So, accompanied by Qi Le, you don’t even need to bring a guard.

After all, are there any guards that can be stronger than Qi Le's battle strength?

In just a few days, Angel and Qi Le came to Flame Dragon City.

The newly built Flame Dragon City occupies an area of ​​at least half or even more than the previous capital.

The streets above are also prosperous, crowded like the sea, and extremely noisy.

The screams of various vendors, the clamoring of customers from the surrounding shops, the noise of pedestrians on the road, and the noises of tourists and vendors bargaining prices, one after another.

Compared with the previous capitals, the level of excitement is even worse.

"I have to say that the power of the whole country to rebuild a city-state is faster than I imagined."

Qi Le and Angel walk on the street, involuntarily Sighed with emotion.

Qi Le can still remember how terrible the battle with the battle demon ape has destroyed the capital of the Flame Dragon kingdom.

Looking at it now, where is there a trace of run-down in Flame Dragon City.

The place where you enter the eyes is the color of prosperity.

The faces of the pedestrians on the street are also full of joy.

This is the scene of prosperity and prosperity.

It was also after arriving in Flame Dragon City that Angel determined why Lord Seya called her to come here.

That's - the reward!

In such a great battle, after the war, it must be a reward for meritorious deeds.

In the large-scale battle this time, among the expeditionary forces that attacked the Blackwater Kingdom, there were naturally many soldiers who had won great merits.

It is also this time, all are called to Flame Dragon City, and then they will be rewarded together.

So Angel's mood can be considered calmer.

Although in the war this time, Angel doesn't know what he has done.

But the benefits are sent to my face, I can't push it anymore.

Then isn't this not giving face to the Lord Seya?

Moreover, since I came to Flame Dragon City to be banned, there is nothing to worry about. I took advantage of this opportunity to take a good tour of Flame Dragon City, which is also worthwhile. Okay.

So, while waiting for other people of merit to come to Flame Dragon City.

Angel and Qi Le can be regarded as letting go of everything and have a good time in Flame Dragon City.

Although Flame Dragon City is only a newly built city, it is one of the most prosperous city-states in the Flame Dragon Kingdom.

There are still many places to play.

Until all the people who have been called come to Flame Dragon City.

This kind of days of playing around is over.

In such a big battle, the award ceremony after the war will naturally not be too ostentatious. All the ministers of the Imperial court must be present.

The recorder on the side will also send the reward result to every nobleman in the Flame Dragon kingdom by letter after awarding ceremony at this time.

It is a disguised announcement to the world.

In addition to the ceremony venue, except for the guard of City Guard, people are allowed to watch from a distance.

As long as you don’t come in and disturb the ceremony.

Following the staff who rewarded ceremony into this great hall specially opened up, Angel looked around, and wherever he entered, there were soldiers wearing armor.

There are very few nobles surrounded by this.

After all, this level of war is not something that ordinary nobles are qualified and able to intervene.

So in this way, it seems that Angel is a special case.

"Qi Le, Lord Seya is not the wrong person, right."

Seeing this scene, Angel felt quite anxious.

"No, how could this kind of mistake be made by the wise master of the country today."

Qi Le laughed comfortingly.

Of course Angel knows that this is impossible.

Because in addition to the proclamation issued by the Lord Seya, the official responsible for the statistics will check it again and confirm that there is no error before it will be passed to the hands of the receiver.

It's just that after coming to the ceremony of this ceremony, this kind of tension is completely involuntarily.

The people around him are all hundred war generals, and they are all aristocrats by themselves.

This feeling is so good that it is strange.

But it's useless to think too much. As the ceremony began, Angel and Qi Le also took their seats one after another.

People who have done meritorious service go out one after another and go forward to be sealed.

Have possessions, officials, and titles.

The bits and pieces of the war were recorded, and then read out when these people were sealed.

It is also to let the people who are watching from the outside show a look of admiration.

It is precisely because of these soldiers of fierce and unafraid of death that they are fighting abroad to protect the kingdom of Flame Dragon forever.

This kind of great accomplishment, for every citizen of Flame Dragon Kingdom, is the place of kindness.

However, in the process of awarding the reward, Angel was always applauding, watching the people around him being called forward one by one, except that she had never moved her position.

"Sure enough, the wrong person was declared..."

"But it's a worthwhile trip to have a look at the ceremony."

This situation and situation made Angel's look a little lonely.

But soon, Angel comforted herself.

After all, Angel knows whether he has any credit or not.

From the beginning to the end of the war, I stayed in Silver Moon City, how could I have any credit...

No, I can't say that.

At least Silver Moon City also defeated the attacking army of the Blackwater Kingdom, didn't it?

"The last one, Angel Baron, is there to be the one to be awarded the award?"

On the award platform in front, he is responsible for summoning the meritorious person, The official who announced the merits loudly shouted.

After all, let the Lord Seya announce so many achievements personally, I am afraid that my voice will be dumb.

"Angel, it's time for you."

Qi Le smiled and pushed Angel, who was desolate, to remind her aloud.

"Huh? It's here, it's me?"

Angel suddenly startled, and then she saw the people around, who seemed to be looking at her.

"Angel Baron, are you there?"

There was another hearty shout.

This time, Angel heard clearly. This sentence was not the voice of the official who announced the merits, but the voice of...

The voice of Lord Seya.

"Really, it's me?!"

Angel looked up, but saw Lord Seya on the awarding stage, looking at her with a smile .

Immediately stood up from his seat and walked towards the stage somewhat restrained.

"Her merits, let me read it out."

Seeing Angel approaching, Seya whispered to the official aside.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Although the official did not understand why, he only needed to execute it.

Because the current Lord Seya has led the Flame Dragon Kingdom to the first place in the world, it is well deserved. Apart from the first Lord, he is the greatest Lord.

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