"It is indeed not hostile, because the flame lesser dragon should have been Nora’s messenger ..."

Angel saw Qi Le serious Apparently, he didn't conceal it, he just told what had happened before.

This is no secret anyway.

Maybe after today, it will become a laughing stock in the aristocratic circle.

And Angel Summon's humanoid envoy, it is estimated that it will follow along with it.

When the time comes, Angel and Nora may really become the two big jokes of Flame City.

"By the way, after signing the messenger contract, I did not get your information. Can you tell me your name now?"

At the end, Angel Er asked one more question.

Although this is indeed a weird thing, in this case, Angel does not want to go into this issue.

"Of course, my name is Qi Le."

Qi Le also reported his name after listening to the story.

Despite Angel’s strength, Qi Le is not eye-catching.

But anyway, as long as Qi Le stays in the summon world, then Angel is his contractor.

So it is necessary to make a little better relationship.

"Qi Le...Okay, I see, now you can stop disturbing us."

Angel repeated Qi Le's name, and then another A sad expression on his face.

Together with Nora, they are really standard hard brothers...No, it’s hard sisters...

It's really hard!

And compared to Angel, Nora's situation may be more difficult.

After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, Angel has become a summoner anyway, even if the devil is weaker, but with a little hard work, how can he get the title of Knight.

And Nora can't do it.

For a person who cannot become a summoner and cannot practice Battle Qi.

It is too difficult to get the honorary title of Knight.

You know, the reason Knight is called the honorary title is because it has to gain enough merits before it can be named Knight.

And the most important part of the merits is the combat merits.

But where is this thing so easy to obtain?

If you don’t have a strong enough battle strength, let alone gaining battle strength, it’s a good thing that you don’t become someone else’s battle strength.

So Nora understands that if nothing goes wrong, she might have to bear the identity of a civilian for the rest of her life.

Then I spent the rest of my life in Fiefdom of my own family.

"Can you not be busy with sadness? This problem is not easy to solve."

Qi Le looked at the desperate appearance of the two and couldn't help but speak.

Regarding the question of title, Qi Le learned a little from Angel's information, but not much.

But this little information is enough for Qi Le to understand the feelings of Angel and Nora.

For the nobles, the title not only represents rank and status.

It also represents glory and faith.

Each title, in addition to the powerful summoner as the foundation, is the accumulation of various achievements by the ancestors.

And Angel and the others, as juniors, naturally want to protect this glory.

Unfortunately, strength does not allow it.

So it is normal to feel sad.

"Very easy to solve? What are you kidding me!"

"Do you know how powerful the flame lesser dragon is? Save some effort, it's not what you should be I don't blame you for what I did."

Angel lifts the head abruptly and said to Qi Le excitedly.

But when it came to the back, Angel's tone gradually fell, just silently shaking his head.

"Are you... worrying about me?"

Qi Le's eyes narrowed involuntarily as Angel's tone changed.

Being emotional is a normal response.

However, the meaning of concern contained in the tone is an act guided by the subconscious mind.

"Interesting little girl, it seems that this journey should be very interesting."

Qi Le didn't care about Angel's tone, he was just thinking about Angel Your attitude is nothing more than.

The results obtained are naturally gratifying.

It’s better to be with a summoner who knows how to care about your own avatar than with a summoner who treats avatar as a tool.

From this point of view, Qi Le's luck is pretty good.

So Qi Le doesn't mind helping Angel... and her good sister.

"Okay, don't cry all the time, I said it is a small problem, that is a small problem, watch it carefully."

Qi Le clapped his hands and tried to The attention of Kyle and Nora attracted.

It is precisely because of this plan that Qi Le's voice and clapping hands are not small.

After attracting the eyes of Angel and Nora, many students on the training ground also watched.

Joining in the fun is nature.

The "big talk" Qi Le said naturally became the object of ridicule.

"What did that guy just say? He wants to attack the flame lesser dragon?"

"As a humanoid envoy, he actually wants to attack a superior level envoy, then It's really courageous."

"What's the use of having courage but not strength, it's not about being slapped to death by the flame lesser dragon."

"It's just that An Qi is sorry Er, just like Nora, I will lose my qualifications to become a summoner."

"Leave them alone, we just wait for a good show."

"overestimate one's capabilities ......"

In the eyes of the students of the Flame Academy, an excellent-level envoy is definitely an unattainable object.

At present, the entire Flame Academy, and only the envoy possessed by Dean Feder, is of excellence.

As for the others, at most they are a high-level person.

So now that a humanoid envoy dares to speak wild words, it's strange not to be ridiculed.

"There is no shortage of people who believe oneself infallible."

Qi Le glanced at the group of students faintly, and thought silently in his heart.

With his state of mind, of course it is impossible to care about these guys.

How could a lion jump into a thunder because of a dog bark, even more how in front of Qi Le, with the strength of these students, it may not even be considered a dog bark.

It was these chirp chirp twitter twitter ridicules that attracted Feder's gaze.

Then, under the gaze of these people.

Qi Le raised his head and looked towards the flame lesser dragon hovering in the sky.

"The wingspan is only a few tens of meters. It really is not a pure Dragon Race."

This is Qi Le's first thought.

For a real giant dragon, after the cultivation realm reaches the Heroic Rank, the wingspan will be hundreds of meters long, without exception.

Those powerful giant dragons, when hovering in the air, are huge monsters that cover the sky and the sun.

However, this flame lesser dragon may indeed be called huge in size.

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