Cang Zhan had no intention of taking action until the three Captains had no accident.

It’s arrogant.

After all, from Cang Zhan's point of view, this world’s powerhouse-level power and battle strength are just like that. Compared with the three Captains under his command, it is fundamentally impossible to mention on equal terms.

But now, Cang Zhan is about to change.

Under Cang Zhan's command, Captain, the three strongest team, Cang Sheng, was the first to die.

This is incredible.

"Stay back!"

Lan Qi guarded Shanna, looking at the man in front of him with a vigilant face.

Undoubtedly, as far as the cultivation realm is concerned, it is stronger than the previous Cangsheng.

And much stronger!

Seeing this, Lan Qi also knows that with his current physical condition, he is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of this guy.

But at this time, there is absolutely no option to go back.


"I said, step back! Leave everything to me!"

Lanci interrupted Shanna. , Undoubtedly uttered.

"Okay, I see, you...must be careful."

Shanna is also concerned and confused, so after being awakened by Ranchi's words, she immediately retreated.

Lest stay here, drag Ranchi's hind legs.

Because the gap between Heroic Rank and Powerhouse Rank is too huge.

"If I really die in the battle , I hope you can take care of yourself."

Lan Qi said silently in his heart, and then took a deep breath and confronted Cang Zhan Said: "If the Cangsheng in your mouth is the powerhouse-level power that came with Human Race before, then you are right."

"He was indeed solved by me."

This is attracting firepower, the hatred of La Cang Zhan.

Even if Ranchi is not Cang Zhan's opponent now, it is not a problem to delay Cang Zhan with his life.

As long as it can be delayed until Serratel and Tiana meet, Naranchi's mission is over.

"Okay, very good!"

"I'm still worried that you won't admit it. It seems that you are indeed brave."

Cang Zhan's face was savage, extremely angry, and laughed.

The death of Cang Sheng was something that Cang Zhan never thought of anyway.

So Cang Zhan appeared here at this moment, naturally to avenge Cang Sheng, after beheading the culprit, then bloodbath the entire Dwarf Race to bury Cang Sheng!

The real warrior shouldn't have died so desperately!

"What you have done, then be prepared to pay the price."

"If you stop the great war god, you must be able to move forward. The end is to be buried here!"

While talking, Cang Zhan moved forward slowly.

Step on the void, every step you take, this space will violently shake once.

The cracks spread from the sky, and the brilliance of the coercion hiding the sky and covering the earth is coming, like an overwhelming tide.

Such a vast and majestic power all explains one thing.

Cang Zhan’s cultivation realm is high enough to make people desperate.

It may not be terrifying like the powerhouse Supreme Peak, but compared to Ranchi, it is definitely much stronger.

"How can there be such terrifying coercion!"

"Which power appeared on the battlefield, how could such terrifying..."

"What a powerful force this is, I actually don't raise even when I stand."

"Are you the helper of Human Race?"

"Support... Can't hold it..."

The violent power surged freely, oppressing the Dwarf Race clansman outside the Dwarf Race King City, and the clansman of Human Race, all knelt to the ground, impossible to move.

Everyone feels that their backs are as heavy as a mountain.

And those Heroic Rank powerhouses that belonged to Cang Zhan's command, at this moment, they also landed on one knee, bowing their heads with pious expressions.

"Congratulations to Master Cang Zhan for the battle!"

Under this majestic sea-like pressure, this shout added a bit of majesty and solemnity.

The coercion of Cang Zhan, the target of the impact is no distinction between the enemy and the enemy.

But in this case, for this battle, simply won't have any effect.

Because as long as Ranchi is defeated, the impossible powerhouse-class power that can stop Cang Zhan will appear among the remaining people.

Therefore, the battle outside the Dwarf Race King City, even under the pressure of Cang Zhan, was forced to stop.

For Human Race, there is no harm.

After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, Human Race itself is at a disadvantage.

Now the battle has entered a suspended state, which just happens to give the soldiers of Human Race a chance to breathe.

"Damn...Although I was mentally prepared..."

"But this is too strong."

Under the impact of the coercive force that Cang Zhan erupted, a sweetness in his throat, a mouthful of blood suddenly poured out.

But Ranch quickly swallowed it forcibly.

It's just that Ranqi's face has become even paler.

This is not due to panic or nervousness, but because of Ranchi's physical condition, which is really bad.

After suffering from Cangsheng's self-destruct, Lanqi was already seriously injured.

In addition to the cultivation realm of Cang Zhan, even Ranchi in the Peak state is not as good.

So at this moment, even though Lanqi has tried his best to burst out his own Dragon's Prestige and want to fight Cang Zhan, in the end, he still has insufficient strength.

Not only the hard power is suppressed, even if the physical condition is too different.

"Your physical condition does not seem to be very good."

"It stands to reason that I disdain to take advantage of others, but for the sake of the great god of war, even if it violates My principle does not matter."

"But you can rest assured, because soon, the entire Dwarf Race will be buried with you in this place!"

Cang Zhansu As he said, the Battle Qi inside his body also began to converge on his fists.

The majestic Battle Qi suddenly moved this world, and there was a violent tremor.

All of a sudden, the weather changed, lightning flashed and thundered.

Every time Cang Zhan takes a step forward, the Battle Qi on his fist becomes more majestic, and the surrounding space is crushed by the oppression.

"Farewell, giant dragon."

Raised both fists, Cang Zhan stood still, then prepared his left fist and threw his right fist forward.

This fist, looks unpretentious.

It seems to be so simple that any cultivator can be avoided as easy as blowing off dust.

However, only Lanci, who faced Cang Zhan’s blow, could feel the terrifying of this fist.

Time seems to have stopped in this brief moment.

The space is also firmly locked.

The terrifying fist wind is like a tsunami in the sky, roaring wantonly, crushing every inch of space it passes into powder.

In this brief moment, Lan Qi faced it as if it was not a simple punch, but the whole piece of Heaven and Earth.

Depressed and vast, it makes people shudder.

"Even if I know that I will definitely lose, I am absolutely impossible not to resist!"

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