If you want to get back the previous offensive rhythm, it depends on the enemies who are already prepared, and you can’t agree.

Fighting countless Cangsheng, impossible does not understand this truth.

But at this moment, Cang Sheng still took the initiative to retreat Lan Qi.

That shows a problem-Cang Sheng's physical condition at the moment does not support him to continue fighting.

This is not only the severe pain from the heart, but also because the life force has burned to the end.

The life force like a candle in the wind, no matter how high the fighting intent is, it is powerless and simply cannot control the movements of the body.

"Your strength is beyond my imagination, but the final winner is still me."

"However, as a fighter, you It is worthy of respect, so I will not humiliate you. I hope you can die a little easier."

Lanci wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and then said aloud.

By the way, I glanced at the stone wall behind me.

In the battle just now, there was not even a trace of cracks appearing, and the degree of hardness can be imagined.

It's a pity that these stone walls can't be moved out. Otherwise, these stone walls that can't even be broken by the powerhouse class are used as city walls. I really think about it and I feel terrifying.

"Giant dragon, although the final winner, it is already impossible to be me."

"But it may not be you!"

Cang Sheng can see Know your current situation, so you will not escape this fact.

It's just the smirk that suddenly appeared on Cang Sheng's face, but Ranqi suddenly felt a sense of palpitations.

"What do you want to do?!"

"No, you should leave your life here as soon as possible!"

Lan Qi's eyes narrowed, and Without analyzing the meaning of what Cang Sheng said, he kicked his feet and rushed directly towards Cang Sheng.

The speed is so fast, it seems like a teleportation.

Even the sound of the sonic boom can't catch up with the appearance speed of Ranchi's afterimage.

"You are thinking about doing it now, it's too late!"

"I used my last bit of strength to shake you back, you really think it's just that I can't support it Live it?"

Cang Sheng panted and let out a laugh that made his back chill.

Although it sounds short of breath, the resentment and resentment contained therein can make people shudder.

"For the great god of war! It is my glory to die here!"

With a solemn roar, the imposing manner erupted from Cangsheng unexpectedly appeared Has exploded sharply.

The imposing manner that is majestic like the sea, but it also looks like a tsunami, chaotic and terrifying!

"You want to self-destruct!"

Lanqi reacted instantly.

This guy Cang Sheng, at the last moment of his life, chose to use this method to end himself.

And listening to what Cang Sheng said, simply had this plan a long time ago.

"I can't stop it, damn it!"

Things like self-destruct were originally used to perish together.

At the last moment, no matter who it is, it is impossible to stop it.

So if it weren't for someone with a tenacious heart and a tenacious heart, it would be simply impossible to make this kind of decision.

Because if you can survive, who wants to use self-destruct to end yourself?

So most things like self-destruct only exist in "heard".

It can be said that it is extremely rare to see it.

However, at this brief moment, Lanci didn't know whether to say he was lucky or unlucky.

The self-destruct, which is almost invisible at ordinary times, happens in front of my eyes, and I can watch it from such a close distance.

The guy who just thought of doing this kind of thing was a powerhouse-level powerhouse, even Ranch was covered with a cold sweat behind his back.

And the most critical question is if Cang Sheng is self-destructing in the Colosseum.

Then Ranchi has nowhere to avoid the explosion.

This is the most terrifying thing.

It was also something that Ranqi had just noticed, an extremely important thing.

"Next time I enter the Colosseum, I must do it quickly!"

Lanqi's action towards Cangsheng stopped instantly.

Then the whole person was like a beam of light reflected by a mirror, ignoring all the inertia, and directly bounced towards the place in the Colosseum, farthest from Cangsheng.


A white light lit up, and the horrible imposing manner, also centered on Cangsheng, spread towards the surrounding area.

At this moment, the temperature inside the entire Colosseum rose to a terrifying point.

The violent power spread out rapidly, eroding every inch of the Colosseum.

It's like swallowing everything that can be affected.

And in a corner of the Colosseum.

Lan Qi has done his best to condense the shield to resist the horrible impact of Cangsheng's self-destruct.

However, the final blow released by the powerhouse-class powerhouse with his own life was obviously not so good to resist.

The shield from Lanqi condense, but persisted for a few seconds, was torn apart.

After this, all the remaining impact hit Ranchi.

Lanci had to let his body become a dragon, to continue to resist this majestic and violent force.

However, Longhua is nothing more than turning a small boat in the violent wind and waves into a sailing boat.

Compared with the vast ocean, it's still far behind.


Under the terrifying impact of self-destruct, the dragon scales were peeled off and blood splashed around.

Lanci is getting new wounds all the time.

Fortunately, the energy of self-destruct is not endless.

Lanci finally survived.

It's just the final image, which is a bit miserable.

The wounds covered with drenched with blood and the dark visceral blood at the corners of the mouth also proved the seriousness of the internal injuries.

Even every bone is experiencing severe pain.

If he didn't feel wrong, Ranchi can be sure that his bones should be covered with cracks.

It’s just that the giant dragon’s physique is extremely powerful, so it’s not impossible to act.

But if you want to return to Peak status, I am afraid that it will not be possible within a few months.

Even if Lanqi is willing to use Heaven and Earth luck at all costs to recover from his injuries, it is not something that can be done in a short time.

"Ahem... I finally made it through. Damn it. The first time I used the Colosseum, I met such a lunatic."

"Not so next time ." If you play it, you can kill it as soon as possible, so don't dawdle."

Lanci stood up from the ground leaning on the stone wall of the Colosseum.

After learning the lessons of this time, Lanqi also deeply realized how terrifying a madman who doesn't care about his life is.

If nothing happens, I will pull you crazy together.

This is too awesome right?.

Fortunately, this battle is over, and Cang Sheng has completely disappeared at this moment.

Next, it should be Ranchi's harvest time.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1919: Crazy)...

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