"Excellent! Low-level!"

The intermittent voice of surprise came from the instructor.

When the level of potential reaches excellence, it can actually be divided into more detailed three types: excellent low-level, excellent middle-level, and excellent high-rank.

However, there is no doubt that as long as there is a prefix of excellence.

So whether it is low-level, intermediate, or high-rank, it is all for far surpasses with high potential.

Even if it's just a superior low-level, it's also superior!

So the instructor’s exclamation immediately caused all the students present to make envy, jealousy, incredible, and incredible voices.

"Excellent level envoy, this...this is a fake."

"I heard that in the 15 years of Flame Academy, there has been no student summon of excellence level. The envoy ."

"I can't even dream of the envoy of high potential, she actually summoned the envoy of superior potential!"

"I am so envious! " " has excellent potential for the magic level, which if grown up, the Kingdom of Flame Dragon appears Duke probably have a right. " training ground of the students discuss spiritedly .

But without exception, the look in Nora's eyes became a little different.

It is the envy, jealousy and hatred that naked eye can see.

The status of the nobility is inseparable from the summoner in the family and the power of the envoy.

If it is divided by knighthood, then an excellent-level envoy, as long as it does not die halfway.

Then this summoner can at least get the identity of a marquis.

The greater possibility is the duke.

This is definitely a very high status.

You must know that the only people who can crush the duke are the prince and the lord.

There is only one country master.

And the number of princes, naturally can be counted on one's fingers.

Therefore, the high status and power of the duke is self-evident.

It is normal to be envied and jealous by other students.

Because the students who can come to Flame Academy for advanced studies, generally speaking, their family will be more or less aristocratic.

Although there are also civilian children, the number is really small.

There is no way, if you have problems in your life, how can you have time to study summon magic?

Therefore, the students who came to the Academy and worked hard to become a summoner, it is not that they want to win a glory for their family and improve the status of the family.

It's just that the wish is good, but there are not many people who can do it.

By the way, here, also mention the name of the title.

From high to bottom, they are: Duke, Marquis, Earl, Viscount, Baron, Knight.

The Knight here is naturally not referring to rank, but the lowest honorable title that can be conferred.

There is no real power, just an honorary title that's all.

even more how, in fact, in this World, whether you are practicing Battle Qi or practicing magic, there are no different ranks.

People who have Battle Qi are simply called fighters.

The person who possesses magic is called magician.

The only independent system among them is summoner.

So a powerful summoner has absolutely respected rank and status.

So, how lucky summon is to have an excellent level of envoy, naturally there is no need to say more.

Even Angel, who was one behind Nora, couldn't help but twitch.

"Excellent low-level servitor... Nora is really going to soar into the sky at this moment."

"Does nervousness really raise the level of the servitor? it. " good body position sisters Nora, Nora Angel certainly know what kind of family situation.

The highest title is nothing but a viscount.

Among the many nobles, this is only a lower-middle position.

However, when Nora suddenly came out like this, then not only Nora himself, I am afraid that even Nora's family will fly into the sky with them.

However, the premise is that Nora and her servant can grow up.

After all, the potential of the superior level represents only the upper limit for the growth of the demon, not the current battle strength of the demon.

Of course, this is not to say that every Familiar needs to grow.

In fact, in the records of the Flame Academy, there are really some summons that come out as Peak's ambassadors, completely omitting the growth process.

It is directly the upper limit of battle strength.

It’s just that this situation is really rare, so it can’t be used as an example.

It’s just that, even ignoring this extremely rare case, an excellent-level ambassador is an existence that Angel needs to look up to.

Because of Angel's family, the highest title is only the viscount.

But what is stronger than Nora’s family is that Angel’s family was cut from the earl.

So in terms of background, it is better than Nora's family.

However, looking at it now, such a little advantage, I am afraid that it will soon be filled, and then far exceeded.

However, the most excited person is the Flame Institute Head standing outside the training ground and watching Feder.

At this moment, the face is flushed, which is completely caused by excitement.

"How many years have passed, Flame Academy finally has a student, and summon has become a superb enchanter!"

"Thank you, the Flame Academy can finally restore its former glory. That's it!"

Feder's tone at the moment has become a little trembling.

The students of Flame Academy, at the summon ceremony of the Familiar, summon the news of a superior level Familiar. As long as it is publicized, it will definitely attract a huge amount of students.

In this way, the Flame Academy can definitely be revitalized.

There is only Nora standing in the auxiliary magic array, still a little confused at this moment.

"Flame lesser dragon..."

After being released by the summon, the enchanter will form a unique connection with the summon.

If the subsequent signing of the demon contract is successful, then this connection will be strengthened to reach the level of mutual perception.

And if the magic contract fails to sign, then this connection will be disconnected.

And summoners will be hit hard by the backlash of this contact.

So now Nora looks at the flame lesser dragon floating in the sky, flapping its fleshy wings, really not knowing what to do.

The flame lesser dragon, according to the record, has the bloodline of the giant dragon, and is good at flame magic.

Excellent low-level is only the lowest rating.

As the bloodline of the giant dragon in the flame lesser dragon increases, until it can burst out of Dragon's Prestige, it is the limit of the flame lesser dragon.

This level of flame lesser dragon can be rated as an excellent intermediate.

It’s just that before Dragon's Prestige broke out, it would be treated with the lowest rating.

So the mentor who was already dumbfounded, the level he said was not wrong.

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