Regardless of the remarks of these students, whether most of them are complimenting Kemei, or most of them feel that stone armor beasts are powerful.

But one thing is correct.

That is the battle strength of the stone armor beast. It is indeed very powerful in the low-level Summoned Beast.

Its battle strength level is at least medium level.

This is the Professional Rank in Qi Le's eyes.

This kind of battle strength is definitely one of the very best in front of this group of newly promoted summoners.

That's why Kemebo was so confident.

Although Kemebo doesn't know what kind of attribute Angel possesses.

But this is not important.

Because the attribute type of Earth Attribute can be restrained, it is still quite rare, and Kemebo does not think that Angel is just the rare attribute.

So it is better to put on a generous appearance to win a wave of people's hearts.

When the time comes, no matter whether you win or lose, you are in control.

Win, that is, in the event of a loss, being able to defeat an opponent with a superior level servitor is undoubtedly stepping on the reputation of Angel.

Lost, that's also a gentleman's demeanor.

After all, Kemebo first summoned Summoned Beast, so Angel took advantage of it.

So I don’t suffer anyway.

Facts have also proved that Kemebo's strategy is quite successful.

At least for now, the students who watched the game around were all supporting Kemebo, not optimistic about Angel.

"What's wrong? Classmate Angel."

"Is it because I saw my summon out of the stone armor beast, so I don't have the confidence to fight?"

However, after waiting for a long time, without seeing Angel Summon make his own Summoned Beast, Kemebo couldn't help but ask.

These words sound like caring, but in fact they are extremely proud.

If Angel is able to admit that he is timid without fighting, Nakmebo's reputation will only become higher.

And Kemeibo's words also made the students around discuss spiritedly.

"Yeah, why doesn't Angela still summon her Summered Beast."

"Is it really scared?"

"It doesn't seem to be a problem if I'm afraid, it's a stone armor beast. Are you confident that you can win it?"

"No, of course not."

" That's fine, really didn't expect, Angel is actually not as good as Nora."

The students who watched the game couldn't help shaking their heads and booing.

The face hurt by Nora before, now I can’t wait to return it.

Even the actual combat instructor showed a little confused expression, slightly frowned, looked towards Angel, and reminded: "Student Angel, you can start summoning your Summered Beast."

Be timid before fighting, that's the most despised behavior.

Especially, it’s still a point of discussion so far, simply is not a real battle.

If you are still so timid, then it is really a joke.

"Teacher, I know I can start summon now."

"But I think, fighting Kemebo, you simply don’t need Summoned Beast, so I’ve been There is no summon."

Angel glanced at Kemebo, and then spoke to the combat instructor.

Although the sound is not very loud, it is enough for everyone in the actual combat classroom to hear it.

What is the purpose of Kemebo's summoning out of Summoned Beast so generously, Angel can see clearly.

After all, it is an arrogant plot, and Kemeibo did not intend to conceal it.

It is clear that you want to build momentum for yourself by stepping on Angel’s fame.

Even if Angel wins, it will be the advantage of Kemebo, which is not a victory.

So, how can Angel let Kemebo get his wish?

In this kind of playful competition, still want to play this kind of tricks that don't suffer?

Since you have summoned Summoned Beast first, then I will just be a little bit more and I don't need Summoned Beast directly.

At this time, we have to see who is taking advantage.

"Don't use Summoned Beast?"

"Student Angel, although the discussion will not be life-threatening, it is definitely not a trifling matter. It is not good for you to be so arrogant."

The actual combat instructor was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly persuaded.

What is the real intention of Kemebo and Angel's approach? Those students who are inexperienced in the world can't see it, can't the actual combat instructor still see it?

It's just a trick that's all.

But in this case, Angel will suffer a big loss in actual combat at this time.

A summoner doesn't use Summoned Beast for a duel, what can it use?


Don't be kidding, just relying on the magic that summoner has mastered, how could it be the opponent of those Summoned Beast.

So in the eyes of the actual combat mentor, the best result of this battle is Angel's defeat.

But Kemebo is invincible, and there is no way to use Angel’s fame to build momentum for himself.

The typical wounded enemy is 1,000 and self-damaged 800.

When the students present listened to Angel's words, their faces also showed a look of consternation and disgust.

"You don't need Summoned Beast to fight with stone armor beasts? It's too arrogant."

"I thought I could summon a high-rank emissary. What kind of character is he who turned out to be so arrogant."

"I don’t need Summoned Beast? I’m waiting for you to be knocked down by Kemeibo."

"Grandstanding! This kind of person, no matter how high the aptitude, no matter how lucky, there will be no Great Accomplishment."

Originally, Angel's mood was not optimistic, but now it is even more elevated.

What kind of arrogance, arrogance, grandstanding, a little bit of achievement, you can't see who you are... A bunch of messy titles are all set on Angel's head.

Even Kemeibo's face became a little gloomy.

Looking at Angel, he smiled and said without a smile: "Student Angel, you don’t need to be angry about this kind of thing."

"Although this is just A discussion, but I also hope you can do your best."

"No need!"

Angel interrupted Kemebo unceremoniously, coldly said: "It's all right now, mentor, please announce the start of the battle."

"This, oh...Since you insist on doing this, then I have nothing to say."

The actual combat mentor couldn't help Angel when he saw it, and didn't say anything anymore.

The actual combat course simulates real combat, but it is not that dangerous.

Therefore, there is no hard and fast rule. Both parties in actual combat must summon the summoned beast before they can fight.

The performance in the actual combat course will be recorded in the graduation scores, so for so many years, no student has ever started fighting with bare hands.

But if a student insists on doing this, it is actually in line with the regulations.

"Then, the battle begins!"

After the actual combat instructor finished speaking, looking towards took two steps back.

So as not to interfere with the next battle.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1984: Beating you, no need for Summoned Beast)...

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