Of course, the right to speak does not include Qi Le’s store.

And the New Year's Eve this time is also a rare opportunity. All these people gathered in the store and spent the first grand festival together.

This is of great benefit for Qi Le to promote the custom of New Year's Eve.

After all, people have come to this World, so Qi Le definitely doesn't want to entertain himself on New Year's Eve alone.

Family reunion is always a good suggestion.

Therefore, if possible, Qi Le still very much wants to promote the New Year’s Eve and the Spring Festival in the Eastern Wilderness and Northern Mountain Range.

The members of the Desolate Origin Empire Imperial Family reunited in the store to spend New Year's Eve together.

And the gathering of Serater and others are the most advantageous tools for the promotion of New Year’s Eve and the Spring Festival.

More useful than any publicity.

In this way, even those clansman of various races who cannot come to the store, or clansman of various races who may not know the Qi Le shop.

Under this influence, you will also learn the names of these festivals.

Then in a few years, it will be completely popular, and slowly entrenched, it will become a custom.

"If it really succeeds, it can be considered a few memories back."

Qi Le sat behind the counter, thinking slowly.

After the dinner time, the number of customers who come to redeem dishes for the New Year’s Eve has already dropped sharply.

I said it’s the New Year’s Eve dinner, it can’t be regarded as a midnight snack.

A family of children came to the store to have a dinner, and ended up having a supper, which always felt weird.

So when the store was about to close, the customers in the store also left one after another.

Perhaps because of Qi Le’s story and the influence of the propaganda, the vast majority of customers are really just accompanying their family for dinner on this New Year’s Eve.

Even if the battle strength improves the training room area, there are many fewer people.

Most of the decks are empty.

"Qi Store Manager, today’s New Year’s Eve dinner is delicious, very good."

Before leaving, Yafei ran to the counter and laughed. Speaking to Qi Le.

Looking at the satisfaction of that face, you can know that these eight dishes are quite enjoyable.

If you don’t say it is delicious, you can eat as much as you want.

You can continue to eat even after eating.

Compared with the previous delicacies, it is gone after eating, but it is much better.

"You just want to eat."

Qi Le faced Yafeier who was smiling at hehe, and smiled back.

I laugh so much now, then after a few days, I will cry so sadly.

Because according to the system's consistent practice, the New Year's Eve dishes will only appear once a year.

As for what kind of event will be on New Year’s Eve next year, and what kind of dishes will be served for the New Year’s Eve dinner, Qi Le is also unclear.

So now it feels so delicious and delicious.

Then in a few days, I will recall this New Year’s Eve dinner again, how uncomfortable it will be.

After all, the food in memory is always extra sweet.

"All Store Manager, many thanks."

Lan Qi followed and thanked Qi Le.

Although it feels a bit unfathomable mystery.

But Qi Le knew that Lan Qi was reuniting with Lan Zi'er and the others, and thanked him.

Although not sitting face to face.

But being able to reunite in disguise and have a New Year's Eve dinner together in this way, Ranch is already very satisfied.

You know, before that, Lan Zi and Shana hadn’t seen Lan Zi'er for ten years.

Otherwise, the intimacy that blood is thicker than water, I am afraid that when they met before, they would have looked a little strange.

"Don't be so polite, this should be done."

Qi Le laughed, humbly said.

To be honest, since they are friends, Qi Le is also very happy to see Lan Qi and his family reunite.

After all, the Lanqi family, no matter which one they are, are quite familiar with Qi Le.

"Then let's say goodbye first. Tonight, I have troubled Qi Store Manager for so long and can no longer disturb the reunion of Qi Store Manager."

Lanci said one last sentence. , And then left the shop with Shana.

Then, soon after the last few customers in the store had cleaned up their tables, they all smiled and walked out of the store.

Only empty shops are left.

Fortunately, those leftovers, bowls, chopsticks and dishes, etc., do not need Qi Le to clean up.

Customers at every table will spontaneously take away the trash they have created.

There is no way, because they really don't have the guts to let a deep and unmeasurable power to help them clean up the dishes.

Even this shop is the one who can open it.

But self-knowledge is a good thing.

If others are willing to provide you with convenience, it does not mean that you can be unsatisfied.

It’s really important to see your identity and status clearly.

So Qi Le is also happy.

"System, remember to change all the big tables to the original round tables at night."

After a round of inspections in the store, I made sure that Qi Le is no longer needed. Another exhortation in my mind.

This kind of large table for gatherings is usually not used.

And it takes up too much space.

So it must be put away so as not to affect the layout of the store.

After the instruction, Qi Le scanned the shops again and found that Yue Shuangxue seemed to have gone to another shop before.

"I slid so fast, is it because I am afraid that I will let her clean up."

In this regard, Qi Le just silently spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

This little kitty can always master the lazy skills, even self-taught.

"Yi! Qi Le, why are you here, I... I'm busy, I'm here to help!"

In the lobby of the Cloudmist City shop, Yue is doing nothing. Shuangxue, after seeing Qi Le coming down on the second floor, immediately became "busy".

Follow closely behind Yue Xi'er, before and after the saddle.

For fear of being caught by Qi Le.

"You... forget it, are you busy, don't I know."

Qi Le just thought it was a little funny.

Is it just terrifying the image in my normally?

Still, the image in my normally is a Store Manager who likes to exploit Store Assistant.

"I'm really here to help, Qi Le, you must believe me."

However, Yue Shuangxue simply ignored Qi Le's words and just looked at Qi Le firmly. , Trying to use his eyes to gain trust.

"Qi Le big brother, when did you come here."

Yue Xi'er, who was really busy, came over at this time.

To be honest, the store in Cloudmist City is actually the same as the store in City of Life. There is nothing to clean up.

Because simply few customers dare to litter the store.

Let alone deliberately creating garbage.

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