After all, the dignified High Rank envoys are not the group of them, so you can ask them at will.

Say something bad.

If Qi Le accidentally angered Qi Le, they would all be unlucky.

And no nobleman is qualified to ask Qi Le for questioning because of insufficient strength.

And no one will trouble Angel.

Because the demon contract is a semi-equal contract, Angel can't restrict Qi Le's actions.

So I can only blame them for nothing to do.

"The potential level is tentatively set to be Excellent High Rank...... This level of ambassador indeed has enough ability to teach you."

The actual combat instructor looked at Qi Le deeply. One glance, and then had to sigh.

The humanoid envoy, as long as it is strong enough, is indeed a very suitable mentor for the covenant.

After all, the envoys of other species, even if they are powerful, their combat methods are not suitable for summoners to learn.

The humanoid enchantress is different.

Especially, through the current information, the actual combat instructor also learned that Angel’s servitor should be a magical servitor.

Then there is absolutely no problem in teaching Angel this summoner.

Although before this, there has never been such a precedent.

But the reason why this kind of precedent has not appeared is because the humanoid envoys in the past are too weak.

But the one in front of me is so strong that it is amazing.

Even the profound spatial magic has the words at hand.

Could there be problems with the other little magic of the deed’s lord?

"Qi Le, Angel's magic, did you teach it?"

Nora looked towards Qi Le in surprise.

Others have no guts to ask Qi Le this question, Nora has no worries.


Qi Le simply answered Nora's question.

But this word made the students around who have been waiting for the answer involuntarily showing the extreme jealousy on their faces.

An excellent High Rank envoy can also be a part-time mentor!

This is simply a dream thing.

You must know that in the entire Flame Academy, there is simply no mentor who can possess superior power.

The only one who possesses an extraordinary level of power is also Dean Feder.

But now, Angel Summon has produced an outstanding humanoid facilitator, who is fully capable of serving as a mentor.

But it will only give Angel a small stove.

What is this concept?

aptitude is not as high as others, luck is not as good as others, and now I have lost even in terms of resources.

Under such all-round crushing, do you and the others still want to catch up with classmate Angel?


"The ambassador... is the ambassador again!"

"It's just good luck. Summon has produced an excellent level of the ambassador, so it doesn’t put me in In my eyes!"

"Angel! Do you still want to turn over?"

"Wait, you will never get your wish!"

After Kemebo saw this scene, jealousy and anger flooded his forehead, making his eyes red.

But Kemeibo also understands that if you go to Angel's trouble at this time, you will have cerebral palsy.

So no matter how angry you are, you have to suppress it.

Then bow and salute the winner to show respect.

Anyway, there are still more opportunities for black hands in the future. An earl family wants to plot against a viscount family with so many means.

No need to lose face at this time.

"Okay, now ask the two students to go back to the field and continue the next group of students."

After the actual combat instructor confirmed Angel’s problem, he did not stop. Ask more.

Instead, continue the actual combat course.

After class is over, this matter will be reported to Fader as quickly as possible.

Then Dean Feder decides how to deal with it.

"Qi Le, I won! How about it, I'm good."

Angel ran up to Qi Le and started begging for praise.

I completely ignored the envy and jealous eyes around me.

"It's okay, you did good, but don't be complacent, you still need to work harder ."

Qi Le laughed, said quietly.

The improvement of combat skills is endless.

No matter how perfect victory you have achieved in the previous battle, don't take this complacency and conceit to the next battle.

Because that will only bring you failure.

"I know, I will work harder in the future."

Angel nodded seriously, and the rays of light flashed in her eyes.

The battle method of the violent method is more fun than the summoner.

Wouldn’t it be more comfortable than commanding Summoned Beast to fight and crushing the opponent with your own hands.

Although this kind of invigorating feeling varies from person to person, there is no doubt that Angel is the one who enjoys it extremely.

"It's fine if you understand. You will be familiar with this magic for a while, and I will teach you new magic in a few days."

Qi Le clicked nodded, and then casually Exhorted.

Practicing magic is Angel’s own business, and Qi Le doesn’t watch it all the time.

But depending on Angel's excitement, this enthusiasm should last for a while.

"Qi Le Qi Le, can I also learn magic with you."

Nora, who stood by, couldn't help but ask.

"You... better practice summon magic first, you may not be able to learn my magic."

Qi Le turned his head and glanced at Nora, then very Directly refused.

A summoner can learn summon magic, but he doesn’t. Isn’t that not doing business properly?

Angel can't help it.

Don’t think that Qi Le really wants to teach Angel to use combat magic. It’s not because he was forced to be helpless, so he made some temporary compensation.

lest Angel is conspired by the enemy and Qi Le will be unlucky.

Although being expelled from the summon world does not cause any harm to Qi Le itself.

But the collection of strength of faith will have a huge impact.

I wasted two months for no reason, and wasted the strength of faith of a world for no reason.

Qi Le firmly does not allow this kind of thing to happen.

It's shameful to waste!

"That's the case again, I can't learn... if I can't learn, then forget it."

This is the second time Nora got the same answer, so it seems very calm.

After all, Nora's personality is different from Angel.

Angel may enjoy the fun of defeating the enemy with his own hands, but Nora prefers to hide behind and be a cheerleader.

Of course, if there is more self-protection power, it is also good.

Because no one will refuse to become stronger.

The atmosphere off the court gradually became quiet with Qi Le's silence.

And the battle in the actual combat classroom is on the right track again.

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