"Angel, I do not belong to this World, of course I want to go back."

"Silver Moon City has been built, and you also have the title of Lord Ang . I don’t need my protection anymore. It doesn’t make much sense for me to stay here anymore."

"So, Angel, there is no permanent feast in the world, and you should learn to grow. " Le Qi Angel rubbed his hair, said softly.

People are not plants, who can be ruthless.

It’s just that Qi Le does not belong to Heaven and Earth. It’s not good to stay here all the time.

"I don't want to grow up, and I don't want to be a duke, I just want you not to leave, Qi Le, don't leave, okay."

Angel bit her lip and choked To keep it.

People who usually accompany me always feel accustomed to them when they never leave.

Only when parting, do you feel heartache.

"Angel, the separation should not be sad, I will come back later."

"I hope you won't be a cry when I see you again The little girl in the nose."

Qi Le stretched out his hand, wiped away the teardrops from the corner of Angel's eyes, and then turned around quite freely.

Parting from this kind of thing, the longer it is, the more sad it will be.

So quick sword cuts through tangled hemp is better.

"Qi Le, I..."

Angel extends the hand, seeming to want to grab Qi Le's clothes corner.

But after hesitating for a while, he kept his eyes fixed, dropped his hand and said: "I will, Qi Le!"

"If you come back next time, I hope, You can stay here forever, or... take me away!"

Hearing this, Qi Le glanced at Angel from the corner of his eye in surprise, and the corner of his mouth was also exposed. A smile.


"It's settled!"


The cooldown time of the barrier gate has long been pass.

So Qi Le has been waiting for the opportunity to return to the store.

Only after ensuring that nothing is missed, can Qi Le leave with confidence.

After all, no matter how bad the Silver Moon City is, there is still the giant dragon saint king’s dragon soul guarding it, so there will be no problem.

even more how current summon world, big and small forces are respected by Flame Dragon kingdom, with Seya watching from the side, Angel will be fine.

As for the bondage of the Facilitator Contract, I said it from the very beginning.

As long as you leave the summon world, the effectiveness of the magic contract will be cut off by the system, so it will not have any impact on Qi Le.

Of course, it has no effect on Angel.

Because Qi Le did not die, then Angel's faculty contract will not disappear.

At most, I can't perceive Qi Le.

But there is one thing to say, Angel is now taking the path of orthodox magician, and the magic contract is actually not very useful.

But backlash this thing, it's the best or not.

"I finally came back. This time I have been there for a long time."

Qi Le, who returned to his bedroom, stretched his waist vigorously. The bones on his body made a crackle.

I have to say that the golden nest and the silver nest are no better than your own nest.

This sentence is still correct.

No matter how comfortable living outside is, Qi Le still thinks his bedroom is the best.

At any rate, it is also a bedroom produced by system, and even the air seems to be fresher.

Of course, this is a psychological effect.

"Let's take a shower first."

Holding his hair and yawning Qi Le, the first thing is to walk into the bathroom.

After just soaking in the bathtub for a while, Qi Le can feel that the fatigue in his body and heart is like being soaked, and the whole body is relaxed.

"long period of division, together for a long time to divide, but the world trend."

"I did not know there'll be no chance to go back to those of the world."

Qi Le was still thinking about these questions when he was drowsy in the bath.

Because Qi Le always feels that there is a problem with the forging world and the summon world, but there is no specific problem.

"Forget it, I don't want to, I finally came back, let's get some sleep first."

After taking a bath, Qi Le wrapped a bath towel and wiped her hair The drops of water, while walking out.

I was just about to blow the air by the window to dry my hair a bit so I could sleep, and then I saw a cat ear loli coming out of the shop passage door.

"Qi Le?! When did you come back!?"

As soon as I got out, I habitually ran to Yue Shuangxue in Yue Xi'er bedroom and suddenly saw Qi Le, who was blowing a wind by the window, almost sat on the ground without being scared.

"Half an hour ago, I just finished the shower."

Qi Le looked at Yue Shuangxue calmly, the speed of wiping the hair on his hands has not changed.

Here is the shop in Donghuang, and Yue Shuangxue is looking at the shop in the north mountain range, and will come over after closing the shop every day.

The passageway connecting the shops on both sides is in Qi Le's bedroom.

So Qi Le is not surprised to see this cat ear loli here.

"Scared me to death, you disappeared for several months, I thought you all..."


Qi Le listened to Yue Shuangxue's words, as if he was about to turn in a strange direction, and raised his eyebrows.

"No, nothing, I didn't say anything."

Yue Shuangxue reacted immediately and quickly covered his mouth.

Even if it's cursing someone to die, you can't say it face to face, or you have to be beaten up with the head covered.

"Fortunately, you stop fast, don't talk nonsense when you go to Xi'er room."

Qi Le flicks with the finger, flick a drop of water on your finger It was on Yue Shuangxue's forehead.

"Ah...it hurts!"

Yue Shuangxue couldn't escape the water drop attack, so she could only cover her forehead and grin at Qi Le.

However, this kind of small interaction does not make the relationship between the two people worse, on the contrary, it appears intimate.

If the relationship is not particularly good, who wants to fight with each other.

"Okay, let's go there, Xi'er should be asleep by this time."

Qi Le waved his hand, and then glanced out the window.

Looking at the sky, even the starlight on the horizon is about to disappear. It is estimated that Yue Shuangxue stayed up all night again.

This guy, who hasn't been optimistic for a while, has begun to neglect his duty again.

In this situation, Qi Le is not good to say anything, only one sentence...

It's not good to stay up late. It is recommended to stay overnight.

lest you miss the 2nd day of work because you can't get up.

But in the middle of the night, there is no need to say that many. The surprise of a long-lost reunion should be in the daytime.

Unfortunately, when I returned to the store this time, it was very late at night.

So Qi Le has nothing to do.

"System, you should be fine now, come out and talk."

Watching Yue Shuangxue sticking his tongue out to himself, Qi Le only took the side after he ran out of the bedroom. Standing by the window blowing the wind, while speaking in my mind.

Anyway, I don’t have much to do now, so I should take advantage of the time when my hair is still dry and get the reward quickly.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2082: I thought you were)...

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