"Actually, all the humanoid enchantresses that have been recorded have a very low performance in terms of battle strength. In most cases, they are resourceful. Familiar."

Fader said as he looked at the humanoid Familiar in front of him.

Of course, these words are not for Qi Le, but for Angel.

A resourceful envoy...

"I know, Dean."

Angel lowered her eyebrows, her expression depressed.

This kind of thing is almost common sense for people who want to become a summoner. How could Angel not know.

But this is the end, what can be done?

As long as the summon comes out, it cannot be changed.

Giving up the envoy is equivalent to giving up the qualification to become a summoner.

So even if the messenger that summon comes out is bad, Angel will not give up.

However, the problem of low mood can't be solved for a while, only time can be used to slowly heal the wounds.

"It's fine if you know, then I won't say more."

Fade didn't want to comfort Angel.

After all, the summon ceremony opened by Flame Academy has been so many times.

The students of summon who are on business trips do not know where they are. If everyone wants to comfort them, it would be really too busy.

So Feder came here this time, the real purpose is to explore the attributes of the humanoid envoy.

Because after becoming a summoner, what kind of summoned beast can be summoned is closely related to the attributes of the envoy.

"There are not many types of attributes about humanoid envoys."

"Most of them are holy light attributes, undead attributes, hell attributes, or forest attributes, but just So far, the breath that this humanoid enchantress exudes..."

"It's almost nothing!"

Faed looked away from this humanoid envoy, Then he sighed.

The breath is almost nothing, which means that the battle strength is also close to nothing.

And the same, it also shows that there is no way to judge from the breath what kind of attribute is the demon.

"I knew it was like this, it's okay, Dean, I am mentally prepared."

Angel took a deep breath and adjusted her emotions hard.

"That's fine. In this case, you can only see the specific attributes after you have signed the envoy contract."

Feder clicked nodded and said Speaking of it.

Make the magic contract a semi-equal contract. Except for the last non-equal clause, everything else is normal.

So after signing the envoy contract, the information of the owner and the envoy will appear in the other's mind.

This is also a very important way to collect information about the envoy.

Speaking of which, Feder once again glanced at the humanoid envoy in front of him.

Qi Le is also looking at Feder.

Naturally, I listened to the conversation between these two people in front of me, so Qi Le's mouth also showed an interesting smile.

The breath is almost nothing?

To be honest, Qi Le felt a little funny when he heard this sentence.

There is a saying, what level of Feder's strength is, Qi Le can see clearly.

According to the realm division of this World, Qi Le is still unclear.

But according to the cultivation realm known by Qi Le, it is probably an intermediate level of Heroic Rank.

With this level of cultivation realm, if you want to see through Qi Le's strength, isn't that a dream?

If you can really feel Qi Le's breath flow, that would be a strange thing.

However, Qi Le, who has just arrived, did not expose it either.

One is that Qi Le is not a high-profile person,

The other is that Qi Le does not yet understand the situation of this World, so it is better to keep a low profile.

"Well, let's start signing the messenger contract."

Angel nodded to Feder, then turned to Qi Le and said.


Qi Le nodded slightly.

As long as both parties of the contract agree, the process of signing is quite simple.

So soon, Qi Le's mind had more information about Angel.

And some common sense about summoner.

It did give Qi Le a preliminary understanding of this World.

"Summoner's world..."

Qi Le raised his eyebrows and became more and more interested.

On the other side, Feder is frowning, looking at Angel, and asking: "How about? What attribute is your servant?"

Angel's face was blank and distressed.

"Strange, why didn't I get the information of my servant ?"

Angel's browse tightly frowns.

The demon contract has been signed, why hasn’t the information about the demon passed?

Is it because the information of this humanoid envoy is blank?

"No information?!"

At this moment, even Feder showed a puzzled look.

In this case, looking at those envoys that have been recorded, they have never appeared.

So at this moment, Feder didn't know what to do.

"Otherwise, based on the judgement in the record, let's count with the low potential first."

At the end of thinking, Feder made a decision.

After all, the summon ceremony cannot be interrupted by the ambassador, and the humanoid ambassador is scarce, so there is nothing to learn from.

So for the time being, the record shall prevail.

Then, when the summon ceremony is over, we will discuss this matter again.

"Declare it."

After saying that, Feder glanced at the mentor next to him.

Regardless of the attributes and potentials of the envoys from summon, they need to be announced.

In such a place, hiding and tucking will only make people laugh.

"I understand, Dean."

The instructor nodded, and then shouted: "Make the demon summon successful!"

"Humanoid The ambassador, the attribute is unknown, the potential is low, and the signing of the magic contract is completed!"

The announcement of this sentence, among the many announcements floating over the training ground, seemed so outstanding.

Immediately attracted most of the students' eyes.

"Humanoid ambassador? This is probably even rarer than the superior level ambassador."

"It is indeed rarely seen, really didn't expect, we are actually lucky today. I can see it."

"It's an excellent servitor and a humanoid servitor. This time the summon ceremony of the servitor, is there any good luck?"

"Don't talk about it. When you encounter this kind of thing, you can't cry."

"That is, if my summon is out of a humanoid demon, I want to hang myself at this time. ."

It is the opposite of the envy and jealousy that I showed when I saw the flame lesser dragon before.

At this time, many students were "happy laughter and cheerful voices", and they all couldn't help laughing.

No way, the humanoid envoy is notoriously weak.

.. You can click on the "favorites" below to record this time (chapter 1964: ridicule)...

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