Being ridiculed by other academies is not what Feder wants to see.

That's why Feder spoke out and wanted to help Nora fight again.


The flame lesser dragon looked towards Fader.

"Well, if the rest of you can summon a messenger who is no weaker than me and are willing to sign a contract, then I agree to sign a contract with that little girl."

The flame lesser dragon, who can detect Feder's strength and is not weaker than himself, will naturally give a face.

It's just the condition that was put forward, it is almost impossible to complete the task.

It's so difficult to summon an excellent-level ambassador.

You know, among the students of the Flame Academy, only summon has produced the flame lesser dragon, an excellent level servitor, for fifteen years.

And it's just excellent and low-level.

"This...Okay, I promise you!"

Faed is hearing this, his face is embarrassing.

But he also knows that this may be the bottom line of the flame lesser dragon, so he can only grit his teeth and agree.

A little hope is better than total despair.

"Then I will wait and see."

The flame lesser dragon sneered, then his wings flapped and hovered in the sky.

The meaning is obvious.

The summon ceremony continues, it will not interfere.

Feder could only sigh, then opened the mouth and said: "Ceremony go on!"

After the initial lose one's head out of fear, many students now also All calmed down.

Although I still look at the sky occasionally in fear, but overall, the impact is not big.

Those mentors also returned to their original positions and presided over the summon ceremony of the envoy.

Everyone also heard the agreement between the flame lesser dragon and Feder.

But no one takes the same thing.

You know, that's an excellent-level ambassador, how can it be so easy to appear.

So in the eyes of these people looking towards Nora, they gradually became taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

How envious I was before, now I have more ridicule.

hit a person when he's down, but these guys have expertise.

"Don't worry, Nora, nothing will happen."

"I will always be with you, you must cheer up."

Ann Kyle was still comforting Nora.

In fact, the reason why Nora wants a powerful envoy so much is to rejuvenate the family.

But now, everything is in vain.

To say that it is not sad, it is definitely a lie.

"I'm okay, Angel, don't worry about me, you'd better go over quickly, it's your turn soon."

Nora sits on the ground and resists He said to Angel with tears.

In any case, the summon ceremony cannot be delayed.

Even if you want to cry, you have to wait until you return to the dormitory before you can cry.

By coincidence, at this time, the instructor also called out Angel's name.

"Well, I'll be back soon, wait for me."

Angel clicked nodded, and then quickly walked into the auxiliary magic array.

"You can start now, Angel."

After a confirmation, the instructor said aloud.


Angel was slightly nodded, and then began to gather magic.


However, Angel's brow frowned just as the magic power had just begun to condense.

The expression on his face also became a little strange.

"Angel, what's the matter with you?"

The tutor who noticed the change in Angel's expression couldn't help but ask.

"No, nothing."

Angel shook the head, her brows still wringed, but she didn't say what happened.

Because it may not be believed.

According to the experience of the seniors, it is supposed to slowly condense the magic power, and only after a certain limit will you perceive the connection with the envoy.

But when Angel is here, this magic power has just begun to condense, and it hasn't taken shape yet.

A strange connection flooded into Angel's mind.

"What's going on? Is my ambassador just a low-potential guy?"

Angel's brow furrowed even more at the thought of this .

Because there was an inaccurate statement when summon was a magician.

That is, the more magic power is consumed, the greater the probability that summon will produce a high-potential servitor.

The reverse is also true.

So, what level of potential the enchantress who has almost no need for magic power can be imagined.

Thinking of this, Angel's forehead was immediately covered with cold sweat.

"No way..."

However, the servitor who had contact with Angel did not let Angel continue to think about it.

Above the auxiliary magic array, space fluctuation quickly appeared.

Then, under the gaze of Angel and the tutor beside her, a silhouette, shattering the space, appeared in the auxiliary demon array.

"People...humanoid enchantress?"

Angel looked at this silhouette, stared wide-eyed.

The mentor on the side also showed a puzzled expression on his face.

Because the ambassador in front of him does not seem to exist in those records.

A brand new kind of envoy?

It’s just that there is a saying that the humanoid enchantress is actually not popular.

The reason is that the humanoid envoys who have been recorded are not only rare, but each one is notoriously weak.

Compared with the envoys of other species, it is too far behind.

Potential rating, even among the lower, must be the worst one.

"It's over...what's wrong, it's a humanoid envoy, this one is all over."

Angel muttered to herself with despair.

The dream of revitalizing the family has always been just a dream.

At any rate, Nora also summoned a flame lesser dragon, even if he did not sign a contract, it was a real and outstanding envoy.

But what about myself...

Angel once again glanced at the humanoid envoy in front of her, tears almost flowed out.

"Forget it, it's okay to be a laughingstock with Nora, good sisters must have difficulties together..."

Angel can only comfort herself like this.

"Sorry, may I ask, what's the matter with this ambassador contract?"

However, when Angel was sad and crying alone, the humanoid ambassador in front of The devil suddenly asked a question.

If there is someone who is familiar with this face, he will definitely be able to call out the name of this humanoid envoy.

That is-Qi Le!

"The Facilitator don’t even know what the Facilitator Contract is?"

Angel was attracted by the voice of the question, but then followed It is greater despair.

Unlike ordinary envoys, humanoid envoys can speak no matter their strength or potential.

Therefore, this point cannot be used to judge the strength.

However, Angel judged it from this guy's question.

A guy who doesn't even know what a demon contract is, how strong can it be?

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1962: Humanoid Envoy)...

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