But at this moment, an ethereal voice came from the direction where Human Race was preparing to attack, but the tone was extremely cold.

"The army of Human Race, and the believers of the god of war, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Before the words fell, a dazzling light fell from the sky.

A silhouette bathed in this bright light, walking slowly, standing still in the void, looking at Cangming coldly.

"As expected, you really dare to attack the elf Holy City directly."

The person confronting Cangming is Tiana.

In fact, Tiana had already sensed it when Cang Ming led the army approaching.

The breath of powerhouse-class power is still too obvious in the eyes of the same realm.

"Oh? Such a powerful imposing manner...presumably, you are the elf queen."

Cangming's perception is also not weak, and she doesn't hide her from Tiana. He immediately noticed Tiana’s realm.

It is also a powerhouse-level power!

Although in the same realm, the gap between strengths and weaknesses can indeed be pulled to a large extent.

But in the case of not fighting with each other, unless it is between the powerhouse-level power and the powerhouse-level Supreme Peak, there will be a side-to-side crush.

Otherwise, even if the winner can be distinguished, it will take a long time.

even more how, the realm gap between Tiana and Cangming is not as big as imagined.

And the biggest difference between the two is that Tiana's rank is bright magician, and simply is not a rank that is good at fighting.

But Cang Ming lives by fighting, undoubtedly possessing tyrannical battle strength.

This is the difference.

And Cang Ming was naturally aware of this, so after recognizing Tiana's identity, he couldn't help but sneered.

"Bright magician? It is really a rank that fits the character of nosy."

"I originally thought that the Elf Queen would be an archer."

"It's a pity, you want to protect your race with this rank without the slightest battle strength, that's a wishful thinking."

At the end of Cang Ming's words, coldly snorted.

The expression on his face didn't even put Tiana in his eyes.

In Cang Ming's view, this kind of purely auxiliary rank is simply not worthy of fighting him.

Even if they are both powerhouse-level powers, they are good at completely different directions. If only talking about battle strength, Cangming is simply bullying people.

"If I only talk about fighting, I'm really inferior to you."

Tiana chuckled and admitted her shortcomings openly.

Guangming magician does not have battle strength, it is something everyone knows, there is nothing to hide simply.

"However, if you only need to contain you, it is still enough!"

At this point, Tiana's eyes suddenly became cold.

Although speaking of bright magician, the first idea of ​​most cultivators is pure assistance.

But the real situation is somewhat different.

Guangming magician is an auxiliary rank, yes, but in addition to the ability of auxiliary, Guangming magician involves restricting the enemy's power, and it is also not weak.

"hmph! Just rely on you, want to contain me?"

"It's a joke!"

Cang Ming snort disdainfully for Tiana .

In a large-scale battle, even if it is just to contain the enemy, it must have enough battle strength to do it.

Otherwise, it will at most cause some trouble that's all.

Simply can't stop the enemy's killing.


Tiana narrowed her eyes slightly, and there was a trace of dangerous rays of light flashing in her eyes.

"Bound of light, hold yourself!"

In the next second, Tiana waved her hand.

The magical elements immediately gathered and disappeared. In an instant, a prison composed of rays of light was condense beside Cangming.

The speed was so fast that even Cang Ming did not react.

"such insignificant ability, break for me!"

After Cang Ming saw the rays of light in front of him clearly, his face sank, and Battle Qi condensed in the palm of his hand Go up and shoot towards the rays of light prison.


There was a loud noise.

The violent Battle Qi exploded in the sky, bursting out terrifying power.

However, the rays of light prison did not show any damage.


Realizing this, Cangming frowned immediately.

The Binding of Light is a purely controlled magic, without any damage ability.

But it can trap the target in the rays of light prison, unable to break free, and even the strength of the trapped person cannot pass the rays of light prison.

If you want to break the rays of light prison, unless you can crush the magical releaser in terms of strength.

Or let others attack from outside the rays of light prison.

However, in this situation, there is only Cang Ming who is qualified to confront Tiana.

Other people want to attack the rays of light prison from the outside, it is a kind of extravagant hope.

Because Tiana has no combat capability, but where is the cultivation realm.

Even if you just use the powerhouse-level coercive force to impact, you can make the Heroic Rank realm's cultivator inaccessible.

Unless it is another powerhouse-level power, it's pretty much the same.

However, the only powerhouse-level power assigned to Holy City is Cangming.

So what Tiana said before is really not empty words, but seeking truth from facts.

I can't fight it.

But if it is just a check, there is no problem at all.

"Damn! Unorthodox way!"

"But it doesn't matter, even if I don't participate in the war, but as long as I can make you unable to participate in the war, Holy City, the wizard, will also be breached!"

"This battle, you are impossible to win!"

After Cang Ming saw the situation clearly, he didn't make unnecessary struggles anymore.

That's all that's just a waste of one's own strength.

But just as Cangming said, if Tiana can't participate in the war either.

The fighters led by Cangming, who belonged to the gods of war, were a hundred Heroic Rank powerhouses with full budget.

They are now included in the offensive army of Human Race.

So in terms of the number of Heroic Rank powerhouses, Human Race completely crushes Elf Race.

Under such a huge gap, even if Elf Race possesses the undead recovery magic, I am afraid that I don’t want to defend Holy City.

That's why Cang Ming is so confident.

Since the last time when attacking Hammer City, twenty Heroic Rank powerhouses were not enough.

Then this time is five times!

Cang Ming wants to let these races who dare to be disrespectful to the god of war know that in the face of absolute power, those unorthodox ways are heretics!

Since it is a heresy, it should disappear!

And the attacking army of Human Race, in this brief moment, also as Cang Ming said, launched a charge against the elf Holy City.

Hundreds of Heroic Rank powerhouses opened the way in the forefront, simply sweeping through all obstacles.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1905: Speaking of containment, is containment)...

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