So on the surface it is tidying up, but in fact, Yue Xi'er is only doing routine inspections.

Look at any overlooked corners in the store that need to be cleaned up.

But unfortunately, under normal circumstances, there is no such thing.

This time is no exception.

"I just came here, Xi'er, you probably haven't had dinner yet."

Qi Le ordered nodded at Yue Xi'er and asked with a smile.

On New Year’s Eve, in order to help many customers redeem the New Year’s Eve dinner, the level of busyness is definitely several times the usual.

Even with Yue Shuangxue playing on the sidelines, Qi Le is too busy to eat dinner.

even more how Cloudmist City stores here, there is only Yue Xi'er alone.

That's why there is such a question.

"Well, it's not there yet."

Yue Xi'er nodded, then touched his stomach again.

"That's right, it's not past twelve o'clock, let's have a New Year's Eve dinner together, and then stay the year old in the store." Qi Le heard it, and immediately softly voiced Speaking of.


Yue Xi'er tilted his head, expressing his incomprehension of the new words.

"Family reunion, on New Year's Eve, together waiting for the arrival of the new year, is called Shou Sui."

Qi Le said, suddenly extend the hand, Rubbing Yue Xi'er's head, slowly said: "In my heart, Xi'er is as precious as my family."

"Qi Le ……big brother ……"

Upon hearing these words, Yue Xi'er suddenly stared wide-eyed and looked towards Qi Le.

I saw the gentle smile on Qi Le's face, like a warm current, pouring into my heart.

It feels... very warm.

Yue Xi'er likes this feeling a lot, and also likes... Qi Le!

Thinking of this, Yue Xi'er clenched the teeth abruptly, took a step forward, looked directly at Qi Le's eyes, and said: "Qi Le big brother, I, actually I..."

"Xi'er, what would you like to drink during the New Year's Eve dinner?"

However, I didn't even finish talking, so I hurried to Yue next to the beverage vending machine. Shuangxue interrupted Yue Xi'er aloud.

"Little Xue!!!"

Yue Xi'er's heart suddenly tightened, as if it was a beat slower.

Immediately afterwards, a shy and annoyed looking towards the cat ear loli who was in the way.

Temporary courage is like a balloon.

Suddenly interrupted by Yue Shuangxue, Yue Xi'er finally appeared impulsive, and suddenly became shy.

"Xi'er, what are you staring at me for? You won't be...No way."

Yue Shuangxue's eyes flashed a little doubt, and then he looked at this posture, immediately Just understand.

He immediately took two steps back without a trace, lest he suffer from Yue Xi'er's anger.

"Xi'er, did you just want to say something?"

Qi Le has a smile on his face, and his tone is still gentle.

"No, nothing, Qi Le big brother, let's eat, Xi'er will prepare New Year's Eve dinner now."

The impulse subsided, and Yue Xi'er was also very excited. Naturally chose to shrink.

When I ran away in a panic, I didn't forget that Fiercely gave Yue Shuangxue a glare, which meant that I had settled accounts after the fall.

"What are you staring at me, I don't know..."

Yue Shuangxue muttered a little aggrievedly.

But I knew I was wrong, so I didn't dare to argue, I could only reduce my sense of existence as much as possible.

Who would have thought that Yue Xi'er would go to Qi Le to confess at such a strange time. Isn't this doing something?

If you had known it, Yue Shuangxue would have disappeared by itself.

How could it be possible to make this big shining light bulb.

"What are you doing hiding here? Don't you plan to eat?"

Qi Le walked over with his hands behind his back and looked at Yue Shuangxue who was shiver coldly hiding in the corner. Asked interestingly.

It is really rare to make this cat ear loli shiver coldly.

After all, Yue Shuangxue is a little timid.

But the pride of being Devouring Civet... Well, it is Tsundere, and she would not allow her to react this way.

To sum up, you can retreat tactically, which is commonly known as escape, but you will never show your timidity.

Skills can be killed but not humiliated.

The same goes for cats.

"Eat! Of course you have to eat!"

When Qi Le said that, Yue Shuangxue jumped up immediately, and said with a resolute expression.

Even if you go to the execution ground, there is still a bowl of decapitation.

Even more how, Yue Shuangxue feels that his relationship with Yue Xi'er is so good that he should not be killed yet.

At most, it is... lie down for a few days.

Then, this New Year’s Eve dinner still has to be eaten, and it must be eaten, otherwise it will really be a big loss.

"Come here if you want to eat, don't stand here all the time."

Qi Le finished speaking, and walked away with his hands behind his back. Before leaving, he added a sentence : "Remember to bring a few bottles of drinks. Don't be empty-handed. I just drink pure milk."

"I know."

Yue Shuangxue only felt the cold wind.

On the other side, Yue Xi'er has put eight dishes of the New Year's Eve dinner on the table.

Of course, the weight of each dish is reduced to an appropriate level under Qi Le's requirements, so as not to be over-eaten.

After all, there are only three people at Qi Le's table... No, maybe it should be two people and a cat.

Although it can be regarded as a human being after being transformed into a human form.

But the food intake, this thing, is calculated according to the size of the body.

So, the act of wasting food is quite shameful.

However, after this New Year's Eve dinner, Qi Le realized that he might have miscalculated one thing.

That is the appetite of Devouring Civet, it seems that it cannot be calculated by the size of the body.

After going to the table, Yue Shuangxue had a serious expression, as if she was eating the last meal of her cat's life, showing her amazing appetite.

A table of dishes, eaten so that it is called a strong wind scattering the last clouds, clean and tidy.

Qi Le was so shocked that he kept thinking in his heart, did he abuse this cat ear loli usually?

But after careful recollection for a while, Qi Le answered this question with certainty, that is-no!

And not only did it not, but Yue Shuangxue's usual days were rather moisturizing.

Even more comfortable than Qi Le.

Because since Qi Le returned to the store, Yue Shuangxue began to live a leisurely life again, staying in The New World Mode all day.

Except for getting up early every day to open a shop, they are basically in a state of doing nothing.

Eat and play, play and sleep, sleep and eat, so infinite cycle.

So... what's going on with this appetite today?

Is it because you have never eaten such a good dish?

That's not enough.

Although there are no regular dishes in the snack vending machine.

But other delicacies should not be bad in taste.

But if you think about it further, it won't be enough.

At the end of the thought, even if it is, Qi Le is too lazy to think about it, anyway, it is not that he can't afford it.

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