"Angel, since you look down on me so much, then I'm not welcome."

Kemei Bo gloomy face, said in a cold tone.

In this battle, Angel did not summon her Summoned Beast, so whether he wins or loses, he Kemeibo will suffer a reputational loss.

And the previous plot has also been cracked thoroughly.

It's completely a counter-general.

So it's strange that Kemebo doesn't fly into a rage out of humiliation.

"But don't worry, I will end this battle as soon as possible, so that you will suffer less."

After speaking, Kemebo waved his hand.

"Stone armor beast, give it to me!"


The strong stone armor beast does not emit anything Scream, but will respond to the summoner's commands with actions.

Taking huge steps, rushed towards Angel.

"hmph, arrogant enough to face the stone armor beast with bare hands, it is not necessarily a loser."

A certain student watching the battle couldn't help being coldly snorted.

"You lose or lose, but it can still be seen. For example, I bet that Angel can stick to three tricks."

"Three tricks? I think one trick is enough." That's it!"

"Then I will guess ten seconds."

"Ten seconds is too short, I think at least fifteen seconds..."

Other students also started to joke.

Looking at Angel, who was expressionless and did not move, all began to guess when she was defeated.

None of the students thought that Angel could win.

After all, the stone armor beast is not as partial as the burning vines that Nora summon came out before.

This is a very famous kind of Summoned Beast. In terms of battle strength, it can sling the iron rat and burning vine before it.

"These nasty guys will talk cool words around."

"Angel will definitely win!"

Nora hates it He glared at the students around him, then leaned against Qi Le.

Use practical actions to show that you don’t want to be in the same way.


Qi Le looked down at Angel, then silently stood aside.

Helped her block other students around her.


"Kemebo, if you think what I said before, you don’t need to summon summoned Beast, it’s angry, then you are very wrong. Very wrong."

"Because what I said is the truth from the heart."

"That is, to defeat you, simply don't need to use Summoned Beast!"

Angel looked at the stone armor beast approaching, and spoke slowly.

Then when the sound of the last word fell, he raised his right hand.

"Smash it!"

The magic power instantly condensed into a heavy hammer, fiercely hitting the stone armor beast.


Then, there was a loud noise.

The tall and sturdy stone armor beast shattered like broken glass.

In an instant, the rubble was flying, and the stone chips were all over the sky.

This loud noise echoed in the entire actual combat classroom, and the sky was filled with dust-like stone chips.

The amazing scene stunned all the students.

Even the actual combat instructor did not react, and still looked at the battlefield in front of him with a dull expression.

"The stone... The breath of the stone armor beast has disappeared..."

"This, how is this possible... The stone armor beast was defeated, or was it even a Summoned Beast? No summoner from summon can defeat it!"

Kemebo's trembling voice came out of the stone debris in the sky.

Frightened, feared, shocked, shocked, unbelievable...All emotions mixed together, making Kemebo's voice become intermittent.

As soon as this remark came out, many students who were still sluggish were awakened immediately.

Looking at the incredible scene in front of them, everyone's throat seemed to be stuck in a thorn, speechless.

And what I said not long ago, at this time, it was like an invisible slap, fiercely slapped on his face.

"Really...really defeated the stone armor beast with bare hands..."

"I'm not dreaming, what just happened? Is the battle over?"

"Could it be that I am dazzled? I heard the'boom' just now. How did the battle end?"

"It's only been a few seconds, someone forgets it ?"

Is it?"

"I don’t know. I haven’t watched it for a long time. All I know is that Classmate Angel seems to be a trick to get rid of the stone armor beast!"

"One trick?!"

Until a certain student said this sentence, the surrounding students couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then looked towards An Qi off the scene with a look of astonishment. You.

His eyes are full of look of shock.

They were still discussing before, whether Angel could survive a move in the hands of the stone armor beast.

The result is now good, and it's the other way around.

The stone armor beast didn't even have the qualifications to survive a move in Angel's hands, so it was beaten into stone fragments in the sky and gravel all over the ground.

What a terrifying power this is!

"Cough cough..."

"Now announce the result of the match, Angel student wins!"

Finally came back to his senses for the actual combat The tutor, although he couldn't believe his eyes either.

But the name of the winner was announced very realistically.

"It is true that you are a summoner with an outstanding High Rank envoy. Even if you don't summon the summoned beast to fight, you can still show such a powerful battle strength."

"Ann Classmate Qier, there must be another famous teacher by your side to guide you."

After announcing the results, the actual combat instructor couldn't help but speak, and asked Angel a question.

Because the picture in front of me is really shocking.

Angel’s performance completely subverted summoner’s normal battle method.

And for such a terrifying battle strength, in the eyes of the actual combat instructor, Angel figured out that it was absolutely impossible.

After all, a student, a newly-promoted summoner, no matter how talented it is, it also requires a process of learning and accumulation, which is impossible overnight.

But now, less than two days have passed since Angel became a summoner.

In such a short period of time, Angel could figure out such a powerful combat method by himself.

Then what do you want them to do with actual combat mentors?

"Famous teacher? Does it count as a demon?"

Angel didn't expect the actual combat instructor would ask this question, froze for a moment, and then subconsciously asked.


Hearing the answer from Angel, the actual combat instructor, and all the students' eyes, immediately focused on Qi Le.

As the Flame Academy, for fifteen years, the only outstanding High Rank envoy.

And it's also a humanoid enchantress.

Qi Le's reputation is not lower than Angel's.

So at this moment Angel’s rhetorical question immediately turned everyone’s attention away.

It's just that my eyes have shifted.

But the question I wanted to ask was stuck in my throat, and I didn't dare to ask.

.. You can click on "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1985: A trick!)...

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