelf, and at the same time a strange hunch appeared in his heart.

This time the night spirit class inheritance scroll, won't it be in the bag of the Orchid Leaf Group again?

Even if it is the chosen one.

Then it doesn’t make sense that the whole team is the chosen person.

However, at this glance, Qi Le suddenly realized that his hunch had come true.

The eligible person selected by the Inheritance Scroll of the Night Spirit seems to be...Lan Qing'er!


Qi Le curl one's lip.

Regarding the candidates for the Inheritance Scroll of the Night Spirit, Qi Le has guessed that it should be an archer and an archer in Elf Race.

Although the current situation is considered, it can be regarded as a correct guess.

But Qi Le absolutely did not expect that the archer of this Elf Race would actually appear in the Eastern Wilderness.

Lan Qing'er There is no doubt that even if it is a mixed race, it is a pure Elf Race.

As for the Dragon Clan Bloodlines from Lan Qi, they are probably all on Lan Zi'er.

This is very interesting.

It can be said that things are gathered together, and people are divided into groups.

Even qualified persons of the rank inheritance scroll can appear in the same squad.

If this is a coincidence, then it really should be that sentence.

Geniuses can attract each other.

That Heaven's Chosen Son may be the same.

If this situation is revealed, it is estimated that a group of people will cry to death in the store on the spot.


"Qi Store Manager, very good, you are finally here, this, it should be the rank inheritance scroll, right."

Lan Ye's face was full of joy, and he pointed to the sheepskin rolls on the shelf and said to Qi Le.

Even with the appearance of this kind of sheepskin roll, they have seen it many times.

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