"Okay, I will do you a favor."

Gluck accepted the bait as it should be by rights and agreed.

Anyway, it’s not that difficult, just to find out about Dragon Race news.

I happen to be walking around in this World, there is nothing to do, and now I just have a small task that's all.

And it's such a well-paid task, it's simply too much to ask for.

Is there any reason for Gluck not to agree?

"Then many thanks."

Qi Le waved to Gluck. After saying goodbye, he walked into the Space Gate.


Giant Stone Pass.

The elite fighters who were dispatched to explore the Blackwater Forest ran to report the news as soon as they left Space Gate.

When Qi Le came over, it was gone.

Kemei hurriedly ran to find the team leader and talked about the Blackwater Kingdom.

So Angel and Nora stay where they are, waiting for Qi Le.

"Those guys, they run very fast."

"But I guess, you will probably be asked to stay."

Qi Le Looking back at the city wall of Jushiguan, those camps and residences, they turned their eyes to Angel and Nora.

If the demonic beast was defensive before, most of it was just to train combat ability and increase combat experience.

Then the next battle with the Blackwater Kingdom is a real battle.

And the strength of the Jushiguan Frontier Guards is at a time when it is seriously insufficient, so the support mission will definitely be released.

In order to be able to get enough support in the shortest time.

Under the attraction of military exploits, those summoners who want to raise their titles will surely swarm like sharks smelling blood.

In this way, the most critical issue at Jushiguan is how to withstand the first wave of attacks from the Blackwater Kingdom.

As long as the reinforcements of the Flame Dragon Kingdom arrive, the attack of the Blackwater Kingdom will be solved.

Then the battle strength of the students of the Flame Academy is an indispensable part.

The Blackwater Kingdom naturally understands this truth, knowing that it cannot give Flame Dragon Kingdom a chance to reinforce it.

That's why I calculated the timing. At the weakest moment of the Jushi Pass, he brazenly launched an offensive to beat the border guards at Jushi Pass, a completely unprepared.

The only thing that Blackwater Kingdom missed is Qi Le, an outsider.

They will discover the whereabouts of the army of the Blackwater Kingdom in advance, which will lead to their loss of opportunities.

However, the people of the Blackwater Kingdom don't know this yet.

After all, those black-clad Knights who found Qi Le can no longer send the news back.

"Let’s stay as long as you stay. It’s just a matter of accumulating military exploits."

Angel said indifferently, even with a hint in her eyes. The high fighting intent of be eager to have a try.

With Qi Le by his side, it is so confident.

"Yes, no matter how terrifying people in the Blackwater Kingdom are, they won’t be more terrifying than demonic beast."

Nora is also cheering herself up, but her body is involuntarily going Angel's direction leaned in.

The next issue will be passed on after the lieutenant and commander of the Jushiguan Border Guards negotiate the result.

So Angel and Nora also had half a day's rest time, which can be used to adjust their status.

It’s just that Kemebo, whose mouth is not so strict, went back and told the instructor who led the team. It really made the students of Flame Academy panic for a while.

These pampered noble children have just experienced a battle with the demonic beast tide, and they haven't calmed down yet.

In a blink of an eye, he will be at war with the army of the Blackwater Kingdom. It’s strange if you don’t panic.

Especially at this time, the strength of the Jushiguan border guards is insufficient. Really fighting, I am afraid it will be more difficult than the previous demonic beast attack.

Moreover, if the battle is defeated and the Jushi Pass is broken, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Be calm!"

"You are the heirs of aristocrats born in the Flame Dragon Kingdom Aristocratic Family. You are so flustered, what kind of decent are you."

The instructor who led the team patted the tabletop and hummed, stopping the discussion among the students.

If the students are allowed to discuss this, they are afraid that morale will be low and the military will be distracted if the war has not yet started.

"The Blackwater Kingdom and the Flame Dragon Kingdom have been grudges for a long time. The Giant Stone Pass was built to guard against the Blackwater Kingdom!"

"Now, the Blackwater Kingdom dare to attack me Flame At the border of the Dragon Kingdom, as citizens of the Flame Dragon Kingdom, we have the responsibility to fight for the Flame Dragon Kingdom! We should stand up bravely!"

"As a nobleman, we must be in order to fight for honor, fight for the Kingdom of Flame Dragon!"

"You guys, do you have confidence!"

Boosting morale is the most important part before the start of the war.

The instructor leading the team naturally understands and is also very proficient in how to motivate these students.

It is nothing more than to awaken their fighting spirit and the righteousness of their family and country from the two aspects of honor and military exploits.

The children of the nobles who are still in the Academy have not yet contaminated that many utilitarianism.

An impassioned speech was enough to arouse their blood.

You must know that the Flame Dragon King Council supports so many noble Aristocratic families, but it is also storing battle strength.

Every noble Aristocratic Family needs to have enough summoners and strong enough battle strength to ensure that the title is not lost.

To promote the title, you must also have enough merit to support.

All of them explained one point. When necessary, all the people can be soldiers.


"We are confident!"

"For the Kingdom of Flame Dragon! Defeat the invaders of the Blackwater Kingdom!"

"The Kingdom of Flame Dragon is immortal!"

Once youngster's blood is aroused, his high morale is easily passed on to those around him.

Suddenly, in the lobby where the students of Flame Academy gathered, the shouts shook the sky.

Everyone is chanting slogans, which inspires themselves, but also boosts the morale of the whole group.

Even at first Angel and Nora, who were very calm, couldn't help but yelled a few words.

"It's nice to be young."

Qi Le, who leaned on the door frame, slammed his mouth and said with emotion in his heart.

Although Qi Le never engages in these imaginary things, I have to admit that the effect is still very obvious.

High morale can dispel timidity and fear, and the boiling blood can even relieve pain in battle.

Of course, this is just a subjective feeling.

Explain that the white point is that the attention has been diverted. After the reaction is over, what to do or what to do.

After all, how can it not hurt after all.

However, changes in mentality may become permanent.

It's just that if you can do this, then the benevolent sees the benevolence, and the wise sees the wisdom.

Such a high morale not only motivated the students, but even shocked the messenger who came to spread the news.

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