However, whether it is excellent low-level or excellent mid-level.

That is not something Nora can handle.

"Little girl, did you summon me here?"

On the training ground, under everyone's attention, the flame lesser dragon in the sky suddenly appeared sound.

speak human's words!

This is the only thing that can be done by a servant who possesses a superior level of power!

The potential of the superior level and the power of the superior level are completely different things!


The students of Flame Academy, sucked in a cold breath, involuntarily stepped back.

A servitor who has not signed a servitor contract and has a superior level of power is a volcano that may erupt at any time.

Among the students present, no one has the ability to stop it.

Even the instructors who presided over the summon ceremony of the envoys are retreating subconsciously at this time.

After all, there are only a few people who are not afraid of death.

"Yes, it's me... I brought you summon here."

Nora was awakened by the flame lesser dragon's words, and immediately stammered in reply.

Running is definitely impossible.

On this training ground, anyone else can run, but Nora, who brought the flame lesser dragon summon out, is impossible to run.

Regardless of whether the magic contract can be successfully signed, there must be a result.

"What a weird thing, why such a weak little girl can summon me over."

The flame lesser dragon passed Nora with a contemptuous look. Then he scanned the entire training field.

There is no hostility.

The character of giant dragon is more arrogant than violent.

Therefore, the flame lesser dragon, who owns the giant dragon bloodline, also inherits this arrogant character, and naturally disdains such a weak object.

"Summon Ceremony ……so that's how it is."

Because the Summoner's contract is two-way, Nora knows it at the same time, the flame lesser dragon also knows This matter.

So after sensing the information that suddenly appeared in his mind, the flame lesser dragon frowned.

"Such a weak summoner, would like to sign a demon contract with me? What a dream!"


No Although La is still very frightened, but the words of the flame lesser dragon, she still hears perfectly clear.

Refuse to sign the messenger contract...

Any magician who is about to become a summoner is very clear about what this means.

Once rejected by the envoy from summon, the magician will be deprived of the qualification to become a summoner.

This rule is not determined by anyone.

It is the law of the world.

So Nora's face at this time has become pale.

The feeling of falling from heaven to hell in an instant may be just this.

Rejected by a superior-level envoy, that is tantamount to changing from a powerful summoner that everyone admires to a complete joke.

"Why... why! Why don't you sign a contract with me? Isn't that an equality contract?"

"Stay here will not affect you, right!"

Nora gritted her teeth and shouted at the flame lesser dragon.

I want to make one last effort, and hope that the flame lesser dragon can change my mind.

"Equality contract? Little girl, if you can dig a little more into the servitor contract, you won't say such a thing."

Flame lesser dragon glanced at Nora , Said coldly.

Because, to be precise, the magic contract is a semi-equal contract.

It is true that the contract owner cannot force the demon to do something, and the demon cannot restrain the deed owner. These are the contents of the equality contract.

However, there is only one content that is not within the scope of the equality contract.

That is the death of the covenant, and the demon will die together.

If the demon is killed, the contractor will only be seriously injured and will be permanently deprived of the identity of the summoner.

This is the point, which is very unfair to the flame lesser dragon with a long lifespan.

Because Nora is impossible to live as long as the flame lesser dragon anyway.

This is also the most important reason why the flame lesser dragon refuses to sign the envoy contract.

"But...but this..."

Nora still wanted to argue.

But after thinking for a long time, I don't know what to say.

"There is nothing."

The gaze of the flame lesser dragon, on the training ground, swept over those who have signed a contract with the demon, coldly said: "I It’s not the same as those guys, don’t think about convincing me."

The low-potential envoys are either lifespans similar to summons, or they have low IQs.

So simply will not consider rejection.

But at the level of flame lesser dragon, it is impossible to do this kind of loss-making business.

At this time, many students and instructors in Flame Academy have also understood.

The flame lesser dragon did not intend to cause trouble, but just rejected that's all.

So I am bolder.

"After doing it for a long time, it turned out to be just bluffing."

"I really thought she could really stand up, but it turned out to be nothing but joy."

"That's right, there is no such thing as an excellent level servant. It is good now. I am afraid that I don't even have the qualifications to become a summoner."

"Let's continue to look at other people." Right."

Among the students of the Flame Academy, many people know Nora.

Naturally, there is no shortage of people who know what Nora’s family is like.

Aristocratic circle, say big is not big, say small is not small.

If Nora can successfully sign a demon contract with the flame lesser dragon, turning over from the viscount to the marquis, or even the duke, is a sure thing.

It can definitely cause an uproar in the circle of nobility.

There must be many people who are jealous.

However, now that this happens, those who were envious and jealous before immediately turn into ridicule and ridicule.

Because no one wants to see it, he is obviously only a person at the same level as himself.

All of a sudden, I stepped on my head.

"Nora, it's okay, no matter what you become, we are the best sisters."

At this time, only Angel came forward and helped Nora, who lived on the verge of collapse, comforted softly.

"Wait a minute, flame lesser dragon, do you really stop thinking about it?"

But at this moment, Feder, who has been silent, spoke.

As the dean of the Flame Academy, Feder is of course also a summoner.

Although he possesses the envoy, his strength is not as good as the first Dean Ren.

But it is not a problem to deal with the flame lesser dragon in front of you.

It’s just that the fight really starts, maybe the entire Flame Academy will be rebuilt, so when it’s not as a last resort, Feder doesn’t want to do it either.

But, if you really let the flame lesser dragon leave like this.

Then not only Nora will become a laughingstock, but even the Flame Academy will also become a laughingstock.

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