Although the humanoid servitor is called the elegant name of the resourceful servitor .

But everyone knows, that's just comforting words that's all.

The purpose of becoming a summoner is not to gain strong power.

If it is purely for resourcefulness, then why do you have to look for resourceful envoys?

Can't find a few smart people in the huge Flame Dragon kingdom?

So most of the students couldn't help but laughed a few words.

Anyway, with this humanoid enchanter coming to the bottom, what about yourself, it is impossible to make it worse.

"Let's go!"

Angel gritted her teeth and said, she didn't know what expression to face Qi Le with.

I am not in the mood to refute those ridicules.

Familiars are different from normal Summoned Beast.

After Summoned Beast is released by summon, the summoner needs to continuously devote magic power to maintain their existence.

If the magic is interrupted, Summoned Beast will disappear.

But the Familiar does not need magic power to maintain it. As long as the Familiar Contract is still there, the Familiar can stay in this World forever.

Of course, summoner can also collect the servitor into the servitor space.

But under normal circumstances, the summoner will not do this.

There are more space for the servitor, just to bring the servitor summon to his side without consuming mana.

Therefore, in most cases, there is no trace of the envoy beside the summoner.

After all, some fascists are really not suitable for carrying around.

But as long as the battle starts, the summoner will be able to bring the servant summon over immediately.

"You don't seem to be in a good mood."

Qi Le followed Angel and suddenly spoke.

"Of course it's not good! It's not your problem!"

Angel might even cover up her emotions in front of outsiders.

But in front of my envoy, there is no that many particulars.

"My question?"

Qi Le was stunned for three seconds by this answer.

How good is it, it becomes my problem? You are in a bad mood, what does it have to do with me?

Qi Le is full of confusion.

"You don't understand what you said, you still don't ask, I'll be fine in a while."

Angel shook the head and said with a sigh.

If you are angry, you can't sprinkle it on the envoy.

"Really, then I won't ask."

Qi Le hearing this, shrugged, closed his mouth sensibly.

At this time, we still have to figure out what kind of world this World is.

Other issues, it’s not too late to talk about it later.

system: "Host, the information is almost collected, and I will pass it to you now."

But at this moment, Qi Le's mind, the system's voice suddenly jumped After coming out, there was a large amount of information pouring into my mind.

Especially about the summoner system.

And the classification of potential.

According to Qi Le's understanding, potential grading, low, medium, high, excellent.

The corresponding ones are Brave Rank, Professional Rank, Grandmaster Rank, Heroic Rank.

It’s just this potential, which refers to what kind of realm the enchantress can eventually grow to, not the real realm.

Of course, summoner's real realm classification also uses these terms.

But the same problem is also there.

That is the strength of the summoner, in fact, it is quite dependent on the strength of the servitor.

So even the summoner of the same realm, the true strength gap can sometimes be quite huge.

Thus, Qi Le also inferred the reason for Angel's frustration from the information.

"Does she think I am a weak chicken?"

Qi Le thought of this, and suddenly felt like didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"The world of belief in the god of summon... Battle Qi, magic, are almost abandoned, and the rest are all about summoners."

"Could it be that" Ancient Era, the summoner ranks that disappeared from the Eastern Desolation, have all come here?"

Fortunately, Qi Le also knows that this kind of thing is impossible, so I just made fun of it.

Then, I learned who the god of this World belief is.

Qi Le will also start planning how to collect the strength of Faith from this...tentatively called the summon world.

"summon, summon..."

Qi Le thought silently in his heart.

And Angel also brought Qi Le to Nora's side.

"Nora, now we are really good sisters, two laughing stocks of Blaze City."

Angel sat down on the ground as she spoke. Leaning on Nora.

Both eyes are spiritless Nora raised her head and glanced at Qi Le, then glanced at Angel again, her tears almost didn't flow.

"Angel, what the hell did we do wrong and why is this happening."

Nora's tone fell to a low point.

If they weren't still on the training ground now, maybe the two of them would start crying.

"Wait a moment, can you tell me what happened?"

Qi Le received the information from the system and digested it well , I noticed the two people at my feet.


Angel lifts the head, glanced at Qi Le, and then sighed inexplicably.

"What's the use of telling you?"

"Can you be stronger than the flame lesser dragon?"

Talking, Angel pointed at the sky, the flame lesser dragon hovering above.

"en? Did that guy provoke you? I don't think it is hostile, right?"

Qi Le answered aloud without raising his head.

The flame lesser dragon in the sky, when Qi Le first came to this World, he had already noticed it.

But Qi Le also discovered that the flame lesser dragon seemed to just hover in the sky, without any hostility or murderous aura, so Qi Le didn't care about it.

Who knows if that guy will be the guardian beast of this Flame Academy.

By the way, the name of the Flame Academy was learned by Qi Le from Angel's information.

After summarizing the information provided by system, Qi Le has a preliminary understanding of the summon world.

I also know that in this World, those who practice Battle Qi are extremely worried about battle strength.

If you can have the strength of a Professional Rank, it is a genius who picks one of the ten thousand li, and a master of the famous party.

And ordinary magician, let alone.

Because the flow of magic power is extremely difficult, the magic must be used as a medium to release the magic safely.

That's why the status of summoner is so respected.

After all, the summoner in the summon world is equivalent to summoner plus magician.

Then, the importance of the envoy is beyond doubt.

So Qi Le has nothing to say about his identity after he came to the summon world.

At least it makes sense, isn't it?

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