When the messenger saw this slogan shouting, what he wanted to say most in his heart was: The students who have come to experience this session have not very good ability, but their mentality is quite good.

Hearing about war is happy, that's the best mentality for a soldier.

Fortunately, the leader of the instructor was clever, and he immediately spotted the messenger at the door and hurried over.

The result of the discussion between the lieutenants and the commanders of the Jushiguan Border Guard Army has already been obtained.

The formation of troops has also been arranged.

And the most important link lies in the students of the Flame Academy.

That is Summoned Beast!

The Blackwater Kingdom can count on the right time to send a large army to surprise the Giant Stone Pass, and it will certainly not carry too many people.

Otherwise, there will be too much movement, and the purpose of the surprise attack will fail.

Therefore, based on the estimation of the marching experience, the number of enemies to be faced by Jushi Pass is about 100,000 horses.

There may also be a small amount of summoner mixed in.

This number is not a big problem for the complete Jushi Pass Guards.

After all, the complete formation of the Jushiguan Frontier Guards has hundreds of thousands of fighters, and it can also rely on the advantages of the city wall to fight the enemy.

Waiting for work, the Blackwater Kingdom only sent a hundred thousand horses, but there was no way to attack.

But it is different now.

After experiencing the demonic beast tide, the guards on the border of the giant stone pass, a pile of remnants of cavalry and cracked armor, there are all wounded soldiers, and the number is not enough.

Faced with the 100,000 horses sent by the Blackwater Kingdom, even with the advantage of the city wall, I am afraid it is very reluctant.

So we can only use Summoned Beast to make up for the battle strength.

It’s just that the battle strength possessed by the students of the Flame Academy is obvious to all, and there is no need to argue about whether it is strong or weak.

The icing on the cake is okay, I am afraid I am still a little bit close if I want to reverse the situation.

After all, this group of students hasn't fully grown up yet. It is already very good to have such a high morale. In terms of battle strength, it is really impossible to demand it.

Therefore, the messenger came here for another purpose besides bringing the results of the deliberations to the mentor.

That is to invite the Angel students over to discuss Summon Scroll.

Anyway, summon comes out of Summoned Beast. The way summon comes out is not all the same.

Since these newly promoted summoner students cannot reverse the situation, they can only rely on Summon Scroll to pull strongly against a crazy tide.

"Look for me? Then I will go over."

Angel also felt a little surprised, but followed the messenger to the conference hall.

The one who greets Angel is still the leader of Olain.

Because the two are relatively familiar, they can speak better.

The area of ​​the conference hall is not very large. After all, there are not many people who are qualified to enter this place. Angel is an exception.

In the middle of a circular conference table, sitting around are the eleven highest-ranking members of the Jushiguan Border Guards.

A lieutenant, and ten commanders.

"Student Angel, I suddenly found you this time, I hope it doesn't disturb you."

Olain brought Angel to the conference table and added extra One seat.

"You brought the news that the army of the Blackwater Kingdom is rushing towards the Jushiguan Pass. We will report this credit truthfully."

"But this time I invite you Coming here, but for another thing."

Giving benefits first, and then discussing conditions, can really make life feel good.

So Angel quickly reacted, with an expression that he had expected, and said aloud: "I know, you guys should do it for Summon Scroll."

"How much do you need? What level?"

It's not necessary to do extra temptation to talk business with someone in the army. It's better to be direct.

"Student Angel is really refreshing. If that's the case, then we won't hide it. I don't know how many Summon Scrolls are there on your side?"

The lieutenant of the army was silent for a while, and then suddenly asked.

Listening to this, it seems that I am planning to buy all of them.

"As long as the military expenses of the giant stone pass are sufficient, my Summon Scroll will be sufficient, but...no credit is available."

Angel said this, paused, and again Then emphasized a request made by Qi Le.

Although Angel doesn’t quite understand, what Qi Le’s request is for and what it does.

But resolute implementation is right.

"Don't worry, you don't need to worry about military expenses, and we don't have the habit of crediting ."

The military officer laughed, he said heartily.

It is true that in the previous demonic beast wave, the Summon Scroll purchased has already spent a lot of military expenses.

But in such an important border area as Jushi Pass, how could there be no reserve in it?

Even if the military expenditures allocated from the Flame Dragon Kingdom every year, the unspent part is saved, it is a huge sum of money.

even more how In the demonic beast tide of this time, the various materials on the demonic beasts harvested are an astronomical number as long as they are all sold.

You know, there are hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of demonic beasts.

Even if the materials disassembled from the demonic beast can only be sold for one or two Gold Coins, they are both worth hundreds of thousands.

And for some powerful demonic beasts, how can the hides, teeth, skeletons and the like that are disassembled from the corpses are only worth one or two Gold Coins?

So simply don’t worry about military expenditures.

The only thing to consider is when the demonic beast materials can be sold.

"If that's the case, that's fine. What Summon Scroll do you need? Just give me a list and I will send it to you soon."

On credit, everything is easy to say.

Angel naturally wouldn't refuse such a big business, just need to talk to Qi Le.

After all, Summon Scroll is on Qi Le, and Angel is not quite clear as to the specific number.

"Then trouble you, we will hand you the list later."

The lieutenant of the Jushiguan Border Guard Army clicked nodded and watched Angel leave Up.

The next matter to be discussed is an important matter for the military, so Angel will naturally not be kept in the audience.

"I'm finished so quickly, how many Summon Scrolls do I need?"

Qi Le was at the door of the conference hall. After seeing Angel walk out, he asked casually.

This kind of thing, don’t even think about it.

Facing the attack of the Blackwater Kingdom, what can be done to call Angel in is nothing more than Summon Scroll.

"I don't know, they will send the list later."

"It's just... Qi Le, how many Summon Scrolls do you have? Will it not be enough? ? " Angel scratched his head and asked the sentence.

"What should I say, um... I should say, there are as many as there are."

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