Such a giant dragon of powerhouse-level realm, just appeared in front of oneself, and said that he was not nervous, that is definitely a lie.

And more importantly, the two who are sitting next to Ranchi and Shana, who have been in the mirror one after another.

Serratel, and Tiana.

Since the last time Lan Zi'er and Lan Qing'er unfathomable mystery recognized their relatives, Lan Ye and the others have also asked Yue Shuangxue about this in The New World Mode.

So I also learned the identities of these two.

A powerhouse-level power of the beast ear clan, and a powerhouse-level power of the Elf Race.

No matter who it is, they are not the objects they can afford.

"Zi'er, Qing'er, long time no see."

"Although we still can’t sit together as a family and have a New Year’s Eve dinner, now They are all sitting in the same Store Manager's shop, and they are considered together. Let's spend a New Year's Eve."

Ranch said with a gentle smile.

This is after Yafei contacted Ranchi, Ranchi checked the forum and suddenly came up with an idea.

After learning the meaning of New Year's Eve, they directly contacted Lan Zi'er.

Although Lanqi and Shana can't return to the Eastern Wilderness for the time being, they can try to reunite through the communication system of the Membership Card.

"You don't need to be so cautious. Since it's the New Year's Eve dinner together, it should be lively."

Shanna also calmed down.

The New Year should be a little joyful, so nervous, but there is no way to live a good year.

"Well, well, we see, can I start eating now?"

Lan Zi'er was quite perfunctory and asked nodded.

As a standard carnivorous loli, Lan Zi'er had already set his eyes on the roast suckling pig, and she was waiting to eat it.

It’s just that the Membership Card has not been connected before, so Lan Ye did not let Lan Zi'er do it out of courtesy.

"Yes, it should be ready to eat."

After hearing this, Yafei said with empathy.

As a foodie, it’s really uncomfortable to watch the delicious food in front of you but not eat it.

So Lan Zi'er's words deeply resonated with Yafeier.

Unfortunately, in The New World Mode, Yafeier is still exploring the cuisine of various big maps.

So so far, I haven't entered the big map of the mechanical cow forest.

So that Yafeier did not know Lan Zi'er and the others.

Otherwise, you will definitely have a lot of common language with Lan Zi'er, in order to meet friends.

As soon as these words came out, Ranchi and Seratl looked at each other, and they were very rare and showed the same helpless look.

Having a foodie daughter really cannot afford to offend.

In this brief moment, Ranch suddenly felt that he and Serater also have a common language, at least, in terms of raising a daughter, there should be some.

And Serratel's eyes also betrayed his thoughts at the moment.

Yes, it is basically the same as Ranchi's idea.

"Okay, let's not say anything extra. Let's start eating. Don't be too restrained. Just relax as usual."

Lan Qi talks to the Membership Card Speaking of the window.

Sairatel also nodded at Yafeier, indicating that she can start talking.

This scene fell in Qi Le's eyes, and a soft smile appeared on Qi Le's mouth.

The family reunion, enjoying the family happiness, but the most beautiful picture.

Lanqi and Shana stayed away from the Eastern Wilderness and came to the northern mountain range, which is also the method of compelled by circumstances.

If it is possible, who would want to put his daughter alone in another piece of Heaven and Earth.

Fortunately, this New Year's Eve is a disguised reunion.

And there are many such warm pictures in Qi Le's store.

Family, but the most precious wealth.

It’s just that the dishes on the table are as rich as Yafir’s table, but I can’t find a few.

But it doesn't matter, because in terms of portion size, it must be enough.

Besides eating food, most of the customers also bought drinks.

Orange juice, Sprite, sauce- flavored liquor, watermelon juice...

You can always find a suitable drink to match your dishes.

And in the intertwined time, customers are also very regular and did not make too much noise, very polite not to disturb other people.

Because in this brief moment, everyone sitting in the store is enjoying the warmth of family.

I definitely don’t want others to bother me.

Comparing your heart to your heart, you will naturally pay attention to restraint in your behavior.

But another interesting thing, that is in the Eastern Wilderness Cloudmist City shop.

The biggest table is the group of people like Ling Ao.

Desolate Origin Empire Imperial Family, the relationship is complicated, and the family came to Qi Le store for New Year’s Eve, which is quite spectacular.

The first is the Imperial Family Ling Family, headed by Flame Sovereign Ling Ao.

The table is full of Ling Family people, Eldest Prince volleys in the sky, Princess Ling Yuehua, Third Prince Ling Xiao, Fourth Prince Ling Yun, and a Little Princess, Ling Diewu.

Then there is a table next to them.

Headed by Ke Jia Ke Zhen, sitting below is Ke Minglang and his parents.

Speaking of which, Ke Minglang’s mother, is also regarded as Ling Ao’s younger sister, but she’s just married to the Ke family, so she will naturally sit at the Ke family table.

Then there is Ke Sisi who is married to the hidden Aristocratic Family.

The current hidden Aristocratic Family, with the Nalan Family's head as its head, has long been unable to stand proud in front of the Desolate Origin Empire Imperial Family.

So Ko Sisi doesn't live in the small space of the hidden Aristocratic Family anymore.

This time, Qi Le store opened a special event on New Year's Eve, and she naturally wanted to come and support it.

On the other side, the person sitting at the table is Ying's family.

With Ying Kuang as the head, Ying Xue and Ying Feng sit on the right hand side, and their parents sit on the left hand side.

Speaking of which, I have to mention it again.

In fact, Ying Xue and Ying Feng's mother are also Ling Ao's younger sister.

This can be considered Imperial Family among the common marriages.

So you really have to speak of which, Ling Family, Ke family, and Ying family, all sitting together, in fact, you can.

It’s just that the number of people is a little bit higher, and you can’t find such a big table that's all in the store.

In addition, Ying Kuang and Ke Zhen, two old boys, also like to quarrel, so this proposal can only be given up in the end.

But this is the case. These three tables are placed together, which is also the most lively place in the store.

Because the eastern wilderness and the northern mountain range are different.

There are many races in the northern mountain range. Naturally, it is headed by Three Great Races. Other weak races dare not overstep.

However, in the Eastern Desolation, the most important race is Human Race.

So naturally it is based on the power of the empire.

And, after such a long period of development, the national strength of Desolate Origin Empire has long surpassed the Ancient Gauze Empire and Glorious Star Empire nearby.

Therefore, the Desolate Origin Empire Imperial Family can now be regarded as the most powerful group of people in the Eastern Desolation.

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