But the five or six catties of chicken and the six or seven catties of roasted whole duck are much better than the previous roast suckling pig and steamed lamb.

The braised fish afterwards is also quite regular.

The braised fish that means surplus every year, the weight is about five or six catties.

The embellishment of green onion and red pepper is even more mouth-watering.

But when it comes to the stewed beef dish, it starts to be a bit abnormal again.

Probably the grievance of not being able to roast whole beef, so the weight of this large pot of braised beef is definitely comparable to roast suckling pig.

There is also a pot of dipping sauce with the same amount next to it, which shocks the line of sight.

Then there is a vegetable platter used to relieve tiredness.

Probably because of the Six Paths dishes in the front, there must be nearly a hundred catties of pure meat.

So the portion of the vegetable platter is quite solid.

Twenty catties of vegetables are definitely enough for you to eat.

As for the last three fresh soup, the weight will not be mentioned for the time being, just talk about the container for the soup.

If Qi Le is right, it should be a big washbasin...

Fortunately it is a carved ceramic washbasin, otherwise Qi Le doesn’t know how to explain it. .

Seeing this, Qi Le also deeply understood one thing.

That's why, to exchange for New Year's Eve dishes, the amount of ingredients needed for New Year's Eve meals will be that many.

Because of this weight...

There is a saying, if the appetite of the table is smaller, it is no exaggeration to say.

You may not even have enough steamed lamb.

"System, when I eat later, can you help me make small portions of these dishes."

Qi Le asked this question sensibly.

It is really shameful because of waste.

system: "If the host requests it, of course it can."

"That's good."

Qi Le immediately sighed in relief.

If there is no way to reduce the weight of each dish, to be honest, Qi Le may not even be able to finish one dish.

Even if you add Yue Xi'er and Yue Shuangxue together, it is no exception.

Because there are too many.

Fortunately, this kind of reasonable request will not be rejected by system.

However, there may be reasons why Qi Le finds system for the New Year’s Eve dinner for free.

So the system, which has always been stingy, can naturally give a little less.

even more how Qi Le asked for this.

As for those customers who have worked so hard to collect the ingredients for the New Year’s Eve dinner and come to exchange for the New Year’s Eve dinner, of course they can’t be stingy.

It is one thing to be stingy and greedy for money, but honest trading is still the bottom line of the system.

So this day, Qi Le also saw a lot of consternation from the faces of many customers.

Among them, the most important thing is the accident on the weight of these dishes.

Who can imagine that this New Year’s Eve dinner will have so much weight.

So that the amount of ingredients for the New Year's Eve dinner in their hands is not enough to redeem the eight dishes of customers, sighed in relief.

It can even be said to be fortunate.

Originally, they thought that if they could only redeem two or three dishes, they might not be full if they were reunited with their children.

But now, they have to worry about whether they can finish eating.

But even if you can't finish it, it doesn't really matter.

Just pack and take away.

Anyway, the item produced in these activities, no matter what it is, as long as it is redeemed by the customer, it has nothing to do with Qi Le.

How to deal with it is the freedom of these customers.

Of course, when disposing of it, it is best not to get dirty in the store, or you may be caught and cleaned up.

"It seems that I should be the last person to arrive. Didn't expect you to come so soon."

Soon after Ranchi and Shana were seated, Tiana also Walked into the store.

I looked up and found that Yafir was waving at her.

"Tiana elder sister, I 'm leaving you now, hurry up and sit down."

Yafeil took Tiana with her graciously and brought her here. Sit down at the big table.

A table is full of acquaintances, so the introduction of each other is omitted.

To be honest, in such a short period of time, the only person who can gather all the three powerhouse-level abilities above the northern mountain range is probably Yafeier.

It is also a very rare little girl who has a good relationship with the three powerhouse-level powerhouses.

"There are so many servings, can the few of us finish eating?"

After Tiana came to the table and sat down, this was the first sentence.

Because of nearly a hundred catties of meat, plus the vegetables and soup in the two large ceramic washbasins, the picture placed on the table together is really shocking.

"Don't worry, I'm here, don't worry, you just have to eat."

Lan Qi said in a timely manner.

For others, there may be restrictions on food intake.

After all, the body shapes of Elf Race and the Beast Ear Race are there, so much meat, even if it is forcibly stuffed, I am afraid it will not be able to be stuffed.

However, Ranchi's body is a giant dragon.

Such a bit of meat, in front of a giant dragon, is really not too much.

" Yes , I almost forgot, and you are here."

Sairatl couldn't help but tease.

The implication is that Lanci is a rice bucket, but it’s not easy to say that’s all.

"che, a rare New Year’s Eve dinner, I won’t quarrel with you."

Lanqi glanced at Seratl, and said something rushing to his mouth. In the end, he didn’t say anything. come out.

Instead, he took out his Membership Card solemnly, and then placed it diagonally on the table to ensure that the Membership Card can take photos of all the people next to the big table.

"What are you doing...Oh, I understand."

Serratl looked at Ranchi's behavior, the expression on his face first was puzzled, and then It became a sudden realization.

"Even if you are separated by ten thousand li, you can have a reunion New Year's Eve in your heart."

The communication window of the Membership Card was dialed, and then I switched to the option of video communication.

Soon, the other side connected to the exchange request.

The appearance of Lan Zi'er and Lan Qing'er immediately appeared in the communication window of the Membership Card.

Immediately afterwards, the screen was zoomed out, and there were seven people in Orchid Leaf Group, all of which appeared in the screen of the communication window.

"Father, mother."

"Uncle, aunt, hello."

The voice of greeting came from the Membership Card immediately.

Except for Lan Zi'er and Lan Qing'er, when other people in Orchid Leaf Group saw Lan Qi and Shana, they knew that they were separated by a screen, but they were still a little cautious.

No way, one is because of identity issues.

Lan Qi and Shana are the parents of Lan Zi'er and Lan Qing'er, so they are also Lan Ye's elders.

So when facing the elders, it is normal to not let go.

And the other one is Lanqi’s cultivation realm.

The powerhouse-level power of Dragon Race.

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