The words of the lord are still in my ears, and it makes the black armor Knight made up his mind.

The issue of dragon scales must not be known to redundant people.

If so, then he will never be able to speak!

"Everyone listens to the order, and the sword is issued!"


There are no extra words at all.

As long as the dragon scales can be retrieved, an unrelated person will stay in the Blackwater Forest forever.

"It's really decisive. If you haven't finished a word, you will fight and kill."

"But unfortunately, you don’t want me to get dragon scales. I also don't want this news to be known to others."

With that, Qi Le slowly raised his right hand and aimed it at a whole team of black-clad Knights who had charged.

"So, it should be you who should stay in this black water forest."

As the voice fell, Qi Le raised his right hand, lightly Gently hold.

The black-clad Knights who were charging, seemed to freeze, and instantly stayed where they were.


In the next second, a muffled sound came out.

The armor on the black Knight's body suddenly shattered, and blood splattered.

Without half a scream, the man and the horse fell together, lying in a pool of blood, no breath.


"But it's not time to spend time with these guys here. The news from the Blackwater Kingdom should be sent back to the Great Stone Pass. That's fine ."

Qi Le has no feeling at all about this beckoned defeat.

Bullying the weak, not Qi Le's hobby.

This is just a self-defense counterattack.

"According to the distance, the army of the Blackwater Kingdom should take at least one day to see the giant stone pass."

"There should be enough preparation. time."

While thinking about it, Qi Le used the power of his empty boots to open the Space Gate.


"Qi Le?! When did you show up?"

Angel and the others who are still on the road leaving the Blackwater Forest, Seeing Qi Le suddenly appearing, I was shocked.

Qi Le found the cave, and then got the dragon scales, it took at most half a day.

With Angel and the others' foot strength, there is no way to get out of the Blackwater Forest so quickly.

"It's a little urgent, so I had to come back earlier."

Qi Le laughed to Angel first, and then said with a serious face.

"The army of the Blackwater Kingdom is about to attack. It is on the way to attack. The target is the Giant Stone Pass."

"By the way, this demonic beast is also It was made by the Blackwater Kingdom to be used as cannon fodder for consuming the battle strength of Jushiguan."

The tone is serious, not like a joke at all.

And Angel also knows that Qi Le is okay, simply can't make jokes, let alone make jokes with such things.

So, the news of the Blackwater Kingdom’s offensive... is true!


The elite soldiers of the Jushiguan border guards are hearing this, but the complexity has been greatly changed.

The previous demonic beast has almost consumed the strength of the Jushiguan.

At this time, if you fight against the army of the Blackwater Kingdom again, the odds of winning will definitely be terrifying.

As soon as the Giant Stone Pass is broken, the Flame Dragon Kingdom is lost.

"No, No way..."

Kemebo was also so shocked that his whole body became tight, and the cold sweat on his back suddenly appeared.

"Then what shall we do now?"

Angel asked Qi Le habitually.

Since Qi Le, the envoy, Angel has become less and less fond of solving problems by himself.

"counter soldiers with arms, and water with earth weir, go back to Jushiguan first before speaking."

Qi Le waved his hand and directly opened the Space Gate leading to Jushiguan.

The group of them stayed in the Blackwater Forest, and they couldn't discuss any results. It's better to leave this problem to those professionals to solve.

Regarding the tactical arrangement, the lieutenant and commander of the Jushiguan Frontier Army will naturally study it out.

"That's right."

Angel nodded.

Nora looked up at Gluck in the sky.

"You just go back first, what do I do?"

Gluck barked his teeth, looked at Nora, and said with some dissatisfaction.

Originally, the envoy contract was signed only under the strong pressure of Qi Le. Of course, Gluck would not be convinced by the little girl, Nora.

It's just one thing to be unconvinced, and another thing to ensure the life of the contractor.

So in normal times, Nora also keeps Gluck still.

But when Nora encounters a mortal danger, Gluck will never stand idly by.

And now, it is the so-called usual...

In Gluck’s cognition, what is the relationship between the Blackwater Kingdom and the Flame Dragon Kingdom when it attacks the Flame Dragon Kingdom?

"Then, that's okay."

Nora pouted and hesitated for a while before entering the Space Gate.

If you want Gluck to approve it, you will probably wait until Nora's power level is equal to Gluck.

"Hey, Gluck."

Qi Le, who was walking at the end, suddenly looked up and shouted.

"What's the matter?"

When Gluck heard Qi Le's voice, he felt a bit of toothache.

Unfortunately, I can't beat it, so I can only listen.

"This World is much bigger than you think, so I don't know if you are interested in finding Dragon Race news?"

Qi Le asked loudly To.

Regarding the whereabouts of the dragon soul fragments, although I don't know where to start.

But the news of Dragon Race is always a key point. As long as you can find the giant dragon of this World, you should be able to find the clue of the dragon soul fragment.

"The news about Dragon Race? What do you want to do with Dragon Race?"

Gluck heard Qi Le mean all at once.

It's just Qi Le's proposal that made Gluck interested.

After all, the flame lesser dragon has the bloodline of the giant dragon flowing in its body, so it can be regarded as a close relative of Dragon Race.

It's just because the bloodline is impure, and it's not recognized by the giant dragon that's all.

But looking for the whereabouts of Dragon Race, there is still no problem.

"There is a very important thing, I want to inquire with those guys, if you have extra time, go find it."

"Maybe I can find How can I help you purify the bloodline."

Qi Le said with a smile, and threw a bait that Gluck couldn't refuse.

Purify bloodline!

This is what every demonic beast with Dragon Clan Bloodlines wants to do.

Even if Gluck is now a servant, there will be no change.

"Are you sure?"

I have to say that Qi Le's words really moved Gluck.

"Of course I am sure, but I don't know if you are willing to help me find it."

Qi Le clicked nodded with a smile, and said with confidence.

Purifying the bloodlines of other races may be a bit of a problem, but purifying Dragon Clan Bloodlines is really not difficult for Qi Le now.

Just ask the system for some pure Dragon Race blood essence.

But if this is the bloodline of other races, there is a high probability that it is not as precious as Dragon Clan Bloodlines.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2020: Gluck, do me a favor)...

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