Saya, who possesses such prestige, will naturally not be disobeyed in the decision made.

So, as the official backed away, Angel, who was walking forward, was suddenly lifted up.

"What's the situation? You called me up, but you left first?"

"Then am I going up now or not?"

To be honest, this scene really made Angel a little confused.

This is not afraid, it's mainly because I don't know the situation.

If you go up there and nothing happens, wouldn't it be that you let others read the joke, then where do you put your own face?

"Angel Baron, aren't you coming up yet? I don't think this admiration platform is high."

Seya looked at Angel's hesitant appearance and couldn't bear it. Stop joking.

This sentence can't help but stun Angie, and also stunned everyone present.

Who is Seya?

The current Lord of the Flame Dragon Kingdom.

Actually joking with a little Baron, is this in a dream?

Fortunately, Angel has stayed with Qi Le for a long time, and her psychological endurance is still good, so she reacted quickly.

Since Lord Seya still joked with her, it would certainly not be a bad thing.

Figured this out, Angel took three steps and two steps, and quickly walked to the closing stage.

"Don't be so rigid, Angel Baron, letting you come up this time is naturally a reward for merit."

Seiya clicked nodded on Angel, and then moved forward Take a step.

Until this moment, the talents at the ceremony site came back to his senses, and the eyes looking towards Angel suddenly became different.

Being able to have such a close relationship with the Lord Seya, he must be a deeply appreciated person.

This kind of person, even if they can't make a good relationship, definitely cannot offend.

At this moment, Seya spoke.

"Angel Baron, when the Flame Dragon kingdom is in danger, dispatched the envoy to the capital to rescue, and slay the enemy monarch-level generals-Fras, and his envoy-fight Magic Ape."

"With this great accomplishment, the foundation of the Flame Dragon Kingdom's victory!"

"And lead Silver Moon City, successfully repelling the attacking enemy army , The credit is great!"

"Here, in the name of Flame Dragon Kingdom, the current lord of the country, I bestow the title of Duke Angel with the title-Anguo Duke!"

"I, hereby issue an edict, and if I am here, Silver Moon City will be Yongan!"

"Children and grandchildren must not be disobeyed. Silver Moon City can only be inherited and never change ownership!"

At this point, Seya has said all she has to say.

As soon as it came up, it was a great gift, directly giving Angel a position of Duke, and even giving it back the title.

You must know that a nobleman with a title is completely different from a nobleman without a title.

Having a title, it means that this title can be inherited.

As long as there is one person in Angel's family, the title will never disappear and the title can be inherited.

The last two sentences also show Seya's attitude.

One is to rectify the name of Silver Moon City. Equivalent to is to announce to the world. The Flame Dragon Kingdom recognizes the existence of Silver Moon City.

The other is to ensure that Silver Moon City will always be in charge of Angel's family.

As long as the Flame Dragon kingdom exists for one day, this imperial decree will not change.

Only inheritance, no change of ownership!

"Thanks Your Majesty Holy Grace!"

After hearing these words, Angel was stunned for a long time before thinking of leaning over to thank you.

Because of this series of awards, it is too heavy.

It's so heavy that Angel simply couldn't react.

Even after thanking me, I still feel a little dizzy.

"The Duke... I am now... the Duke?"

"Anguo Duke...This is a title! I still have a title Duke!"

Angel took a deep breath for a long time, but couldn't calm down.

No way, the position of the duke can be said to be the highest title among the nobles.

The princes above are all relatives of the emperor. They are not ordinary nobles, and they can reach the position they can get.

Therefore, the position of Duke has been enough to make Angel excited for a long time.

"Duke Angel, this is the reward you deserve."

"Without Qi Le's help, Flame Dragon Kingdom, I am afraid it would no longer exist."

Seya helped Angel up, and said kindly.

The power of saving the country and the power of destroying the country are all due to one person, and the throne of a trifling is only a duke, which is completely affordable.

If Qi Le hadn't made it clear that he would not hold any knighthood, Seya would want to disregard Qi Le's status as an envoy and give him the position of duke.

The previous battle in the capital was also a battle as everyone knows.

Even if you don’t see it with your own eyes, just listen to other people’s word of mouth, you can understand the danger.

So in the face of Angel's reward at the moment, no one doubted it.

A monarch-level envoy can also bear such a privilege.

At this moment, this reward ceremony has actually come to an end.

After all, even the new duke has come out. Is it really impossible to seal a prince out of town?

And the result of this ceremony will be announced to the world at the fastest speed after the end.

A new duke, and still a duke with a title.

This news is enough to shock all the nobles in the Flame Dragon kingdom.

Especially in the Flame Academy, the group of noble students who were in the same class as Angel, after knowing this, even more pounded their chests and regretted not making Angela well.

Unfortunately, it is too late to say anything now.

Among the Flame Academy, the only friend with Angel is Nora alone.

Now that Angel has become the Anguo of the Flame Dragon kingdom, Nora’s identity and her family’s status naturally follow as the tide rises, the boat floats.

People have to admire Nora’s original vision, or luck.

On the Silver Moon City side, the entire Silver Moon Plain was placed under Angel's rule.

With the expansion of Silver Moon City, there is no need to worry about Fiefdom.

But these all are later.

The problem Angel needs to solve is what Qi Le said to her.

"You said... You are going back to your original world?"

"Why, why?"

Angel is a little bit uncomfortable I couldn't believe it when I looked at Qi Le. I don't know when it will rise, and a layer of mist has formed.

After spending such a long time with Qi Le, in Angel's heart, Qi Le has long been regarded as a family member.

A Big Brother who protects himself all the time.

Even if it's... a lover?

Falling in love with your own messenger should not be regarded as a matter of world shacking and weeping Ghost God.

Only now, a sudden news made Angel panic.

He just won the dukedom, Qi Le said in a blink of an eye that he was leaving, how could this be the case.

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