The devil’s Colosseum, the last skill: Falling into darkness forever.

After the battle is over, it can swallow the soul of the loser in the Colosseum, and then transform it into a certain amount of power to feed back to the owner of the Colosseum.

Of course, if the owner of the Colosseum is defeated.

Then the skill of Eternal Fall in Darkness will not take effect, and the demon's Colosseum will become the stateless state again.

Therefore, demons are greedy.

The devil’s transaction, although adhering to the principle of fair transaction.

But the most fundamental condition is that this transaction can only be realized on the basis that the devil will not suffer.

So after Ranchi's victory, there was an obvious warm current that appeared in Ranchi's body soon.

But it didn't last long before the warm current disappeared.

There is a loss in energy conversion.

Even more how Cangsheng didn't have much power left this time, life force burned to the point where the oil was exhausted, and the soul was naturally not strong anymore.

So although Lanci felt the improvement of his own strength and cultivation realm.

But the amount of improvement is not much.

"Forget it, it's a good thing to be able to improve, but I don't want to force it."

Fortunately, Lan Qi was able to think about it, and it was just silently shrugged.

In fact, the Devil’s Colosseum has enough value just by relying on the first two skills.

Especially the invitation letter from the devil.

To capture 30% of the enemy's power, that is definitely a terrifying number.

This time is Ranchi's bad luck. He met a madman like Cang Sheng, and he also possessed the secret technique that could burn his life force to improve his battle strength.

Otherwise, in the same cultivation realm.

One party increases its strength by 30%, and the other party decreases its strength by 30%.

The result of that is definitely a crushing victory.

So the skill of Eternal Fallen Darkness is more like a consolation prize. If there is, of course it is very happy.

If you don’t, you won’t be swearing.

Moreover, even if the improvement of one or two times is not large, how about the increase of ten times and one hundred times?

That is an unimaginable increase.

Even if you can only increase your strength and cultivation realm by one percent at a time, you can double your strength and cultivation realm after a hundred times.

"Okay, I don't want this."

"I solved Cangsheng in the Colosseum. The battle outside should also be the winner. Right."

Lan Qi took a deep breath, thinking in his heart.

The Devil’s Colosseum has no healing effect, so no matter how badly Ranch suffered in the Colosseum, he can only take care of it slowly by himself.

This is probably also a limitation of the Devil's Colosseum.

If it still comes with the healing effect of the injury, the skill of Eternal Fallen Darkness is estimated to be deleted.

After all, fish and bear's paws cannot have both.


Over the Dwarf Race King City, rays of light flashed.

Lanci, covered in wounds, suddenly appeared in the sky.

"Why are you hurt so badly? Are you okay?"

Shanna immediately noticed Ranchi's breath and immediately leaned over. After seeing Ranchi, Full of worry suddenly appeared on his face.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, that guy is self-destructed at the last minute, otherwise I will be just a few small wounds."

Lanqi waved his hand and motioned Shanna not to worry.

With the giant dragon's self-healing ability, as long as it does not die on the spot, or is extremely severely disabled, it can basically recover.

It's nothing more than a question of time.

"It turns out that it's like this. You don't know how to make him self-destructed."

Shanna complained a little uneasy, frowning her brows. Stretched a bit.

The purpose is still to care about Ranchi.

"Some unexpected situations that's all are not in the way. This kind of thing will never happen again."

Lanqi laughed and promised Shanna.

After that, I looked towards the battlefield outside the Dwarf Race King City.

The clansman of Dwarf Race, with the help of Elf Race magician, have slowly begun to gain the upper hand.

However, the advantages are not yet obvious, and we need to make persistent efforts.

However, in Ranchi's view, as long as he can gain an advantage and gain the upper hand, that is a great thing.

Because under the blessing of the undead recovery magic, the battle strength of the Dwarf Race side will basically not be reduced.

Although the fighters who have recovered, their battle strength may not be as strong as before.

But I can’t stand the large number of these guys, and I’m not afraid of death.

The undead has no negative emotions such as fear or tension.

For them, they only need to take up the weapon in their hand and get rid of the enemy in front of them.

As to whether it can be played, it is not considered.

So in this battle, the longer the time delays, the greater the advantage for Dwarf Race.

"The situation has begun to deviate towards Dwarf Race. I think it is only a matter of time before winning."

Shanna noticed Ranchi's gaze and said Introduce a sentence.

"I can see it."

Lanqi clicked nodded, and then said: "Also, the powerhouse-level power of Human Race has disappeared. They still want to win. , It is impossible."

"Know that you are great, don't do such a dangerous thing next time." Shana exhorted again.

"Okay, okay, I remember."

Lanqi responded with a smile, and his mood improved a lot.

But at this moment, from the distant horizon, hiding the sky and covering the earth emerges a vast coercion, moving towards the direction of the Dwarf Race King City, shrouded in it.

"en? This coercion...Is there another powerhouse-level power!"

Lan Qi noticed this coercion, his eyes condensed, and his pupils shrank suddenly. , Dragon's Prestige broke out quickly and greeted him.

So as not to hurt Shana with this coercion.


In the sky, a muffled thunder sounded suddenly.


A mouthful of blood, also sprayed out of Ranchi's mouth.

"Lanci, are you okay?"

Shanna naturally noticed this terrifying coercion. It was so vast that even her cultivation realm cultivator, There was a feeling of difficulty breathing.

"I'm okay...why...I just didn't expect, Human Race actually hid a hand."

Lanqi waved his hand, and then took a deep breath. Looked up towards the horizon.

In the direction where the pressure broke out, a faintly discernible silhouette was approaching quickly.

That seemingly distant distance was crossed by this uninvited guest in the blink of an eye.

"The breath of Cangsheng has disappeared."

"I have to say that your strength really surprised me. You can defeat Cangsheng. It seems that I still underestimate it. You are here."

"Giant dragon!"

The one who came here is the Cang Zhan who has been watching the battle from behind.

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